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English Language Arts 2014-2015. Ms. Mathis. August 20, 2012. Welcome back! It’s going to be a great year! Welcome and classroom expectations/procedures. “The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.” - Abraham Lincoln.
English Language Arts2014-2015 Ms. Mathis
August 20, 2012 Welcome back! It’s going to be a great year! • Welcome and classroom expectations/procedures
“The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.” - Abraham Lincoln
“All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality -- the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape.” - Arthur Christopher Benson
“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” - Confucius
“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss, "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!"
POWER-UP #1Journal8.21.12 In 8 sentences, describe the type of student you’d like to be this year. Be descriptive! 6 minutes
PLOT 1. Exposition- basic situation: setting, time period, main characters 2. Rising actions- events that lead to the climax; complications or events 3. Climax- the most suspenseful or surprising part in a story 4. Falling action- events leading to resolution 5. Resolution- the way the conflicts are resolved
Text-to-text: How does this book relate to other books you have read? Give an example. Text-to-world- How does this book relate to the world? Text-to-self: How does this book relate to you? Time period? Where does it take place?
Notes 8/27 • Conflicts are problems that characters, like real people, face. • Internal conflicts are problems that a character faces on the inside (emotions like sadness, anger, confusion). • External conflicts are problems that a character cannot control (their appearance, the weather, someone who is mean to them)
Determine whether the following items are internal or external conflicts. Determine how they could cause the opposite conflict, too. • Car wreck • Heartbreak over the death of a loved one • Breaking your leg before a state track meet • Cancer • Being cut from the baseball team • Failing the 8th grade because you can’t read well • Your best friend moves to another state • Parents divorcing • Your bf/gf broke up with you • Worrying about your grades • Making a decision whether or not to tell the truth
Power-up 7th grade9/13 • Journal: Have you ever wanted to do something that you thought would be too hard or that someone said you couldn’t do? What motivated you to overcome your difficulties? 4-5 sentences
1. Characterization- the art of creating characters 2. Direct characterization- when the narrator tells you what to think. Ex: “Harry Potter was brave.” 3. Indirect characterization- when we observe the character for ourselves. Ex: “Harry potter fastly approached Voldemort with his wand.”
Fix me sentences!! • This is there choice weather they like it or not. • She said your responsabul for you’re on work. • King Henry was a amazing persun who lead his country to a victorie. • Their to blame for what they done to there bed room. • She act like her ankle is broke but it aint. • He don’t apreshiate what his mother has sacrifite for him.
Chapter 1 of TKAM • Who was Simon Finch? Pg. 4 • What is Finch’s Landing and who lives there? Pg. 5 • What does the narrator’s father do for a living? Pg. 5 • What is the Haverford’s reputation? Pg. 5 • Describe how Dill looks. Pg. 8-9 • Describe Dill’s personality. 9 • What do the kids (Jem, Scout and Dill) do for fun? Pg. 9 • What is the Radley house like? Pg 10 • How are the Radley’s odd? Pg 11 • What is the setting of the story? (time period and place) • How did the narrator’s mother die? How old was the narrator when she died? Pg. 7 • Describe Arthur “Boo” Radley’s history. Pg 12
TKAM Chapter 2 1. Where does Dill go at the end of the summer? 2. A. Who is Miss Caroline and where is she from? B. Why do they judge her based on where she’s from? 3. Describe how Miss Caroline looks. Pg 21 4. Describe the way the children at school are dressed. Pg 22 B. Why don’t they like imaginative stories? 5. Infer why Miss C is mad that Scout can read on the first day of first grade? pg 22-23 6. How has Scout learned to read if her dad didn’t teach her? Pg 23 7. Is it wise that Miss C holds Scout back and punishes her for being an advanced student? B) How does education today differentiate between students’ learning styles? 8. “Wriggling like a bucket of Catawba worms” is an example of what figurative device, and what does it mean? Pg 22 9. Who is Walter Cunningham? What is he dressed like and why? Why doesn’t he have his lunch? What does it mean to be a Cunningham? Pg 25 • Why does Miss C fuss at Scout for telling her Walter’s financial situation. • Try to see things from Miss C’s point of view. What might she be dealing with underneath the surface? • What are the family names we’ve seen from Maycomb so far in this story? • What do you think entailment means based on Walter C’s deal with Atticus?
Chapter 3 • Why is Scout attacking Walter? Who stops her and why? • Describe what Walter looks like. Pg. 30 • What does Jem’s invitation to Walter for dinner say about him as a person? 31 • Why has Walter not finished first grade? Why does he know so much about farming? 32 • Infer: Why does Walter put molasses all over his dinner? • What important lesson about manners does Cal teach Scout? 33 • Why does Scout want to drown herself after Cal fusses at her? What is their relationship like? Is this typical? • Scout wants Cal fired. What does Atticus say about Cal? What does this reveal about their relationship? Pg 33 • Contrast Little Chuck Little and Burris Ewell’s treatment of Miss C. 35 • Describe Miss C’s altercation with Burris. Why do the Ewells only come on the first day? Describe how they live. 40 • What advice does Atticus give Scout? • What deal do Scout and Atticus make? What type of father is he?
3rd period: Oct 16th Look back at your past stems and this week’s stems and write one sentence each using your example words. Make sure that the sentences make sense!!! 15 minutes. You will turn in today!
Chapter 4 1. Why does Scout feel that she has been cheated out of something at school? 44 2. What is the first item Scout finds in the knothole of the tree? Why does Jem make her get rid of it? 3. How has Scout and Cal’s relationship changed? Is this change because of Scout or Cal? 45 4. What is the children's’ best season and why? 5. What else do the children find in the knothole? Who do you think is putting them there? 6. Describe Dill’s story of travel from Meridian. Do you believe it? Why or why not? Pg 47 7. What are “Hot Steams” according to the children? What are some superstitions you’ve heard of? 49 8. What happens when Scout is pushed into the yard in the tire? How are the kids’ activities starting to get dangerous and disrespectful? 50 9. Describe the play that Scout, Jem and Dill make up. 52 10. Does Atticus know the truth about their game? How do you know? Why else had Scout wanted to stop playing? 54
Chapter 5 1. Describe Miss Maudie. 2. What is a “foot-washing” Baptist, according to Miss Maudie? 3. What does Miss Maudie mean by “sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of—oh, your father”? 4. Why do you think Scout doesn’t understand Miss Maudie’s analogy? 5. What do you think Scout means when she tells Dill, “You act like you grew ten inches in the night”? 6. What is the plan to get Boo Radley to come out? How well does the plan work? Why? 7. What is the oldest lawyer trick in the book? Who else used that trick in this chapter?
Chapter 6 1. Who is Mr. Avery? What do the kids wait for him to do every night? 2. Why do they decide to wait until nightfall to peek into the Radleyhouse? 3. What happens to the children on the porch of the Radley’s? 4. How does Dill claim Jem lost his pants? Does Scout understand what this mean? 5. Scout says that “Matches were dangerous, but cards were fatal”. What does this mean? What does this reveal about their society? 73 6. What nickname does Jem call Scout? Why does he call her this and bully her for acting like a girl? What’s your opinion? Pg 68 7. What does Jem do after he knows Atticus is asleep? What is his reasoning for doing so? 8. How does Scout show maturity when she pleads with Jem at the end of the chapter? 9.This chapter is a good example of suspense. List 4 examples of how the author builds suspense throughout the chapter?
Chapter 7 1. What secret does Jem reveal to Scout? Who do you think fixed his pants? Why did he keep this information from Scout? 2. What new treasures do the children find in the knothole? (There are 6) 3. What strategy do the kids use to determine whether or not someone intends for them to take the treasures from the knothole? 4. Do you still think the person from Chapter 6 is leaving these items? Why or why not? 5. What does Jem learn about in the sixth grade? What else do you know or have you learned in school about these people? 6. Who does Scout think has been leaving the treasures? 7. Describe the seasons of Maycomb, Alabama. How is it like South Carolina? 79 8. How do the kids express their appreciation to theperson who’s leaving the treasures? 9. What do they see the next day? Why do you think Mr. Nathan Radley told the kids that the tree was dying? 10. How does this incident affect Jem? What does this continue to reveal about his character traits?
Chapter 8 1. Who died this winter? 2. Why does Scout think that the world is ending? On what does Mr. Avery blame this weather? 3. Why do the kids get in trouble for their snowman? How do they disguise it? 4. What does Scout worry about if the Finch house should catch fire? 5. Why were the firemen having such trouble putting out the fire? 6. What happens to Scout the night of the fire? Who witnesses this? What is your reaction? 7. How does Miss Maudie react to the fire? What is she looking forward to? What does this say about her character traits?
Chapter 9 1. Why does Scout almost get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs? 2. Why does Atticus feel he needs to defend Tom Robinson? What is your opinion? 3. A: What do you think Atticus means when he says, “Just because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us to not try to win”? B: What does his defending Tom reveal about his character? 4. Where does the Finch family go every Christmas? 5. What do the children get for Christmas? 6. A: What problem does Aunt Alexandra have with the way Scout is growing up? B: How does she attempt to provide female influence? C: What is your opinion? 7. What are the gender roles discussed in this chapter? 109 8. A: Why does Scout get in a fight with Francis? B: What is the result? C: Would you have done things the same as Scout or differently, and why? 9. Describe Scout’s relationship with Uncle Jack. Why does he keep his promise? 10. What is Maycomb’s disease? What is “let this cup pass from you” an allusion to?
Chapter 9 1. Why does Scout get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs? 2. Why does Atticus feel he needs to defend Tom Robinson? What is your opinion? 3. A: What do you think Atticus means when he says, “Just because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us to not try to win”? B: What does his defending Tom reveal about his character? 4. Where does the Finch family go every Christmas? 5. What do the children get for Christmas? 6. A: What problem does Aunt Alexandra have with the way Scout is growing up? B: How does she attempt to provide female influence? C: What is your opinion? 7. What are the gender roles discussed in this chapter? 109 8. A: Why does Scout get in a fight with Francis? B: What is the result? C: Would you have done things the same as Scout or differently, and why? 9. Describe Scout’s relationship with Uncle Jack. Why does he keep his promise? 10. What is Maycomb’s disease? What is “let this cup pass from you” an allusion to?
Chapter 10 1. A: Name five things we learn about Atticus in this chapter. B: How does Scout feel about her father at the beginning of this chapter? C: Is her opinion of her father typical of a child/parent relationship? Why/Why not? 2. According to Miss Maudie, why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? B: What is your opinion of this? 3. What does Miss Maudie teach Scout about her father? This continues the theme of the book that most people are misunderstood. B: Think of a person you know that you had a negative impression of, but who turned out to be different than you expected. 4. Who is Tim Johnson? What is wrong with him? 5. Why does Mr. Tate give the rifle to Atticus, rather than shooting the dog himself? 6. Why do Jem and Scout now have a new appreciation for Atticus? 7. Why do you think Atticus kept this skill from his children? 8. On page 130, we read indirect characterization when we read Miss. Maudie’s description of Atticus. List 3 of his character traits according to her.
Chapter 10 1. A: Name five things we learn about Atticus in this chapter. B: How does Scout feel about her father at the beginning of this chapter? C: Is her opinion of her father typical of a child/parent relationship? Why/Why not? 2. According to Miss Maudie, why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? B: What is your opinion of this? 3. What does Miss Maudie teach Scout about her father? This continues the theme of the book that most people are misunderstood. B: Think of a person you know that you had a negative impression of, but who turned out to be different than you expected. 4. Who is Tim Johnson? What is wrong with him? 5. Why does Mr. Tate give the rifle to Atticus, rather than shooting the dog himself? 6. Why do Jem and Scout now have a new appreciation for Atticus? 7. Why do you think Atticus kept this skill from his children? 8. On page 130, we read indirect characterization when we read Miss. Maudie’s description of Atticus. List 3 of his character traits according to her.
CHAPTER 11 1. Describe Mrs. Dubose. 2. Why does Jem destroy Mrs. Dubose’s flower garden? 3. What does Atticus mean when he says, “This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience—Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man”? 4. What is Jem’s punishment for ruining the flower garden? 5. Why is Mrs. Dubose so sick? 6. What does Atticus tell Jem was the one thing Mrs. Dubose wanted to do before she died? 7. What does Mrs. Dubose give Jem? 8. What is the reason Atticus wanted Jem to meet Mrs. Dubose?
CHAPTER 11 1. Describe Mrs. Dubose. 2. Why does Jem destroy Mrs. Dubose’s flower garden? 3. What does Atticus mean when he says, “This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience—Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man”? 4. What is Jem’s punishment for ruining the flower garden? 5. Why is Mrs. Dubose so sick? 6. What does Atticus tell Jem was the one thing Mrs. Dubose wanted to do before she died? 7. What does Mrs. Dubose give Jem? 8. What is the reason Atticus wanted Jem to meet Mrs. Dubose?
Extended response: 26. Discuss the theme of the story thus far and how it continues to resurface. 5 sentences 27. Identify the plot elements based on PART I: Exposition Rising actions Climax Resolution
Chapter 12 1. Why is Jem so “inconsistent and moody”? Is this typical of teenage boys? 2. Why wasn’t Dill able to come to Maycomb this summer? What does it mean that he got a new father? 3. Describe Calpurnia’s church. How did the church get its name? 4. How do the people at Cal’s church treat the children? What does this reveal about them? 5. Why doesn’t the church have hymn books? How is Cal different and why? 6. Why is the church collecting ten dollars? What does this reveal about them? 7. Of what is Tom Robinson accused? Why won’t anyone hire his wife? What is your opinion of these things? 8. Who is Zeebo? What does he do at the church? 9. How does Scout feel Calpurnia is different once she gets to church?
Chapter 12 1. Why is Jem so “inconsistent and moody”? Is this typical of teenage boys? 2. Why wasn’t Dill able to come to Maycomb this summer? What does it mean that he got a new father? 3. Describe Calpurnia’s church. How did the church get its name? 4. How do the people at Cal’s church treat the children? What does this reveal about them? 5. Why doesn’t the church have hymn books? How is Cal different and why? 6. Why is the church collecting ten dollars? What does this reveal about them? 7. Of what is Tom Robinson accused? Why won’t anyone hire his wife? What is your opinion of these things? 8. Who is Zeebo? What does he do at the church? 9. How does Scout feel Calpurnia is different once she gets to church?
Chapter 13 1. Why has Aunt Alexandra come to Maycomb? What do you think of this? 2. Describe Aunt Alexandra. Besides the fact that she once lived in Maycomb and she knows everyone, why does she fit in so well in Maycomb? 3. Give a brief description of how Maycomb was established. Why are so many people related to each other in some way? 4. Describe the premise of the “talk” Aunt Alexandra makes Atticus have with the children. According to Scout, why does the talk fail? 5. What does this conversation between Atticus and the children reveal about their relationship as a family? 6. What else do we learn about the Ewells in this chapter? 7. What does it mean in the last sentence of the chapter when the narrator says “Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind of work”?
Chapter 13 1. Why has Aunt Alexandra come to Maycomb? What do you think of this? 2. Describe Aunt Alexandra. Besides the fact that she once lived in Maycomb and she knows everyone, why does she fit in so well in Maycomb? 3. Give a brief description of how Maycomb was established. Why are so many people related to each other in some way? 4. Describe the premise of the “talk” Aunt Alexandra makes Atticus have with the children. According to Scout, why does the talk fail? 5. What does this conversation between Atticus and the children reveal about their relationship as a family? 6. What else do we learn about the Ewells in this chapter? 7. What does it mean in the last sentence of the chapter when the narrator says “Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind of work”?
Analyze mood, tone and the effects of foreshadowing Identify moments of foreshadowing. How does this impact the mood? Chapter 15 1. Why do the men come to talk to Atticus at his house? What might this foreshadow? 2. Jem says he’s “just got this feeling.” What do you think he is worried about? How does this impact the mood? 3. Why do you think all the lights were off at the jailhouse except the one lamp Atticus brought from home? How does this impact the mood of the story? 4. Why is Atticus sitting in the jailhouse? What does this reveal about his character? 5. How do the men know that Mr. Tate won’t be coming to help Atticus? 6. Why do the men tell Atticus to leave? What do they want to do to Tom? What does this reveal about their society? 7. Who does Scout recognize? Why do the men finally leave? 8. Who was “covering” Atticus the whole time? 9. How does Atticus show his affection towards Jem? 10. Describe the overall mood of this chapter. What might this chapter foreshadow?
Chapter 16 1. Describe the atmosphere before the trial. Why are the blacks and whites separated? 2. Who is Dolphus Raymond? What do we learn about him and the way he lives his life? 4. Why don’t the Raymond children fit in? What is your opinion of this? 5. Although Atticus has been appointed (assigned) to defend Tom, the people of Maycombare against it. Why? 6. Who helps the kids find a seat in the courtroom? Where do they sit?
Chapter 17 1. Why does Atticus ask whether anyone called for a doctor? Why is this important? 2. Describe Mayella’s injuries. 3. Where do the Ewells live? Describe their home and living conditions. What does this reveal about them? 4. Why do you think the Ewells eat squirrel, possum, and rabbit? 5. Summarize Bob Ewell’s interpretation of the incident. 6. Why does Atticus ask Ewell to write his name? 7. What do you think Jem realizes when he pounds the rail and says, “We’ve got him”? 8. Describe Judge Taylor and Mr. Gilmer.
Chapter 18 1. Why does Mayella think Atticus is mocking her? 2. What more do we learn about the Ewell family from Atticus’s cross examination? 3. Describe the “incident,” according to Mayella’s testimony. 4. What is wrong with Tom Robinson’s left arm? How did it get this way? 5. Who does Atticus suggest actually beat up Mayella?
Chapter 19 1. Why does Atticus bring up the fact that Tom Robinson had been in trouble before? 2. Who does Tom work for? What does he do for him? 3. How does Tom’s story immediately contradict Mayella’s testimony? 4. How did Mayella get Tom to come inside the house? 5. How did Mayella get rid of the children that particular day? 6. What did Mayella do to Tom, according to his testimony? 7. Why did Tom run away from the Ewell place? What was his predicament? 8. Who came to Tom’s defense in the courtroom? What did he say? 9. Why do you think Tom was so scared of being accused of hurting Mayella? 10. Why does Dill get so upset at Mr. Gilmer that it makes him sick?
Chapter 21 1. Why does Calpurnia come to the courthouse? 2. Why do you think Atticus avoids answering Jem’squestion, “Do you think they’ll acquit (free from charges) him that fast?” What is your prediction? 3. Other than the fact that they didn’t know where the children were, why do you think Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra were so upset that the children were watching the trial? 4. About how long does it take for the jury to come up with their verdict? Why does this reveal some sense of hope? 5. How does Scout know the verdict before it is announced? “Each guilty was a separate stab” is an example of which figurative device? 6. Describe the atmosphere of the courtroom according to Scout. 281 7. What is the scene that the courtroom is compared to? (a previous chapter) Explain how the trial is similar to this past scene. 8. What is your reaction to the verdict? Why do you believe the jury found Tom guilty? 9. Why does Rev. Sykes say “Stand up. Your father’s passin’”? What does this reveal about the way the blacks feel about Atticus?
Chapter 21 1. Why does Calpurnia come to the courthouse? 2. Why do you think Atticus avoids answering Jem’squestion, “Do you think they’ll acquit (free from charges) him that fast?” What is your prediction? 3. Other than the fact that they didn’t know where the children were, why do you think Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra were so upset that the children were watching the trial? 4. About how long does it take for the jury to come up with their verdict? Why does this reveal some sense of hope? 5. How does Scout know the verdict before it is announced? “Each guilty was a separate stab” is an example of which figurative device? 6. Describe the atmosphere of the courtroom according to Scout. 281 7. What is the scene that the courtroom is compared to? (a previous chapter) Explain how the trial is similar to this past scene. 8. What is your reaction to the verdict? Why do you believe the jury found Tom guilty? 9. Why does Rev. Sykes say “Stand up. Your father’s passin’”? What does this reveal about the way the blacks feel about Atticus?
Chapter 21 1. Why does Calpurnia come to the courthouse? 2. Why do you think Atticus avoids answering Jem’squestion, “Do you think they’ll acquit (free from charges) him that fast?” What is your prediction? 3. Other than the fact that they didn’t know where the children were, why do you think Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra were so upset that the children were watching the trial? 4. About how long does it take for the jury to come up with their verdict? Why does this reveal some sense of hope? 5. How does Scout know the verdict before it is announced? “Each guilty was a separate stab” is an example of which figurative device? 6. Describe the atmosphere of the courtroom according to Scout. 281 7. What is the scene that the courtroom is compared to? (a previous chapter) Explain how the trial is similar to this past scene. 8. What is your reaction to the verdict? Why do you believe the jury found Tom guilty? 9. Why does Rev. Sykes say “Stand up. Your father’s passin’”? What does this reveal about the way the blacks feel about Atticus?
Chapter 22 • How do Scout, Jem and Dill EACH react to the verdict? What does this reveal about each of them? Describe each; not collectively • How do the colored folks react to the verdict? What does this reveal about them? • What is Miss Maudie’s view of the verdict and Atticus? • What does Jem say that he will do when he gets older? Why has he lost faith in their town that he once thought was so safe? What does he compare the town to? • What does Dill say that he wants to be when he grows and what is he trying to say? What is your opinion of the adult’s behavior compared to the children? Aren’t adults supposed to do what’s right and children make mistakes? • What is your prediction of what will happen based on Bob Ewell’s latest actions?
Chapter 22 • How do Scout, Jem and Dill EACH react to the verdict? What does this reveal about each of them? Describe each; not collectively • How do the colored folks react to the verdict? What does this reveal about them? • What is Miss Maudie’s view of the verdict and Atticus? • What does Jem say that he will do when he gets older? Why has he lost faith in their town that he once thought was so safe? What does he compare the town to? • What does Dill say that he wants to be when he grows and what is he trying to say? What is your opinion of the adult’s behavior compared to the children? Aren’t adults supposed to do what’s right and children make mistakes? • What is your prediction of what will happen based on Bob Ewell’s latest actions?
Chapter 23 • 1. How does Miss Stephanie embellish what happened to Atticus? • 2. Why does Atticus defend Bob’s actions to Jem? What is Atticus’s hope? • 3. What does Aunt Alexandra mean when she says that Ewell could do “something • furtive” to Atticus? • 4. Why was Tom given a death sentence? • 5. What are Jem’s suggestions for change in the court system and laws? • 6. Why did Atticus put a Cunningham on the jury? • 7. Why does Aunt Alexandra object to Scout inviting Walter Cunningham to the house? • 8. How does Jem try to make Scout feel better after her conversation with Aunt • Alexandra? • 9. According to Jem, who are the “four kinds of folks” in Maycomb? Explain how this • theory works. Why are the Finches at the top of this “chain”? • 10. What is the reason Boo Radley doesn’t come out of his house, according to Jem? • What does he mean by this?
Chapter 24 • 1. Briefly describe the women of Maycomb. How is this different to today? • 2. How does the author reveal the fact that these women are hypocrites? • 3. To whom might Miss Merriweather be referring when she says that there are some “good but misguided people in this town”? • 4. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says, “His food doesn’t stick going down, does it?” • 5. Why does Scout like men better than women? What is your opinion of this? • 6. What news does Atticus bring to Alexandra and Calpurnia? Explain what happened. • 7. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says that the town is “paying the highest tribute” to Atticus? • 8. Why do Aunt Alexandra and Scout pretend that nothing is wrong when they return to the ladies? How does this show that Scout is maturing? • 9. What is your opinion of what happened to Tom?