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History of Health Care. HAP 2012-2013 Susan Chabot. Early ideas. Linked disease with evil spirits. Treatment involved ridding the patient of the evil spirit. Treatment was provided by clergy or witch doctors. 4000 BC - 3000 BC Primitive times.
History of Health Care HAP 2012-2013 Susan Chabot
Early ideas • Linked disease with evil spirits. • Treatment involved ridding the patient of the evil spirit. • Treatment was provided by clergy or witch doctors.
4000 BC - 3000 BCPrimitive times • Illness and disease caused by supernatural spirits/demons. • Ceremonies used to drive-out evil spirits. • Herbs and plants were used for medication. • Skeletal evidence demonstrates surgery. • Average life span = 20 years.
Trepanation • Involved cutting a small hole in the skull with a special instrument. • Used to treat headaches, skull fractures, epilepsy, and mental illness. • Procedure lasted into the Middle Ages. Peru, 7000 BC Peru, 6000 BC.
2000 BC – 300 BCAncient Egypt • Earliest known health records. • Offerings to gods for healing. • Use of blood-letting and leeches as treatment. • Herbs and plants used as medicine • Average life span = 20 to 30 years. Ancient papyrus Imhotep
1700 BC – 220 ADAncient Chinese • Monitored pulse rate to determine the condition of the body. • Believed in curing whole body by curing the spirit and nourishment: Yin and Yang • First recorded “pharmacy” of herbs. • Average life span = 20 - 30 yrs.
1200 BC – 200 BCAncient Greeks Hippocrates • The start of the Hippocratic tradition “will cause no harm to the patient”. • Believed illness the result of natural causes. • Introduced concept that good diet and cleanliness prevented disease. • Average life span = 25 to 35 years.
753 BC – 410 ADAncient Romans • Organized medical care for wounded soldiers. • Separation of well and sick. • Public health and sanitation systems. • Diet, exercise and medication used to treat disease. • Average life span = 25 to 35 years. Surgical hooks
400 – 800 ADDark Ages • Study of medicine was prohibited. • Prayer used to treat disease. • Monks and priests provided care. • Average life span = 20 to 30 years.
800 – 1400 ADMiddle Ages • Medical universities open in the 9th century. • Pandemic of bubonic plague occurred. • Chemistry advances in pharmacology. • Average life span = 20 to 35 years.
The Black Death • Infectious disease caused by bacterium. • Estimated to have killed 25 million people. • Spread by fleas that fed on rats and humans. • Mongol soldiers catapulted infected corpses over city walls in acts of biowarfare. Gangrene on fingertips
1350 – 1650 ADRenaissance • Dissection allowed for better understanding of A&P. • Artists used dissection to give art a more realistic look. • Average life span = 30 to 40 years. David, by Michelangelo da Vinci
Andreas Vesalius1514-1564 • Illustrated and published first anatomy book. • Performed intricate dissections and drew what he observed.
16th and 17th Centuries • Causes of disease still unknown. • Many died from infection and childbirth fever. • Apothecaries made, prescribed, and sold medications. • Average life span = 35 to 45 years. Mortar & pestle
Ambroise Pare1510-1590 • French surgeon, known as the Father of Modern Surgery. • Introduced amputation to treat soldiers. • Began using ligatures to stop bleeding and bind arteries instead of boiling- oil cauterization. • Promoted use of artificial limbs.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek1632-1723 • Invented an early microscope.
18th Century • Fahrenheit created first mercury thermometer. • Priestly discovered the element oxygen. • Ben Franklin invented bifocals for glasses. • Jenner developed first smallpox vaccine. • Average life span = 40 – 50 years.
Edward Jenner1749-1823 • Used cowpox exposure to vaccinate against smallpox.
19th Century • First use of anesthetic for surgeries. • International Red Cross was founded in 1863. • Discovery of bacterial causes of disease. • Average life span = 40 – 60 years. • 1819: First successful human blood transfusion 1819: Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope. • 1865: First use of antiseptics during surgery. • 1892: Discovery of viruses by DimitriIvanfski. • 1895: X-rays discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen.
1901: ABO blood groups identified 1920: Health insurance plans are introduced. 1928: Fleming discovered penicillin 1952: Development of the polio vaccine. 1953: DNA structure described by Watson & Crick. 1954: First kidney transplant. 1962: First severed arm reattached. 1963: First liver transplant. 1964: First lung transplant. 1968; First heart transplant. 1970: First synthesized gene. 1975: Amniocentesis used to diagnose birth defects in-utero. You name it, it happened!
1978: First test tube baby. 1981: AIDS appeared in the population. 1982: Artificial heart is implanted in human. 1984: HIV identified. 1990: Gene therapy used to treat disease. 1990’s: Human Genome Project begins 1997: Dolly the sheep is cloned. And more! Dolly Introduction of sperm into egg cytoplasm The Human Genome Project Jarvik-7 artifical heart
Gene manipulation to prevent inherited diseases/Designer babies. Slow the aging process. Treatment for spinal cord injuries. Improved transplantation techniques. Reduced antibiotic resistance. Computerized body parts. Increased cloning activities. Increased average life span to 90+ years. Potential