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The Role of Multidisciplinary Teams to Combat Elder Abuse

The Role of Multidisciplinary Teams to Combat Elder Abuse. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. June 14, 2011 Northshore Harbor Center Slidell, LA. Presented by Ralph Oneal St. Tammany SALT Council, Inc. Role of Multidisciplinary Teams.

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The Role of Multidisciplinary Teams to Combat Elder Abuse

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Role of Multidisciplinary Teams to Combat Elder Abuse World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 14, 2011 Northshore Harbor Center Slidell, LA Presented by Ralph Oneal St. Tammany SALT Council, Inc.

  2. Role of Multidisciplinary Teams Develop resources to assist Elder Abuse victims and investigators Provide a “virtual Rolodex” of professionals from a variety of fields Inform and educate • Senior Citizens • General Public • Professionals Assist in development of programs and services to support Elder Abuse victims

  3. Developing resources to assist Elder Abuse victims and investigators • Social services professionals • Attorneys • Clergy • Medical professionals • Public Safety professionals • Financial services professionals • Mortgages • Investments • Banking

  4. Providing a “Virtual Rolodex” • Develop hard copy resources • Develop resource information for Internet • Member database • Valuable information links • Downloadable materials • Non-member references

  5. Inform and Educate Develop Public Information programs and materials for all ages • Senior Citizens • Mature adults • Adolescents Professionals • Continuous Education • General Information

  6. Development of Programsand Services • Direct assistance to Elder Abuse victims and investigators • Referrals • Short-term housing • Immediate personal necessities • Elder Abuse Support Groups

  7. Composition of Team Look Around You

  8. St. Tammany Elder Abuse Support TeamEAST • Multidisciplinary • Supports EPS & Victims • Developed with Federal Grant

  9. Role of Multidisciplinary Teams Whatever WORKS!

  10. St. TammanyElderAbuseSupportTeam JOIN US TODAY

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