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Unlocking the Power of Dopamine: The Natural Magic Explained

Discover the wonders of dopamine, a neurotransmitter crucial for brain-body communication. Learn about its functions, synthesis process, and effects on mental and physical well-being. Unravel the mysteries of this essential chemical messenger.

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Unlocking the Power of Dopamine: The Natural Magic Explained

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  1. No Side Talking Please. Mobiles Silent Please Smile  Question after the Presentation

  2. ”الناس ثلاثة“ روى كُميل بن زياد النخعي، قال: أخذ علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه بيدي، ثم قال: « يا كميل بن زياد القلوب أوعية فخيرها أوعاها للخير، أحفظ عني ما أقول لك:الناس ثلاثة:1- فعالم رباني،2- ومتعلم على سبيل نجاة،3- وهمج رعاع، أتباع كل ناعق، يميلون مع كل ريح، لم يستضيئوا بنور العلم، ولم يلجئوا إلى ركن وثيق.العلم خير من المال، العلم يحرسك وأنت تحرس المال، العلم يزكوا على الإنفاق، والمال تنقصه النفقة، العلم حاكم والمال محكوم عليه، ومحبة العلم دين يدان بها، العلم يكسب العالم الطاعة في حياته وجميل الأحدوثة بعد وفاته، وصنيعة المال تزول بزواله، مات خزان الأموال وهم أحياء، والعلماء باقون ما بقي الدهر؛ أعيانهم مفقودة وأمثالهم في القلوب موجودة. “ اسأل نفسك أين انت ؟

  3. Dopamine HO HO NH 2 The Natural Magic By / Mahmoud Elsalamouny

  4. What Is “ Dopamine” ? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is a chemical Receptor Released from a nerve to the next nerve to send the signal directly from the body parts to the brain and vice versa Monoamine Substituted Phenethylamine Dihidroxyphenylalanine DOPA

  5. Synapse “To Fasten Together” Greek Sending Neuron presynaptic End feet Post-Synaptic Synaptic Vesicle Receiving neuron Synaptic Cleft Chemical Synapse Electric Synapse In Vertebrates Invertebrates & Retina of eye

  6. Synapse Types Axodendritic Axoaxonic Dendrodendritic Axosomatic Calcium Control the releasing of neurotransmitters The amount of Calcium equal the amount of neurotransmitters released at the synaptic Cleft

  7. Biosynthesis of Dopamine OH OH O O NH NH NH 2 2 2 Hydroxylation decarboxylation OH OH OH HO HO Tyrosine L-Dopa Dopamine

  8. Releasing Centers Of Dopamine 3 basic Centers :- 1- Ventral Tegmentum Area Reward “Plessure”Center Mesencephalon 2-Linbic Center 3-Substantia Negra Center

  9. Effect of Dopamine 1- in mesolinbic Center When Dopamine Highly Effect “Hyper Dopamenergic activity” :- 1- Schizophrenia +ve signs 1-halousination (audio, Vision) 2-unacceptable actions 3-incorrelate Speech -ve signs 1-unconsious 2-Flat motion

  10. Effect of Dopamine 2- in ventral Tegmental area Reward Center project to numerous areas of the brain ,from the prefrontal cortex PFC to the caudal brain stem and several region in between When Dopamine Highly Effect “Hyper Dopamenergic activity” :- Happiness

  11. Effect of Dopamine 3- in Substantia negra (midbrain) Depletion of Dopamine neurons and midbrain lead to :- Effect the motor function of brain Symptom :- idiopathic Frozen shoulders

  12. Decreasing of Dopamine Releasing:- In Females Inhibit prolactine Secretion Lead to Irregular menstruation cycle Prolactinoma Called In that case we changes Dopamine by its precursor L-Dopa and Use Promotrepten have the same effect of Dopamine . Less polar In Males Cause “Prolactinoma” So, Lead to Decreasing in Spermatogenesis

  13. So, We Can Say Dopamine Is theNatural Magic

  14. ByeBye Friends

  15. References 1- Principles of behavioral Neuroscience , by/ Jackson Beatty, university of California – los angles,2001 2- Catecholamines ,Bridging basic science with clinical Medicine By/ David Goldstein , Richard McCarty , Graeme Eisenhoffer Academic press 1998 3- En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopamine 4- En.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTA Thanks to Dr.prof.Ahmad Raafat bassiouny Dr.prof.of Biochemistry,faculty of science.AU

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