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Advisory Circular 150/5370-2F

Advisory Circular 150/5370-2F. Operational Safety on Airports During Construction. Presented to : Eastern Region 35 th Annual Airport Conference By : Khalil E. Kodsi, P.E. PMP Airport Civil Engineer, FAA Date : April 3, 2012. <Audience>. <Presenter’s Name, Title>. <Date>.

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Advisory Circular 150/5370-2F

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  1. Advisory Circular150/5370-2F Operational Safety on Airports During Construction Presented to: Eastern Region 35th Annual Airport Conference By: Khalil E. Kodsi, P.E. PMP Airport Civil Engineer, FAA Date: April 3, 2012 <Audience> <Presenter’s Name, Title> <Date>

  2. Team Members • AEA Rick Harner Civil Engineer / Project Manager • ACE Mike Rottinghaus Airport Engineer • ANM Steve Engebrecht Civil Engineer • AGL Al Richardson Program Manager • ANE John Merck Civil Engineer / Project Manager & ACSI • ASO Tommy Dupree Team Lead/Civil Engineer • AEA Evelyn Martinez Lead Airport Certification Safety Inspector • AAS-300 Phillip Davenport Airport Certification and Safety and Compliance Specialist • AAS-100 Khalil Kodsi Civil Engineer Rick Marinelli ISI - Contract Support

  3. This Revision – 2F • Applicability • Principal Changes • New construction limit and current projects • Responsibility for Safety During Construction • Construction Safety and Phasing Plans • Safety Plan Compliance Document

  4. Applicability • Whom this AC Affects: • Certificated Airports under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 139 • Construction projects for airports receiving funds under the Airport Improvement Program & Passenger Fair Charge Program • Not Required but Recommended: • Non-certificated airports without grant agreements.

  5. Principal Changes • Construction Activities are prohibited in all safety areas. • Guidance to incorporate Safety Risk Management is provided. • A checklist for writing the construction safety and phasing plans (CSPP) is included and recommended. • A guideline on how to write a CSPP is provided.

  6. Protection of Runway and Taxiway Safety Areas • No Construction within existing RSA • RSA can be temporarily adjusted (based on aircraft operations) • Temporary use of Declared Distances • Partial runway closure • No Construction within existing TSA • TSA may be temporarily adjusted to aircraft operations requiring a TSA = TSA width available during construction.

  7. Safety Risk Management • Airport Operator to coordinate early in the development phase of the CSPP with Airports Regional or District Office: • Notify FAA during “scope development” phase of the project. • Provide documents necessary to conduct SRM (5200.11) • Participate in the SRM process • Provide a representative to participate on the SRM panel • Ensure all applicable SRM identified risk elements are recorded and mitigated within the CSPP • Airport projects NOT typically requiring a safety assessment: • Construction or rehabilitation of facilities outside the air operations area. • Do not involve haul routes, material placement or line-of-site impact within the air operations area. (Appendix B.)

  8. CSPP - Checklist • This Checklist is designed to AID in preparing and/or reviewing the CSPP – This is not a required submittal. • The Checklist is keyed to Section 2. “Plan Requirements” and the listed elements: • Areas and Operations Affected by Construction Activity. • Navigation Aid (NAVAID) Protection. • Contractor Access. • Wildlife Management. • Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Management. • Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Management. • Notification of Construction Activities. • Inspection Requirements. • Underground Utilities. • Special Conditions. • Runway and Taxiway Visual Aids. • Marking and Signs for Access Routes. • Hazard Marking, Lighting and Signing. • Protection of Runway and Taxiway Safety Areas.

  9. Guidelines for Writing a CSPP • Chapter 3 is dedicated for this purpose • The CSPP is a standalone document • Guidelines are intended to correspond to the “Plan Requirement “ sections listed in Chapter 2 • Each section focus on a specific subject • Each subject is discussed in detail and maybe broken into subsections.

  10. Construction limits – 2F Applicability • Keep equipment and construction activity at the specified limit per 5300-13 standard. (Table 3-1,2,3) • New construction limit apply based on the phase of the project: Scope development, Planning, Design ...

  11. Responsibility for Safety During Construction • On Airport construction activities are the responsibility of the Airport Operator (AO) • Safety culture is established by the AO • Safety is enforced by the AO • Construction Contractor must comply with the AO’s plans for safety • Airport tenants must also comply with the airport’s safety requirements. • The CSPP can not be delegated to the construction contractor

  12. Construction Safety & Phasing Plan (CSPP) • The CSPP should be developed concurrently as the project is being designed. • Outline/draft at 25 to 30% of project design • Formal submission to FAA for Approval at 80 to 90% • Provisions in the CSPP do influence cost • CSPP to the extent possible should address “Plan Requirements” • Not every project may need to satisfy all listed sections under chapter 2.

  13. Safety Plan Compliance Document • Both the CSPP and SPCD are the primary tools to ensure “Safety Compliance” during construction. • SPCD must include all supplemental information that could not be included in the CSPP prior to contract award. • SPCD must affirm that the construction contractor will abide by the CSPP. • Format of supplemental information in the SPCD should match the format of the CSPP. • If no supplemental information is needed – SPCD need not be prepared. • SPCD should be submitted to AO for approval prior to notice-to- proceed is given.

  14. Questions ?

  15. Takeoff & Landing Veeroffs

  16. Runway Design- (Table 3-1) Runway Design- (Table 3-2)

  17. Runway Design - Table 3-3

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