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Motivation- Basic Concepts

Motivation- Basic Concepts. Unit VIII Motivation and Emotion. Instincts. ________ are complex behaviors that have ______ patterns throughout the species and are not _______ (Tinbergen, 1951)

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Motivation- Basic Concepts

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  1. Motivation- Basic Concepts Unit VIII Motivation and Emotion

  2. Instincts • ________ are complex behaviors that have ______ patterns throughout the species and are not _______ (Tinbergen, 1951) • Must be performed __________ in the same way as ____ members of a species in relation to a certain stimulus.

  3. DO humans have instincts? • During the height of the Instinct Theory craze a meta-analysis found ______‘instincts’ • This theory fell out of favor in psychology • Most human behaviors are ________ • Human behavior is rarely _______ and found throughout the species • Humans have _________ but not instincts • However, we may be __________ to act certain ways

  4. Needs vs. drives • A _______ is a requirement that ______ to be fulfilled. • You need to breathe, drink water, and eat food. • You need security. • You need _______. • You need (want) money (lots of it) • A need creates a state of ______ called a _____. • Drive keeps us _______ and working to fulfill the need. • If we are driven by our need for achievement (money, fame, property) we keep working to fulfill this need. • Needs can be biological, _______, and social.

  5. Biological Drives (Primary Drives) • _________ drive based on a ___________ state found in all animals. • Motivate behavior necessary for survival. • ________________ • Hunger • Thirst • Sex • _____________ psychology talks about the four Fs (fighting, fleeing, feeding, and reproducing)

  6. Homeostasis • ________ explains why we ______ fulfilling biological drives. • Is the ability or tendency of an organism to maintain internal ________ or balance. • A state of psychological equilibrium obtained when _______ of a drive has been ___________ or eliminated.

  7. Secondary Drives- not biologically dictated • ___________ drives • Wealth • ____________ • Fame

  8. Operant Conditioning • You do things to get ________ and to avoid __________ Go to work Come home at curfew

  9. Operant conditioning factors • __________- environmental cues that trigger a motive or a desire for a __________. • When a _________ creates goal-directed behavior- you do it to get a reward. Seeing a cue stimulates a motive. This is why ads use sex. It gets attention and stimulates a desire.

  10. Two general types of rewards • __________- from the action itself or from ________ • _________- for something ______

  11. Intrinsic motivators • Refers to ________ that comes from ______ an individual rather than from any ______ or outside rewards, such as money or grades. • It is ____________ than external motivation.

  12. Extrinsic motivators • Refers to __________ that comes from _________ or outside rewards, such as money or grades.

  13. Over justification effect • Where promising a _______ for doing something we already ______ to do results in us seeing the reward as the ____________ for performing the task. • When the reward is taken away, the behavior is likely to _____________.

  14. We need contact • Harry Harlow and the orphaned monkeys • Surrogate Mother 1- _______, food and warmth. • Surrogate Mother 2- _________, warmth but no food.

  15. Application of Harlow’s research

  16. Aggression • _________ that is intended to inflict _______ or ____________ harm on others. • Freud saw it as an _______ drive (__________) that builds up until released. • Society helps channel release into acceptable outlets: • ________ • Debates • Video games • _______ can increase aggression.

  17. Cultural Differences in Aggression

  18. Cultural differences in aggression

  19. Gender Differences: aggression

  20. Gender differences in aggression

  21. Why? • _______________? • Can be associated with _________ and _________ • Would explain how this pattern is seen throughout cultures • ________ influences?

  22. Jackson Katz: Violence against women- it’s a mans issue

  23. Achievement • ________ orientation • Desire to work ______ to do a good job • __________ • Take on difficult challenges just to get better • __________ • Enjoyment of pitting one’s skills against those of other people (this can hurt you and your groups though)

  24. Who achieves? • _____________ of those who achieve: • Fast learners • ___________ mental sets • Driven to live up to high internal standards • Self __________ • Take on responsibilities • Don’t bow to _______ pressures

  25. Affiliation • The ________ to be with other people • Increase when we feel _________ • Reduce _______ and anxiety • _____________ benefit

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