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Box Lacrosse Offences

Box Lacrosse Offences. Individual and Team. Individual Characteristics. What makes for a good offensive player? Physical Attributes Technical Attributes Cognitive Attributes. Key Physical Attributes. Offensive stance – balls of feet , shoulder width apart with knees flexed.

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Box Lacrosse Offences

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  1. Box Lacrosse Offences Individual and Team

  2. Individual Characteristics • What makes for a good offensive player? • Physical Attributes • Technical Attributes • Cognitive Attributes

  3. Key Physical Attributes • Offensive stance – balls of feet , shoulder width apart with knees flexed. • Head is centered above the lower body • Hands are up in the “triple-threat” position • Jab Steps – Forward, Backward, Angles • Changing Direction and Speed • Faking and Cutting • Fitness – Ozzy to discuss (Prevent Injuries, Improve Performance, Mentally Tough)

  4. Technical Attributes • LooseBalls – Mindset, proper technique. • Passing –position, midpoint top hand, step,weight transfer, forward stick motion, wrist snap. • Catching – relaxed grip and top arm, absorb. • Shooting – the stick, pocket type, quick release, proper side, in range,gathering,front hip and planting. • Ball Handling – a magicians wand. • Hold with fingers so wrists can rotate freely • Small,medium and large cradle

  5. Cognitive Attributes • Communication • Floor Awareness – know where the ball is • Decision Making – don’t catch and then think • Game Sense – anticipating • Heart and Hustle - LooseBalls • Staying in the moment – Whats Next? • Preparation – Individual/Team. • Release,Relax,Revisit,Refocus,Regroup.

  6. Fundamental Technical Skills • Practice – Practice - Practice • Become a good ball-handler • Learn the “triple-threat” position • Catching,Cradling, Passing, Shooting • One on One – inside slide or bull dodge, outside slide (use your inside elbow/forearm to push defender behind you), inside and outside spins, swim moves, face dodge, split dodge, stick deception, body and stick fakes, stutter steps, posting up. • Movement with and without the ball – THE “V” and “C” cuts. • Pick and Rolls – vertical stick position –NOT HORIZONTAL

  7. Offensive Mistakes • Lazy Offensive players that allow a team to be scored on in transition. • Not knowing how to pick and/or use a pick • Timing of cuts • Looking for the perfect pass • Getting stick checked • Unforced Turnovers – Bad Pass or Catch

  8. Individual Technical Situations • How to get in “Triple-Threat” Position when catching a pass on the perimeter: • OFF-BALL PLAYERS ARE KEY!!!!!!!!! • Situation 1: Plenty of space between receiver of pass and defender. • Situation 2:Tightly guarded with the defender up close on the receiver. • Situation 3: After a pass what options does a player have.

  9. Situation 1 • Catch the ball in a position to shoot. Moving to the ball (anticipate), You want to have arms extended with hands high, gathering the ball upon receipt (not excessively cradling), front hip is driving toward shooting target, eye contact with a spot or square in the mesh, hop step or side shuffle to plant, good shoulder turn rotation and follow through.

  10. Situation 2 • Jab Step to create space ,Receiver of pass should then move toward the ball and catch it and extend the inside foot with back to the defender and protecting the ball with the body. Now you can go to your one on one repertoire.

  11. Situation 3 • The majority of time you will not have the ball • Try to get open for an easy pass and shot • Cut to the ball for a give and go • Go set a pick on the ball or off the ball • Run off a pick set by a teammate • Set a screen for a teammate • V cut, C Cut, Jab step, Post up • Engage a defender to tie them up (seal) • Clear out of the way

  12. Common Picking Errors

  13. Important Pick Elements • Make contact with (not illegal) the defender that your trying to block. If you don’t and are not tight, the defender will simply slide around you. • Be Strong. Feet wide and plant with a firm base. The degree of cross check will be dictated by the officials. • The angle, or direction, of the pick and the timing of the pick are probably the most important and overlooked factors in teaching. • Stick Positioning.

  14. Offensive Positioning • Creaseman – Play low and in the corners like a winger in Hockey. Looks to stretch the floor from the defensive end or bench. Crashes on missed shots. Presses on turnovers. Great off ball. Like inside. • Cornerman/Shooter – Quarterback style and likes to handle the ball. Always a threat to shoot or go one-on-one. Love 2 man game. Defensive safety. • Pointman or X – Similar to cornerman except that he will dictate which is strongside.

  15. Building A Team • Determine the type of system - Fast Break-Run and Gun, Slow down methodical attack, 3-2 or 2-3 hawks, Full Floor Press, etc • 6-6-6 Theory • The top 6 are responsible for 80% of your scoring • Middle 6 have strong fundamental skills • The last 6 Complement the top 6 • Find a couple goalies

  16. Goal Setting • Team Goals – mission statement • Process Goals – the actions involved • Performance Goals – a measurement • Outcome Goals – results orientated

  17. Offensive Tactics • 3 on 2`s – Ball Middle, Weakside pass • Motion Offense v Man-to-Man • Set Offense v Man-to-Man • Triangle Offense v Man-to-Man • Patterned Offense v Man-to-Man • Zone Offense v Zone Defense • All designed to get players open, to allow for plays, to control the tempo, to create quality scoring chances.

  18. 3 on 2 • Proper side of floor • Ball in the middle of the floor – always (much easier for defenders to split the middle and opposite side offensive player if not in middle) • Best option is weakside pass as middle can receive return pass without catching across the body. • Create 2 on 1 • If defenders are spread and not in an I formation than middle should be able to walk down middle of floor or make easy pass to players defender who has left to check ball • Good angle down floor and to net by wings.

  19. Motion Offence • Motion offense teaches kids to play the game and learn how to read the defense. • Freelance, Creative movement is encouraged. • V – Cuts • Fill and Replace • Ball Movement • Infinite movement with proper spacing 15’-20’ feet apart and timing of V cuts.

  20. Set Offense • Strong side – Weak Side ( 2-3) or (3-2) • 1-3-1 Set • 1-4 Stack • 2-1-2 High Post • Plays

  21. Triangle Offense • Tex Winter introduced system to Phil Jackson • Features a sideline triangle and a weakside “two-man game”. • Extremely effective against man-to-man defenses. • Similar to patterned offense in that players always try to fill the 5 spots. • Options are unlimited

  22. The Triangle Defined • The offense uses a system of defensive recognition from a sideline triangle and a two man game on the opposite side of the floor. It is based on sound principles, floor spacing and execution of fundamentals. It allows for outstanding movement within a controllable structure. Defenses get very preoccupied that allows for great one on one penetration and lightning fast 2 man game attacks. Every player is involved at all times and most know the options from each spot. Spacing is 15-20’ which forces defenses to spread out. Its difficult to disrupt as any entry point of the ball whether by pass or running can produce the formation of the triangle. It allows for east-west attack of defences as opposed to the traditional 2 man and 3 man game north south sets.

  23. Patterned Offense • Players run a certain pattern of screens, cuts, passes. • There is continuity or continuos flow from side to side. • Teams may use when they don`t have a strong inside game. • Sets up mismatches • Can become predictable

  24. Zone Offense • Zone defense causes spacial problems for offense • Fast break • What type of zone -2-1-2 or 1-3-1? • Patience • Crash Net • Stretch Zone – Spacing, Outside Shots • Attack Gaps – 2 on 1`s at corners • Ball Low – Backside Cutters through lanes • Screens , Seals • Set Plays

  25. Critical Components For Any Offense • Practice, Practice, Practice • Fundamentals, Fundamentals, Fundamentals • Equipment – Age Appropriate – In Good Repair • Passing – Proper Technique • Catching – Proper Technique • Shooting – Stick Position, Outside, Inside, Fakes • Ball Handling • Moving – Cut and Replace, Picks, Rolls, Screens, Pinches, Seals. • Floor Spacing – Timing

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