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ANALISIS EKOTOKSIKOLOGI Oleh Sudrajat FMIPA UNMUL 2010. Pengujian Toksisitas. Uji Toksisitas Akut Short time frame exposure (96h) “kill ‘em and count ‘em” LC 50 , TLM (median tolerance limit EC 50 (effective concentration) Uji Toksisitas Kronis

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  2. Pengujian Toksisitas Uji Toksisitas Akut • Short time frame exposure (96h) • “kill ‘em and count ‘em” • LC50, TLM (median tolerance limit • EC50 (effective concentration) Uji Toksisitas Kronis • Longer time frame exposure (1 week to 3 years) • Endpoints are reproduction (brood size) physiology, behavior, biochemistry • More ecologically relevant

  3. Uji Toksisitas Akut • Battery, consisting of four tropic levels • Vibrio fischeri luminescent bacteria test • Bacteria • Selenastrum capricornutum growth inhibition test • Algae • Daphnia pulex acute toxicity test • Invertebrate (waterflea) • Poecilia reticulata acute toxicity test • Vertebrate (fish)

  4. Battery of toxicity test

  5. Toxicity units • Toxicity units • Determine LC/EC50 value from dilution series tested • Toxicity units (TUa) = 100/LC or EC50 • Key to classification system: 0-1 Limited to not acutely toxic 1-2 Negligibly acutely toxic 2-10 Mildly acutely toxic 10-100 Acutely toxic >100 Highly acutely toxic

  6. Applications • Surface and Groundwater • Drinking water • Mine water • Sediment pore water • Industrial effluents/discharges • Soil leachates • Extracts of solid wastes • Waste dump leachates • Stormwater run-off • Chemicals and products

  7. Treated sewage effluent • Plant receiving domestic and industrial discharges • Discharged into a stream where very little if any dilution takes place • Water upstream and downstream of discharge tested

  8. Biological And Microbiological Assessment And Treatment Of Water Present Standards (30) • Bactericidal and algaecidal efficacy of swimming pool chemicals • Determination of BOD • Water quality - Enumeration of microorganisms Vibrio cholerae, bacteriophages, E. coli • Biocides for use in industrial cooling water • Detection and enumeration of Legionella • Guidance on validation of microbiological method; Uncertainty of Measurement

  9. Future Standards Legionnaires' disease: Risk Assessment; Control in water systems  ADOPTING international standards for DEEEP methodology • Vibrio fischeri (Luminescent bacteria test) (ISO 11348-3:2007, second edition). • Algal Growth Inhibition Tests (ISO 8692 2004) • Daphniapulex acute toxicity test (US EPA 2002). • Fish, acute toxicity test (OECD Guideline for testing of chemicals - 203, 1992)  Voting on future ISO standards for toxicity and Microbiotest kits internationally

  10. Acute and Chronic Toxicity Testing

  11. Acute vs. Chronic Toxicity Tests Can broadly classify toxicity tests based on length of exposure • Acute Toxicity test • Drop dead testing • Time = 2 days (invertebrates) to 4 d. (fish) • LD50 • LC50 • TLm (median tolerance dose) • EC50 (effective concentration) • Lose equilibrium, sit on bottom  “ecologically” dead • Not very ecologically relevent but quick, relatively cheap (but still ~$700-1,200 per test)

  12. Acute vs chronic toxicity testing (con’t) • Chronic toxicity testing • Growth, reproduction • More ecologically relevant data but takes longer, more expensive • Shows effect at much lower dose • Test requires much more “baby-sitting”

  13. Acute Testing - theory • Population of organisms has normally distributed resistance to toxicants  acute toxicity test designed to identify mean response • Regulations allow 5% of species to be impacted • Most tests only use 2-3 species (up to 6)  not really enough to protect 95% of all species!

  14. Acute Toxicity Test Organisms • Use of test species based on • Lab hardiness • Common • Known life cycle • Cheap • Short-lived

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