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ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee. Ed Council Meeting Denver, March 2013. Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference. Education committee member on the SIGGRAPH Conference Committee Coordinate education events and submissions
ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee Ed Council Meeting Denver, March 2013
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Education committee member on the SIGGRAPH Conference Committee • Coordinate education events and submissions • Sits on the selection committee to represent the educator interest • Using BOFs for educator topics • Presentations on the first two days of the conference • Educators can choose a lower priced Conference pass
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Sunday 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Submission #0021 by/for ACME Network Jeannette Draper; jdraper@theacmenetwork.org This Birds of a Feather session focuses on 15 trends in distance education to help strengthen your animation training programs, keep current and foster better relationships with industry. • Sunday – 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM Studio View of Demo Reels (Submission #0026) Art Durinski; durinski@otis.edu; 310.665.6987 (Otis College of Art and Design; Los Angeles, CA) Representatives from various animation and visual effects production studios talk about what they look for in student demo reels.
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Sunday – 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM SEAD: Innovation Thinking (Submission #0027) Carol LaFayette; lurleen@viz.tamu.edu; 979.220.4770 (Texas A&M University; College Station, TX) Crafting the national conversation on innovation thinking: addressing cross-disciplinary learning across formal and informal experiences that engage the sciences and engineering with the arts and design • Sunday – 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Learn by doing: using rapid prototyping game development events to enhance and augment the classroom experience (Submission #0028) FoaadKhosmood; foaad@globalgamejam.org; 805.756.2911 Game jams, hackathons, and other fixed-time/rapid experiences for studying game development or interactive entertainment. Join Global Game Jam Director FoaadKhosmood in a discussion about game jams and the classroom.
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Sunday – 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Educators Forum: What is the State of On-Line Animation Instruction Today? (Submission #0029) DoriLittell-Herrick; Dori.Littell-Herrick@woodbury.edu; 818-252-5149 (Woodbury University; Burbank, CA) Do online programs provide the same quality training as on-ground schools? Which topics work; which don't? Does online level the field through easier access, or short-change and build unrealistic expectations?
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Monday – 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Tools and Trends Incorporating Multisensory Information in Science, Math, and Art Integrative Education (Submission #0030) Anna Ursyn; Anna.Ursyn@unco.edu; 970.576.0180 (University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, CO) This session aims to exchange methods, approaches and answers to programming with human senses in mind and will focus on apps and experimentations with proccessing.org, Arduino boards, and other trends. • Monday – 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 3D Printing from the Experts (Submission #0031) Ryan Hayford; Ryan.Hayford@stratasys.com; 603.533.9909 (Stratasys; Eden Prairie, MN) Hear from the experts about how 3D printing is changing the world and the value of particular technologies. David Cawley (Art Center College of Design) & John Miralles (LSU).
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Monday – 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Art, Science, and Interactivity: creating engaging experiences in education (Submission #0025) Rejane Spitz; rejanespitz@aol.com; +55-21-9602-1266 (Laboratorio/Nucleo de Arte Eletronica; Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) This session encourages the use of interactive approaches and techniques in education. Join us to discuss ways to promote creative and technical collaboration for the development of engaging educational projects. • Monday – 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon SIGGRAPH Education Committee: Undergraduate Research Alliance (Submission #0032) William Joel; joelw@wcsu.edu; (203) 837-9353 (Western Connecticut State University; Danbury, CT) Faculty and students from all institutions of higher learning are invited to join us as we discuss our undergraduate research efforts, our successes and failures, and future ideas.
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Monday – 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM Integrated Help: Bringing information to artists at the time of need to reduce onboarding and time-on-task (Submission #0033) Margaret Plumley; Margaret.plumley@dreamworks.com; 650.562.9605 (Dreamworks) A forum for discussing methods for breaking the classroom training model and bringing information and resources to artists in the context of their work. • Monday – 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Open Source in Graphics Education (Submission #0034) WobbeKoning; wobbe@siggraph.org; 862.224.4499 (Montclair State University; Montclair, NJ) Software licenses are a major financial burden for computer graphics programs. Can using free and open source software be a viable alternative to the "Industry Standard"? An open discussion.
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Monday – 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM The Khronos Group: Not-For-Profit Open Standards Group (Submission #0035) Glenn Fredericks; glenn@goldstandardgroup.com This session is for educators who wish to interact with the Khronos Institute for Training and Education by sharing educational materials and advising on certification. • Monday – 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Creating Worlds of Art and Music (Submission #0036) Aliza Sorotzkin; aliza@sidefx.com; 310.319.9876 (Houdini) – Presented by Scott Pagano With music, procedural animation methodology allows for a unique level of synchronization and experimentation. We will look at a range of assets created for music video and concert visual productions.
Course Curriculum at the SIGGRAPH Conference • Monday – 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM VFX Student and Intern Showcase (Submission #0037) Aliza Sorotzkin; aliza@sidefx.com; 310.319.9876 (Houdini) Recent VFX students and interns showcase demo reels and breakdown their VFX and Game projects, explaining techniques and sharing lessons learned during their progression to working professional.
Other Activities • In addition to the BOFs we also will be having training sessions co sponsored between us and: • Unity • Houdini • Autodesk • Training for HS instructors and others who are interested in: • Processing Workshop • ArduinosWorkshop All of the training participants will be getting certificates of participation
Other Activities • During the week we will also have • Fundamentals Seminar (Andrew Glassner this year) • Educators Meet and Greet • Education Committee will be sponsoring the • Pioneer Mentoring • Community Outreach to local area educators and students • Display of Faculty Submitted Student Work • After the Conference it will be added to our online resources