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Learn about the attendance policy, tardies, absences, and disciplinary consequences at Henry M. Jackson High School. Discover the campus boundaries, lunch policies, safety procedures, textbook return policy, visitor guidelines, and student conduct rules.
Student Handbook Highlights 2019-2020 Henry M. Jackson High School
Attendance POLICY – Pgs. 12 – 13 Tardies: Students are marked as tardy if they arrive before the halfway point of the class period. Absences (For a Period): Everett Public Schools defines an absence as missing 50% or more of a class. Absences (Full Day): By state law, a student is reported as absent for a full day if the student is marked absent in half or more of the periods in that student’s school day. Therefore, a student missing 3 or more periods on a regular, 6-period day will be reported as absent for the full day. Disciplinary Consequences:for students who have excessive absences or tardies may include, but are not limited to, detention, loss of or inability to purchase parking permits, and suspension.
Principal’s Excellence of Attendance Award Student demonstrating excellent attendance will receive the Principal’s Excellence of Attendance Award. Students earning this award attend school 97% of the year, excluding school-related absences. In a school year, a student receiving this award is absent no more than 6 days.
Campus Boundaries & Policies – Pg. 14 JHS operates under a general Closed Campuspolicy. This means… • Once you arrive on campus, you are to remain on campus until the end of your officially scheduled school day • Visitors must check in at Main Office and receive a Visitors Pass • There will be limited Open-Campus privileges during the lunch periods for Junior and Senior students who qualify. • The eligibility requirements and guidelines are listed on pages 16.
Campus Boundaries & Policies: LUNCH – Pg. 14 Limited Open-Campus Lunch Open Campus is a privilege available to Juniors (2021) and Seniors (2020) meeting the following requirements: 1. No more than 5 days of marked unexcused attendance, AU/AUL/NC/TRU/TU, in 4th and 5th periods combined in the previous semester 2. No in- or out-of-school suspensions in the previous semester 3. Parent permission 4. Limited open-campus lunch can be revoked if a student violates the above-mentioned requirements. How To Apply For Open Campus 1. Complete the Open Campus Permission Form – Student & Parent/Guardian signatures 2. Turn in to the Scoop wall by the cafeteria or Mrs. Monten in the front office 3. Open Campus sticker placed on ASB Card by Coach Nick or Kristina Monten 4. Open Campus sticker must be shown when you leave campus 5. Open Campus sticker good for the full year with an option to apply second semester
Safety Procedures – Pg. 18-19 • Evacuation – • Proceed quickly and quietly to football field • Always line up with your 2nd period class • Earthquake – • During a drill or actual earthquake students and staff should: • Drop…to their knees under a table or desk • Cover ... their heads with an arm • Hold... onto one leg of a piece of furniture ... or brace themselves in a doorjamb
Safety Procedures – Pg. 18-19 Lockdown –
Textbook Return Policy – Pg. 20 Everett Public Schools Policy Students have 6 months from the date when a book fine is submitted for the student to return the book and receive a refund. After 6 months the school will be required to purchase a replacement book and for that reason the book fine cannot be revoked or refunded even if the book is returned.
Visitors – Pg. 20 • Everett Public Schools – • ALL visitors must check in at the Main Office to receive a visitors pass which must be clearly worn while on campus. • Student visitors from other schools are NOT allowed on campus during school hours. • Except during passing periods, please do not open a locked exterior door for anyone, even if it is a student you know!Administrators and security personnel are authorized to assist with this.
Student Conduct – Pgs. 23 & 28 Assault / Fighting • May constitute a crime • Suspension / Expulsion for participation, promotion, or escalation. THIS INCLUDES RECORDING and/or POSTING VIDEO OF A FIGHT. Restrooms • Photography of any kind is prohibited in school restrooms and locker rooms. • Our restrooms are in high demand for their intended use! You can help by remembering that the only things you should do in the bathroom are: GO, FLUSH, WASH, LEAVE • Students found to be repeatedly “hanging out” or congregating in restrooms for any other reason will be subject to progressive discipline. • If two or more students are found to be in the same restroom stall at the same time, each of them will be subject to disciplinary action.
Student Conduct – Pg. 24 • May include cheating, plagiarism, altering academic records. • Disciplinary consequences may include, but are not limited to, a grade of zero on the task, detention, and/or other forms of discipline. • For significantly weighted tasks, the student will be required to conference with teacher, parent, principal or assistant principal. Assignment of additional work or re-testing may also be required. Academic Dishonesty Complicity in Academic Dishonesty • Definition: knowingly helping or attempting to help other student(s) commit an act of academic dishonesty • Disciplinary consequences may include detention, suspension, and up to expulsion depending on the impact and scope of the complicity.
Student Conduct – Pgs. 24-25 • 45-day suspension for use/possession • Expulsion for sale/distribution Dangerous Weapons • Suspension / Expulsion up to 1 year • Law Enforcement Agencies will be involved Authority to Conduct a Search Controlled Substances (Alcohol/Drugs) The law allows school authorities to search students, their lockers, their motor vehicles, and personal property when they have a reasonable suspicion that a particular student is in possession of something prohibited by the law or school rules at school or during a school-related event.
Student Conduct – Pg. 25 Dress Code • Must adequately / appropriately cover • Must display school-appropriate messages • Must be free from creating intimidating / disrupting atmosphere Disruptive Behavior • Any behavior that interrupts the education environment for any student • Progressive discipline practices will be used • Includes
Student Conduct – pg. 26 Electronic Devices We strive to increase healthy socialization and decrease classroom disruptions that interfere with learning and collaboration. More than that, a break from social media and constant messaging is very important to positive mental health and self-care. Personal Electronic Devices (such as cell phones, gaming devices, earphones, earbuds, and similar technology) should be silenced or turned off and placed in the student’s backpack upon entering a classroom. Devices should remain in the backpack for the entire class period, including during restroom use. These devices can be out and used before and after school, during passing times, and during lunch.
Student Conduct – Pgs. 26-27 Forgery • Prohibited on any official school document falsifying parent/staff signature • Consequences depend on extent -- up to short-term suspension • Examples: attendance notes, field trip forms, teacher-student contracts, progress reports, permission slips, etc. Identification • Students must carry their student ID/ASB card with them at all times at school and school-sponsored events. • All students must, upon request, accurately identify themselves to proper school authorities (including teachers, substitute teachers, administrators, para-professional educators, librarians, custodians, food service workers, bus drivers, and other Everett Public Schools personnel). • For reasons of overall school building safety, refusing to accurately identify oneself to a school authority shall result in short-term suspension.
Student Conduct – Pg. 27 Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying • Any intentional written, verbal or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or mental, sensory, or physical disability, or “other distinguishing characteristics,” when the intentional written, electronic, verbal nonverbal or physical act: • • Is unwelcome • • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property • • Substantially interferes with a student’s education • • Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment • • Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. • Can take many forms, including but not limited to, slurs, rumors, name calling, jokes, innuendoes, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, hazing, physical attacks, threats or other written, verbal and nonverbal, electronic or physical actions, including social media posts/videos.
Student Conduct – Pg. 27 Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (continued) • We take all complaints of harassment, intimidation and bullying seriously • Please report issues you are aware of to a teacher, counselor, administrator, school resource officer or a trusted adult • You may also use the following resources: • SAFETY TIP LINE (call or text) - 855.637.2095 • The online reporting link is included in your handbook • (https://everett-wa.safeschoolsalert.com/)
Student Conduct – Pgs. 27-28 Indecent Speech/Expression • Not protected under 1st Amendment at school if:The use of any gesture, innuendo, speech, or other expression is deemed lewd, vulgar, indecent, obscene or significantly disruptive. Off-Campus Violations • Appropriate behavior is expected at all school-sponsored events regardless of location Portable Music Devices • Headphones only in the hallways or other common areas • Playing music through external speakers in these areas is not allowed. • The speaker/device may be confiscated by an administrator for the rest of the day and/or for parent pick-up.
Student Conduct – Pg. 29 Technology Misuse/Damage • Use without authorization or for non-authorized purposes may be grounds for loss of access/privileges, progressive discipline, and financial restitution • Consequences for intentional damage include law-enforcement involvement, suspension, and/or financial restitution Theft • Disciplinary consequences for stealing Everett School District Property or personal property at school depend on extent and monetary value • Suspensions and referral to law enforcement agency Vaping/Tobacco Use or Possession • Both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes contain nicotine, which research suggests may be as addictive as heroin and cocaine • Use/possession/distribution prohibited at/on all Everett Public Schools property and events • Progressive discipline involving cessation courses and suspensions for subsequent offenses
Student Conduct – Pg. 29 Vandalism • Intentional damage to school district property or property of others • Consequences include law enforcement involvement, suspension, and financial restitution Video Posts on Social Media • Those that depict/promote students violating school/district rules are STRICTLY prohibited. • Examples include fighting, harassment, bullying, intimidation, or behavior that is racially charged or contains sexually explicit content. • Consequences may include suspensions and/or referral to law-enforcement. • THINK BEFORE YOU POST!
Everett Public Schools Student Responsibilities and Rights Handbook • Please read through this handbook – you are responsible for this information! • Sign (and have your parent/guardian sign) the attached signature page. • Return the signature page to your 2nd period teacher.