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International School “Enrico Fermi” Varenna, June 2011. Transverse momenta of partons in high-energy scattering processes. Piet Mulders. mulders@few.vu.nl. Introduction. What are we after? Structure of proton (quarks and gluons) Use of proton as a tool What are our means?
International School “Enrico Fermi” Varenna, June 2011 Transverse momenta of partons in high-energy scattering processes Piet Mulders mulders@few.vu.nl
Introduction • What are we after? • Structure of proton (quarks and gluons) • Use of proton as a tool • What are our means? • QCD as part of the Standard Model
d u u proton 3 colors Valence structure of hadrons: global properties of nucleons • mass • charge • spin • magnetic moment • isospin, strangeness • baryon number • Mp Mn 940 MeV • Qp = 1, Qn = 0 • s = ½ • gp 5.59, gn -3.83 • I = ½: (p,n) S = 0 • B = 1 Quarks as constituents
A real look at the proton g + N …. Nucleon excitation spectrum E ~ 1/R ~ 200 MeV R ~ 1 fm
A (weak) look at the nucleon n p + e- + n • = 900 s Axial charge GA(0) = 1.26
A virtual look at the proton _ g* N N g*+ N N
D Examples: (axial) charge mass spin magnetic moment angular momentum P P’ Local – forward and off-forward m.e. Local operators (coordinate space densities): Form factors Static properties:
Nucleon densities from virtual look neutron proton • charge density 0 • u more central than d? • role of antiquarks? • n = n0 + pp- + … ?
probed in specific combinations by photons, Z- or W-bosons (axial) vector currents energy-momentum currents Quark and gluon operators Given the QCD framework, the operators are known quarkic or gluonic currents such as probed by gravitons
Towards the quarks themselves • The current provides the densities but only in specific combinations, e.g. quarks minus antiquarks and only flavor weighted • No information about their correlations, (effectively) pions, or … • Can we go beyond these global observables (which correspond to local operators)? • Yes, in high energy (semi-)inclusive measurements we will have access to non-local operators! • LQCD (quarks, gluons) known!
Non-local probing Nonlocal forward operators (correlators): Specifically useful: ‘squares’ Selectivity at high energies: q = p Momentum space densities of F-ons:
A hard look at the proton • Hard virtual momenta ( q2 = Q2 ~ many GeV2) can couple to (two) soft momenta g* + N jet g* jet + jet
QCD & Standard Model • QCD framework (including electroweak theory) provides the machinery to calculate cross sections, e.g. g*q q, qq g*, g* qq, qq qq, qg qg, etc. • E.g. qg qg • Calculations work for plane waves _ _
Soft part: hadronic matrix elements • For hard scattering process involving electrons and photons the link to external particles is, indeed, the ‘one-particle wave function’ • Confinement, however, implies hadrons as ‘sources’ for quarks • … and also as ‘source’ for quarks + gluons • … and also …. PARTON CORRELATORS
Soft part: hadronic matrix elements Thus, the nonperturbative input for calculating hard processes involves [instead of ui(p)uj(p)]forward matrix elements of the form _ quark momentum INTRODUCTION
PDFs and PFFs Basic idea of PDFs is to get a full factorized description of high energy scattering processes calculable defined (!) & portable Give a meaning to integration variables! INTRODUCTION
q ~ Q ~ M ~ M2/Q P Principle for DIS • Instead of partons use correlators • Expand parton momenta (for SIDIS take e.g. n= Ph/Ph.P) p
F(x) LEADING (in 1/Q) x = xB = -q2/P.q (calculation of) cross section in DIS Full calculation + + + … +
q P Result for DIS p
leading part • M/P+ parts appear as M/Q terms in cross section • T-reversal applies toF(x) no T-odd functions Parametrization of lightcone correlator Jaffe & Ji NP B 375 (1992) 527 Jaffe & Ji PRL 71 (1993) 2547
Basis of partons • ‘Good part’ of Dirac space is 2-dimensional • Interpretation of DF’s unpolarized quark distribution helicity or chirality distribution transverse spin distr. or transversity
Bacchetta, Boglione, Henneman & Mulders PRL 85 (2000) 712 Matrix representationfor M = [F(x)g+]T Quark production matrix, directly related to the helicity formalism Anselmino et al. • Off-diagonal elements (RL or LR) are chiral-odd functions • Chiral-odd soft parts must appear with partner in e.g. SIDIS, DY
(calculation of) cross section in SIDIS Full calculation + + LEADING (in 1/Q) + … +
Lightfront dominance in SIDIS Three external momenta P Ph q transverse directions relevant qT = q + xB P – Ph/zh or qT = -Ph^/zh
Ph q P Result for SIDIS k p
Parametrization of F(x,pT) • Also T-odd functions are allowed • Functions h1^ (BM) and f1T^ (Sivers) nonzero! • Similar functions (of course) exist as fragmentation functions (no T-constraints) H1^ (Collins) and D1T^
Interpretation unpolarized quark distribution need pT T-odd helicity or chirality distribution need pT T-odd need pT transverse spin distr. or transversity need pT need pT
pT-dependent functions Matrix representationfor M = [F[±](x,pT)g+]T T-odd: g1T g1T – i f1T^ and h1L^ h1L^ + i h1^(imaginary parts) Bacchetta, Boglione, Henneman & Mulders PRL 85 (2000) 712
Jaffe (1984), Diehl & Gousset (1998), … Integrated quark correlators: collinear and TMD • Rather than considering general correlator F(p,P,…), one thus integrates over p.P = p- (~MR2, which is of order M2) • and/or pT (which is of order 1) • The integration over p- = p.P makes time-ordering automatic. This works for F(x) andF(x,pT) • This allows the interpretation of soft (squared) matrix elements as forward antiquark-target amplitudes (untruncated!), which satisfy particular analyticity and support properties, etc. TMD lightfront collinear lightcone (NON-)COLLINEARITY
Summarizing oppertunities of TMDs • TMD quark correlators (leading part, unpolarized) including T-odd part • Interpretation: quark momentum distribution f1q(x,pT) and its transverse spin polarization h1q(x,pT) both in an unpolarized hadron • The function h1q(x,pT) is T-odd (momentum-spin correlations!) • TMD gluon correlators (leading part, unpolarized) • Interpretation: gluon momentum distribution f1g(x,pT) and its linear polarization h1g(x,pT) in an unpolarized hadron (both are T-even) (NON-)COLLINEARITY
Twist expansion of (non-local) correlators • Dimensional analysis to determine importance of matrix elements (just as for local operators) • maximize contractions with n to get leading contributions • ‘Good’ fermion fields and ‘transverse’ gauge fields • and in addition any number of n.A(x) = An(x) fields (dimension zero!) but in color gauge invariant combinations • Transverse momentum involves ‘twist 3’. dim 0: dim 1: OPERATOR STRUCTURE
Soft parts: gauge invariant definitions + + … • Matrix elements containing Am (gluon) fields produce gauge link • … essential for color gauge invariant definition Any path yields a (different) definition OPERATOR STRUCTURE
A.V. Belitsky, X.Ji, F. Yuan, NPB 656 (2003) 165 D. Boer, PJM, F. Pijlman, NPB 667 (2003) 201 Gauge link results from leading gluons Expand gluon fields and reshuffle a bit: Coupling only to final state partons, the collinear gluons add up to a U+ gauge link, (with transverse connection from ATa Gnareshuffling) OPERATOR STRUCTURE
Gauge-invariant definition of TMDs: which gauge links? TMD collinear • Even simplest links for TMD correlators non-trivial: F[-] F[+] T These merge into a ‘simple’ Wilson line in collinear (pT-integrated) case OPERATOR STRUCTURE
C Bomhof, PJM, F Pijlman; EPJ C 47 (2006) 147 F Dominguez, B-W Xiao, F Yuan, PRL 106 (2011) 022301 TMD correlators: gluons • The most general TMD gluon correlator contains two links, which in general can have different paths. • Note that standard field displacement involves C = C’ • Basic (simplest) gauge links for gluon TMD correlators: Fg[+,+] Fg[-,-] Fg[-,+] Fg[+,-] OPERATOR STRUCTURE
M.G.A. Buffing, PJM, 1105.4804 Gauge invariance for SIDIS Strategy: transverse moments Problems with double T-odd functions in DY COLOR ENTANGLEMENT
T.C. Rogers, PJM, PR D81 (2010) 094006 Complications (example: qq qq) U+[n] [p1,p2,k1] modifies color flow, spoiling universality (and factorization) COLOR ENTANGLEMENT
Color entanglement COLOR ENTANGLEMENT
Featuring: phases in gauge theories COLOR ENTANGLEMENT
Conclusions • TMDs enter in processes with more than one hadron involved (e.g. SIDIS and DY) • Rich phenomenology (Alessandro Bacchetta) • Relevance for JLab, Compass, RHIC, JParc, GSI, LHC, EIC and LHeC • Role for models using light-cone wf (Barbara Pasquini) and lattice gauge theories (Philipp Haegler) • Link of TMD (non-collinear) and GPDs (off-forward) • Easy cases are collinear and 1-parton un-integrated (1PU) processes, with in the latter case for the TMD a (complex) gauge link, depending on the color flow in the tree-level hard process • Finding gauge links is only first step, (dis)proving QCD factorization is next (recent work of Ted Rogers and Mert Aybat) SUMMARY