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Vedic Cosmos is the online religious gift store. Shop for vedic Books and Gifts through online to make the occasions a special event on by choosing from our wide range of gift products.
The History of Spiritual Books The genuine Indian Spiritual Books have mainly evolved out of the scriptures from the Sanathana Dharma. This Is Why the Spiritual Books @ Vedic Cosmos is Remarkable Vedic Cosmos constitutes a team of notable Sanskrit philosophers and professors belonging to various rational and accomplished Vedanta like Bhedavāda/Tattvavāda/Bimbapratibimbavāda,-Dvaita, Puruṣavādha- Advaita and Advaita with uniqueness- Viśiṣṭhadvaita, who perform a comprehensive analysis in bringing out an utopian interpretation without deviating from the factual aspects safeguarded in the Sanathana Dharma, by our rishis, sadhus,and saints for ages. We at Vedic Cosmos intend to pass on this authentic interpretation to the present and to the generations to come. Therefore we accord the credit only to the original creators like Maharsi Vyasa, Maharsi Patanjali, Maharsi Valmiki, Goswami Tulsidas and so on. List of Spiritual Books At Vedic Cosmos, we have numerous spiritual books such as Bhagavad Gita, Yogasutras of Patanjali, Hanuman Chalisa, Gurugita, Sundra Kanda etc., to name a few from our available list of spiritual books. There are many more in the pipeline which shall be launched in the near future. You can choose books from our unique Spiritual book List @ Vediccosmos.com. Imprinting of customized messages for gifting is possible on the Spiritual books listed with boxes.