Collateral By Frankie Ingham
Location • The location in collateral starts of being set in a busy airport in LA we can tell that Tom Cruise has just landed for a business trip in La as another character says “enjoy LA” this really set the scene for a thriller because an airport means your travelling somewhere so its creates a good sense of mystery into why in Tom Cruise hear. The airport is very busy field with everyday travelling people. • The second setting is in a taxi rank where Jamie Fox is getting ready to start his shift; Jamie is getting his taxi prepared by cleaning and giving it a quick service. • It is very typical of this genre as its been set in an airport and a taxi rank as these are all everyday places which in the thriller genre are used all the time to create an effect that we can relate to.
Lighting • At first it starts of in a light bright scenery giving of a calm and sensitive vibe that you would get in an airport, lost of natural light coming in through window giving it a bright and energetic feel to the location. • But then it all changes into a dark gloomy place sort of the underworld of LA as you came from a very bright place then you go straight in to basically darkness and from this you can just tell that something is going to go wrong later in the film for Jamie fox.
Apprence/Props • Tom cruise enters the scene wearing a very smart grey suit very formal/ fashionable item of clothing this shows us that he earns a lot of money. He is also wearing a pair of sunglass, this is a very good way of hiding his identity and it gives us as the viewer a question to answer as why is he wearing them when he’s inside. say that he’s got a job to do. Cold colour-as he is a cold bloody killer. • Dull colours greens and browns casual everyday clothing. Briefcases sunglass taxis • The glasses give of an effect to say that he is bright intelligent. • The brief case and sunglass give of a feel of suspense to see what’s in the brief case how much will it relate to what’s in the film.
Camera Shots • There are many different camera shots used in Collateral there are establishing shot, wide angle shot, mid shot, medium close up, extreme close up, long shot, associated point of view, shallow depth of field and 2 shot. the director used these shot in the opening title sequence because by using close ups it creates suspense and makes us as viewers want to know more. • At the beginning you begin to see the characters identity and who he is. There is a wide angle shot with everyday commuters walking past and a good view of Tom Cruise and Jason Statham this tells us that they are both going to play a big part in the film. The shallow depth of field shot makes us a viewers look in closely and catches our eye when the suitcase is dropped and this then shows us that this is a very important part of the film, they also use a low angle as well on the suitcase. • The camera movements used in the opening sequence of Collateral are pan and track. They slowly introduces the taxi driver-with all the different kind of newspapers up to his face .It reveals the next protagonist in a close up .The movement helps you relate the objects to a person.
Sound • The opening title sequence starts off with diegetic sound of sounds at an airport aeroplanes taking off lots of people talking the sounds of people talking in the back ground gives an effect of that its and every day place, sounds that us a viewer’s here every day, sounds of people walking around, footsteps building up tension to create a sense of unknown for the audience as they don’t know who the people are and where they are going. A sound that would not of been herd by every one at the airport was when the brief case was dropped on the floor, but they made it out to be very loud so that it shows us that it had a lot of meaning to be that loud. • Non diegetic the upbeat music drums guitars. • The sounds of the tools and machinery tells us that there in a garage, and the sounds from all the other taxis; doors shutting, cars driving away, the horns going off again all create an effect of every sounds in that workplace/environment. When Jamie fox’s shuts his car door and gets into the taxi the music slows down very quiet almost stops and its like that he’s gone into his own world/zoned out and he’s getting ready for his day ahead of himWhen the taxi driver gets into his car he slams the door and the music stops this tells us that his fun/relaxing time is over and he's now gone out to start his shift.