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Training Manual 5/8/2013. Table of Contents. Start Up Operation. Turn on all Computers, both Televisions and Video Wall. Computers need total start up. Must turn on by power start up on both towers (located under each workstation desks). Then turn on your monitors.
Start Up Operation Turn on all Computers, both Televisions and Video Wall. Computers need total start up. Must turn on by power start up on both towers (located under each workstation desks). Then turn on your monitors. Televisions turn on by the button located under the right corner of television and placed on News or the Weather channel. Video Wall turns on with the remote control, located at Supervisors desk. Place remote in the center of the wall and hold the blue power “ON” button down until all lights on Video wall have disappeared. Video images will appear momentarily. Both remotes should stay at the Supervisors desk at all times.
Computer Log In Terminal One First Computer terminal go to the D3 Intranet site http://home/ and open the following links: Florida Highway Patrol: Traffic Crash Report: www.flhsmv.gov/fhp/traffic My Florida 511 – Traveler Information: www.fl511.com D3 Website: http://d3sunguide.com/ Weather Website: http://www.wunderground.com/ Instant Messenger: Google Talk
Computer Log In Terminal Two Option 1:SunGuide Log In: There are 2 ways this can be done. Option 1: • D3 Intranet site - http://moms:8080/ • Place mouse over TMC Operations • Then scroll down to Operation • Click on SunGuide • Which will automatically pop up the SunGuide Map and Login Screen • Enter your Username: and Password • Then click on Login
Computer Log In Terminal Two Option 2: • Click on Internet Explorer. In your Address Bar, type SunGuide then press enter. Your operational map will open. • Next, choose Operator Map. • A login window will appear for your user name and password. Click Login.
Computer Log In Terminal Two • Once logged in the SunGuide Map will automatically appear on your screen.
OPENING CONTROL WINDOWS First time signing into the SunGuide system you will need to set up your map and windows, once saved it will automatically load every time you sign on. All windows are opened by right-clicking on the map. The window positions can be saved once organized on your screen. This is the list of windows that should always to opened in SunGuide: Operator Map Video Wall Control Camera Control DMS Queue Manager Detail DMS Status RWIS Station Status -“This will need to be opened every time you log in.”
Video Wall Set Up Work Station 1: CCTV List I-10 CCTV I-110 MVDS MVDS 0.6 EB 0.1 NB 0.1 E&W 6.8 EBM 1.6 EB 0.2 M 0.6 E&W 6.8 WBM 3.2 EB 0.4 M 1.0 E&W 7.5 E&W 4.2 EB 1.3 M 1.6 E&W 8.1 E&W 5.3 M 2.1 NB 2.2 E&W 8.6 E&W 6.8 M 2.7 SB 2.7 E&W 9.2 E&W 8.1 EB 4.1 SB 3.2 E&W 10.0 EB 9.2 EB 4.7 SB 3.7 E&W 10.0 WB 10.0 EB 5.6 NB 4.3 E&W 10.0 WB SR-196 SB 4.8 E&W SR-196 NB 5.3 EBM 5.3 WBM 5.8 E&W 6.3 E&W
Video Wall Set Up Work Station 1: CCTV List I-10 CCTV I-10 MVDS MVDS 10.5 WB 18.9 M 10.5 E&W 6.8 EBM 11.4 EB 19.7 WB 11.1 E&W 6.8 WBM 12.2 EB 21.4 M 11.4 E&W 7.5 E&W 12.7 EB 23.5 EB 12.2 E&W 8.1 E&W 13.7 EB 25.6 M 12.7 E&W 8.6 E&W 14.9 EB 26.6 WB 13.2 E&W 9.2 E&W 15.7 EB 28.1 EB 13.7 E&W 10.0 EB 16.3 M29.9 EB 14.2 E&W 10.0 WB 17.3 EB 30.9 M 14.9 E&W 17.9 WB 32.6 EB15.4 E&W 15.7 E&W 5.3 WBM 5.8 E&W 6.3 E&W
Road Ranger Activation “be sure to verify if the correct Road Ranger is associated with Vehicle at the beginning of the shift.” To activate the Road Ranger in the SunGuide System, go to the Event List. Click on the tab AVL/RR . Click on the Vehicle that will be used, then on the Status: drop box will appear scroll down go to Start Shift, Driver: pick the driver on shift. Beat: Always PNS, Telephone: The number associated with that Road Ranger on shift. Click Set State. Then change the Road Ranger Status from Start Shift to Patrolling so you are able to dispatch him to incidents.
Device Check List • All devices must be checked at the beginning of each shift. You are checking for any errors, failed devices or any problems that may need a work order for service. • If there are any devices that have a problem, advise the Supervisor on duty. The Device Checklist is located in two places: • D3 Intranet - http://moms:8080/ TMC Operations/Performance Measures/Device Checklist • D3 Network Server – tmcoperations/Device Checklist/dbom_device_checklist
Device Check List • Once opened, you must Save As immediately: • dbom_device_Checklist with your initials and todays date. The following items must be checked: • 511: Camera Images, Incidents, DMS, Travel Times • Ivedds: Video Images, Events • D3Sunguide.com • CCTV • DMS • RWIS • Once you have checked each item an X must be placed in each section stating that device is working properly. • If not the following should be used: DMS (# Pixels, or OOS) CCTV, MVDS – (OOS) Then put Log into monthly folder. Advise the Supervisor on duty of any Device issues.
Checking DMS Dynamic Message System Using your Detailed DMS Status Window. Choose your desired DMS. (Example 4.4EB) Choose four details for status. • Pixels – Normal - Green. Faults - Red square(s) Open window completely • Fans – Normal “No fan errors reported”. Any faults will show error • Power – Normal- OK- Low 2800 – High 3000 • Temperature – Normal should coincide with current weather Notify Supervisor on shift of any issues with a DMS We are not currently using the Lamps function at this time.
Checking MVDSMicrowave Vehicle Detection System SunGuide Map • Click on the green lanes on the desired MVDS (example 23.5EB Link • The Detector Status Window will appear. It will show you the travel speed for all lanes. If the speeds are lower than the threshold, the lanes will change color. If there is an error or failed, it will be displayed on the status window. You have the option to open your MVDS window (left click to open)to monitor speeds. Any errors will be noted on the Device Checklist. You are checking Link 1 and Link 2
MVDS • Lane Speed – Normal will show approximate lane speed. • Occupancy – Depicts how many vehicles are traveling passed the detector every 60 seconds. • Volume – We are not currently using this feature MVDS Quick Check • When you are checking your MVDS, you can always do a quick check. Simply place your mouse over the top of your MVDS icon this will show your Speeds, Percentage and Occupancy.
Checking Cameras Video Wall Control Window The video wall is comprised of 24 cubes, which can be reformatted at when needed. You will be selecting your cameras for touring.
Cameras • In your Sources Window: Pick the desired camera(s) you want to place into cube. (Example: CCTV _I-10_25-6_M) • Once you have chosen your camera, a Green camera will be tied to your mouse then drag and drop to your Video Wall Control window. You will choose 8 cameras until you have filled in all your assigned cubes. Now you are ready to tour your cameras
Camera Tours You are to tour your camera’s every 20 minutes. When you are done with your camera you are to leave it on Preset 1 or 3 during your shift for the camera tour window. (unless you are working an incident). Then release your camera. While touring, you may notice a delay with adjustment. You may also notice that you can’t use your PTZ option. You may see a dirty camera or debris on the lens. Your camera might flicker or go from light to dark. There may be various reasons. These are all items that need to be logged in your Device Checklist and entered into MOMS. You also need to notify your Supervisor on shift of any problems you may have with any camera. The camera should never be left facing the sun, water, or clouds, only on the highway.
Camera Tours Using your Camera Control Window Operational Status: Active – Failed – Error – Out of Service Location: Where the camera is located Presets: Pre Assigned Directions Iris: Control the amount of light coming into camera Focus: Aids when you are zoomed into an object (cameras are set for manual)
Camera Tours Click on the camera you wish to tour. Once you have chosen the camera, you now have control. Preset’s or the Joystick can be used to move the camera. For the cameras on I-10 there is a preset for East, Zoom East, West, Zoom West, DMS when applicable and MVDS when attached to that camera. On I-110 there is a preset for South, Zoom South, North, Zoom North, DMS when applicable and MVDS when attached to that camera. During your tour you are checking for PTZ. Which stands for: Pan – Panning is moving the camera in a 360° direction. Tilt- Tilt is where you can move up or down or left or right. Zoom- Zoom is moving the camera as far in/out as possible. Nudge – Moves the camera slightly in the desired direction.
Camera Touring/Presets The Preset on majority of the cameras on I-10 and I-110 are in the following order. • On I-110 • Preset 1- North • Preset 2- Zoom N • Preset 3- South • Preset 4- Zoom S • Preset 5- DMS (if there is one near that camera, if there is not a DMS in the this preset is allocated for the MVDS) • Preset 6 – MVDS • On I-10 : • Preset 1- East • Preset 2- Zoom E • Preset 3- West • Preset 4- Zoom W • Preset 5- DMS (if there is one near that camera, if there is not a DMS in the this preset is allocated for the MVDS) • Preset 6 – MVDS • On CCTV 12.2 Presets • Preset 1- I-10 East • Preset 2- I-110 South Ramp • Preset 3- I-10 West • Preset 4- I-10 East Ramp • Preset 5- Davis to I-110 • Preset 6- I-10 West Ramp • Preset 7- Zoom I-10 W • Preset 8- I-110 Zoom S • Preset 9- MVDS
Event Management • To ADD an Event : • Right Click on the SunGuide Map at the Mile Marker location of the Incident • Go to Event Management • Then Click on Add Event
Event Management Once you have clicked on Add Event the window shown below will appear.
Event Management You need to select the appropriate Event Type that applies to your incident. For Example: Crash
Event Management Next step is Notify Agency: How were you notified of the Incident, FHP Dispatch, Road Ranger, CCTV.
Event Management Your next selection is your Notifying Contact. Example: CCTV Operator, D3-1, FHP Dispatch, FDOT District 5
Event Management Status: In this option you are to choose Active. Then click Add Event. The only time and incident is created as Unconfirmed if Test ,Training or under Management Supervision.
Event Management A new window will appear. • Click on Event Location in Impact on Roadway section to verify the location selected is correct.
Event Management • If the location is incorrect you can change the following: • Changing the County • The Road I-10 or I-110 • Direction • Reference Point • Relationship To Exit • Once complete always hit Save Location/Congestion
Event Location • When clicking on the SunGuide Map for your event, your location will show up on your event. (rephrase)When creating an event, verify the MM location on the Map. • Verify the location is correct. If there is a discrepancy of location, you can change the location yourself. • Click on Event Location/Congestion and make necessary changes. • You must click on Save Location/Congestion. If you do not, you will loose all information you just entered.
Lane Blockage • You have to check the lane/shoulder(s) that are blocked by clicking on the green arrow. It will turn to an “X”. • You may have to add or remove a lane to make your response correct. Once you are finished you have to Save Blockage. • You must click on Save Blockage or you will loose all information you just entered.
Response Plan • The response plan should only be used when information needs to be posted on a DMS sign, FLATIS and/or an email alert needs to be sent. • If the incident does not meet any of the following criteria’s then no response plan is needs to be activated. • Once you have saved your Lane Blockage you have to scroll down to the bottom of your Event Form and choose Save, Get Response. • You will then receive a window: Suggested Response Plan. If all the information is correct in both grey boxes. • This information will go out in an e-mail and FL-ATIS. Select Set as Response.
Response Plan If there were any changes made to your Event List, use your drop down and choose “Add only new items to response plan” . Then you can Set as Response
Event Management • Once you click on Save As Response, you will then receive Response Plan Editor. • This window will allow you to add DMS(s) signs. • To add a DMS(s) sign, just click on Add DMS. • You will then receive a window with all your DMS signs. • Select the sign you are using, then click on Select DMS. • If there is any information in the Grey windows that is not correct for your sign, you can EDIT here. • Now you Active Plan. • Once the lane blockage changes your response plan must change as well. If there is no lane blockage or all lanes reopened the All Lanes Open message will not be activated. • Remove the DMS message and activate the response plan so the information is submitted to FLATIS 511.
Group EditShould only be used for the following: Public Safety Advisory, Vehicle Alerts, Weather Information.
Editing the DMS Message • Editing the DMS for an incident (Group Editing should not be used). If the information that is being displayed needs to be changed edit each sign being used individually.
Dispatching Road Ranger • Click on Vehicle Dispatch • Below Vehicle there is a drop down box . • Click on the Road ranger Vehicle that you want to dispatch. • Then click on Dispatch
Road Ranger Arrival Once the Road Ranger has arrived on scene in the Vehicle Dispatch section Click on Arrive.
Road Ranger on Scene of an Incident • Road Ranger will contact PRTMC and give the following information • Vehicle Description and the Activity that the Road Ranger will perform • Under Activity click the drop down box and pick the appropriate RR activity and then click add.
Road Ranger Departure Once the Incident is cleared: Vehicle Dispatch Click on Depart. That will clear the Road Ranger from the scene and allow him to be dispatched to another incident.
DMS Queue Manager This is your DMS Message Window. It will show you all DMS signs along with currently displayed messages. You can sort the DMS by making a selection in your drop downs in the Filter section (examples shown) When you have a DMS message up, you can select that DMS by selecting Show Queue sign for viewing. When travel times are displaying it will show 1 message. When you create additional messages it will display the number of messages in the Queue for that particular sign.
DMS Sign Queue To display your sign. Click Show Queue. Your DMS sign will appear Showing your messages. You have options to Edit, Change Priority, Remove and to Merge. You should also check with your response plan before making changes to your signs. If your sign is up in error, Choose Remove for that message
Event Details After you have activated your signs, go back to your Event Details list. You will have several entry boxes to fill in. Contacts: FHP or D2 (Name & Number) Check Add. Anticipated Clearance Time: Level 1: 30 min. Level 2: 30 min to 2 HRS Level 3: 2 Hours > FHP Incident # This is located on your FHP Website (may or may not be available) Organization, Notifying Agency, Notifying Contact and Event Type will already be filled in. That was done when you created the event.
Event Details Throughout your event you will have updates. Use the Operator Comment box at the bottom of the page to enter any information not available on the Event Management screen. When the incident has cleared and all Responders have left the scene and you have entered all your information. You then have to make sure you clear your Lane Blockage and make all lanes clear with the green arrow, then save.
Event Details Nearest CCTV: There is an entry box for your CCTV of your event. You have to unclick NO CCTV. Then use your drop down box for camera. Find the correct Preset. Click Save. If you were unable to locate the vehicle with the preset, please make notes in the comment section of how to locate the vehicle. (Preset 3, pan to the left) FHP Incident # is added here as well. (You get this information directly from the FHP Website.
Event Details Vehicles Involved: The Road Ranger will give the following information to enter: color, make or model of Vehicles. There is an option for OTHER (motorcycles, trailers, Tractor Trailers etc.). Do the best you can. FHP, Fire, EMS are not Vehicles involved. You have to put them under Responders.