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From Registration to Retirement: C&IT-based support systems for medical graduates to manage continuing professional development. Dr Geoff Hammond Director of Faculty of Medicine Computing Centre and Deputy Director of LTSN-01 Subject Centre and Paul Drummond
From Registration to Retirement:C&IT-based support systems for medical graduates to manage continuing professional development Dr Geoff Hammond Director of Faculty of Medicine Computing Centre and Deputy Director of LTSN-01 Subject Centre and Paul Drummond Deputy Director of Faculty of Medicine Computing Centre University of Newcastle upon Tyne
HE / FE Institutions Careers & Employment Services Education Brokers (UfI / OU / eUni /UNHS/ UCAS) Employers Schools (Progress File) Action Plan Record Reflect Personal Development Plan Transcript C&IT Support Internet-PARs for Lifelong Learning Stakeholders & Potential Sponsors: DfES QAA UUK SCoP ILT LTSNs Student networks Employer networks NGfL NTOs PSBs RDAs Evaluation Development Lifelong Learning Implementation
Changes in Medical Education • To address: • widening participation and consortia • professional standards and subject benchmarks • faculty and institutional subject review • need to redefine outcomes to meet: • new GMC/QAA standards • aims of the NHS plan
What the doctor is able to do Outcomes Doing the Right Thing • clinical skills • practical procedures • patient investigation • patient management • health promotion & disease prevention • communication skills • information & data handling skills
Outcomes How the doctor approaches his/her practice What the doctor is able to do Doing the Right Thing • with an understanding of basic and clinical sciences and underlying principles • with an understanding and acceptance of attitudinal, ethical and legal responsibilities • with appropriate skills of decision making, clinical reasoning and judgement Doing the Thing Right
Outcomes The doctor as a professional How the doctor approaches his/her practice • brings to their practice an understanding of the role of the doctor and an acceptance of the need for continuing professional development • brings to their practice the appropriate personal attributes and an acceptance of individual responsibility for continuing personal development What the doctor is able to do Doing the Right Thing Doing the Thing Right The Right Person Doing It
Outcomes The doctor as a professional Who? How? What? How the doctor approaches his/her practice What the doctor is able to do Doing the Right Thing When? Where? Doing the Thing Right The Right Person Doing It
Reflective learning • an approach involving analysis of past activities and experiences • identification of learning achievements • decisions on future actions and objectives • Following a course an individual might reflect on: • what the learning objectives were • which skills were acquired • which skills need further development • A serious reflective approach implies the allocation of time and resources for reflection and recording
Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 pastoral tutor academic tutors admin staff communicate programme dir module leader -5 R 5 10
communicate study Benchmarks DP Specs study guides -5 R 5 10 teaching & learning cycle
communicate study Benchmarks DP Specs study guides personal & academic record learning log evidence -5 R 5 10 teaching & learning cycle
communicate study Benchmarks DP Specs study guides personal & academic record student transcript learning log evidence assess -5 R 5 10 teaching & learning cycle
communicate study Benchmarks DP Specs study guides personal & academic record student transcript learning log reflect evidence assess -5 R 5 10 teaching & learning cycle
what do we do when our students graduate… • lifelong learners need lifelong records of learning • smooth, managed transition • transition of student information (procedural & technical) • access to postgraduate equivalent of MIS • what does the postgraduate world look like… • variety • example (medicine)
CON New Deal Officer Prog Director SpR Reg College Rep Appraisor communicate study Med Staffing Clinical Tutor PIMD Ed. Supervisor SHO evidence reflect ESO Sup. Consultant PRHO -5 R 5 10 assess
communicate study learn reflect evidence -5 R 5 10 • evidencing… • career progression • attainment of job based targets • continuing professional development • attendance at appropriate courses and conferences • job based learning assess
communicate study learn reflect evidence -5 R 5 10 • assessing… • formal examinations for membership of professional body • specialty examinations assess
communicate study learn reflect evidence appraise -5 R 5 10 • appraising… • attainment of job based targets • development of appropriate skills and attitudes • ongoing educational development assess
communicate study learn reflect evidence appraise (re) validate -5 R 5 10 • validating / revalidating… • evidencing professional competence prior to registration • professional fitness to practice • evidencing appropriate skills and attitudes • learning from experiences • engaging with continuing professional development assess
communicate study learn reflect evidence appraise (re) validate -5 R 5 10 • reflecting on… • study and job based learning • collected evidence • assessment and appraisal process and outcomes • validation / revalidation assess
reflection on courses and other learning episodes facilitating tutor-trainee communication assessing learning needs and action planning
Managed Learning Environment(after JISC) Newcastle NLE curriculum map - outcomes delivery - campus and at distance learning resources self-assessment quality process tutor/mentor support off-line learning communication tracking registers student record system business systems other agencies other colleges personal academic record (PAR) and transcript for reflective learning - triggered by learning episodes related to outcomes
Finally…. • For programmes with well specified outcomes (like Medicine), PARs could be integrated into an MLE and used to evidence/reflect/action plan - triggered by highly structured learning episodes • Professional requirements for reflective practice are beginning to drive the UG agenda • A ‘lifelong’ view of PARs/PDP/Portfolios offers great opportunities for supporting CPD activities