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Welcome to Stoner Prairie Elementary! Verona Area School District. Student Code of Conduct. I will behave in a way that allows me and others to learn I will treat everyone with courtesy and respect I will not hurt others with my body or my words.
Welcome to Stoner Prairie Elementary!Verona Area School District
Student Code of Conduct • I will behave in a way that allows me and others to learn • I will treat everyone with courtesy and respect • I will not hurt others with my body or my words.
Stoner Prairie Elementary Vision for Working with Students • Ultimate Goal for Our Students: Create a safe learning community that ensures academic and social success for all students. • Belief #1: We believe in focusing positive energy on the successes and strengths of every child. • Belief #2: We believe in the power of positive relationships with students, families, and staff. • Belief #3: We believe the social curriculum is essential to the success of the whole child. • Belief #4:We believe in creating clear and consistent expectations for each child.
General Demographics/Background • Approximately 430 students • 85 staff members (shared, part-time, and full-time) • 37% student minority and 30% free & reduced • 17 languages spoken at Stoner Prairie • Class Sizes: K-3 generally have 16-18 and 4th/5th generally have 22-25 students.
Classroom Configurations 4 -Kindergarten Classrooms 3 -1st Grade Classrooms 4 -2nd Grade Classrooms 3 -3rd Grade Classrooms 3 -PALs 1-3 Multiage Classrooms 2 -PALs 4-5 Multiage Classrooms 2 -MA 4-5 Classrooms 1 -4th Grade Classroom 1- 5th Grade Classroom
Bus Riders • First Student, Inc. transports students. • Concerns should be directed to personnel at First Student by calling 845-8516. • School staff supervise children as they are dropped off and escort children to the appropriate bus at dismissal. • Bus schedules are printed in last week’s Verona Press or Fitchburg Star.
Food Service • Breakfast is served between 7:25-7:40 or 9:05-9:20 on Mondays • Hot Lunch is served each day • Families deposit money into an account and each meal is automatically deducted from the account. • Breakfast and lunch prices are available on the VASD website. • Milk break happens once each day. (Please pay for an entire year whenever possible).
Beginning the Day Start of the Day Students arrive by bus, car or walk to school. Bus stops and pick-up times will be posted at school and in the Fitchburg Star/ Verona Press “Back to School” issue just before school starts. (Call First Student: 845-8516) If dropping off your child, please drop off in the front of the school between 7:30-7:40 A.M. A staff member will be out front to assist students as needed. Our school doors open at 7:30 A.M. We do not have student supervision before 7:30 A.M. Breakfast is available to all children every day in our multipurpose room from 7:30-7:45 A.M. Students are marked late if they arrive to their classroom after 7:45. If students do arrive late, please have students go the office first before going to the classroom.
K-5 Curriculum Balanced Literacy Guided Reading - small groups Reading and Writing Centers - independent Comprehension Lessons – whole group Independent Reading Teacher Read Alouds Writing: interactive writing, mini-lessons, independent writing, and 1:1 conferencing with teacher are some examples. Computers - interactive literacy websites
K-5 Curriculum Math Investigations Curriculum Whole Group - teacher modeling Small Groups or Pairs - problem solving together Math Centers - independent or small group activities that support the skills learned as a whole group Science Foss Science Curriculum Hands on, investigative learning of a variety of science topics
Student Leadership • Bus Buddies • Play Fair • Safety Patrol • Early Childhood Helpers • We believe in ongoing positive student reinforcement & student leadership development at Stoner Prairie.
Assessments • WKCE—Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Late October/Early November • Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)- Grades 2-5 – March • District assessments in math and reading occur throughout the year.
Other Parts of the School Day Related Arts Music - 30 minutes twice a week Physical Education - 30 minutes twice a week Library - story time/book talks and checkout 30 minutes once a week Art - 60 minutes once a week InfoTech- 30 minutes every other week for 3rd grade Technology - computer lab once a week; in classroom throughout the week *All K-5 classrooms have a SmartBoard. Guidance - 30 minutes every other week
Other Parts Of The School Day Lunch Hot lunch is available to everyone every day. Child’s name is scanned each time he/she takes hot lunch and the family lunch account is charged. Lunch accounts can be paid by sending checks directly to Child Nutrition Services or on the VASD website. Accounts can be accessed by families on the website. Lunch menus are sent home and can be viewed on the VASD website. Children can bring cold lunch. Milk is available for purchase and is not charged to accounts. If children want milk with a cold lunch, they bring money with them each time they bring a lunch. Breakfast is $.95, Lunch is $1.75, and Milk is $.35.
Other Parts Of The School Day Recess 20-25 minutes twice a day Playground equipment, basketball, soccer, jump ropes, bubbles, balls, hula hoops and more are available. Children should leave personal toys at home Bathroom Breaks Scheduled during the day Students use bathroom independently as needed throughout the day
End Of The Day Official end of the day is 2:35. Kindergartners leave first at 2:30. Teachers walk students to the buses and help them board each bus. The buses drive away from school at 2:45. Walkers and car riders come out the front doors. Children are asked to pay attention to the cars and not run or play during pick-up time. Parents can meet their children outside of the school.
Pick-Up/ Drop-Off Procedure: Proceed With Caution Park and escort children Pick-up lane Moving lane Yellow parking stalls Handicap Parking S I D E W A L K Please Pay Attention for the Safety of the Children SCHOOL
How is my child doing? Goal Setting Conference Fall (October) Report Card - End of January Portfolio Conference with Child - Spring Report Card - Last Day of School Phone Calls What’s happening at School? Classroom newsletter Stoner Prairie Family Newsletter- every 1-2 months Communication
How Can I Be Involved? Classroom Volunteers On-going opportunities: support during math/reading/writing centers As-needed opportunities: assist teachers with clerical tasks, chaperone fieldtrips or classroom celebrations Lunchroom Volunteers When available Regular volunteers Beginning of the year Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Attend monthly PTO (6:30-7:30) & PAC (Parent Advisory Council) meetings (7:30-8:30)- 2nd Monday of the month *******September 13- First Meeting Chair or assist with PTO events: Market Day, Science Fair, Book Fair, Rock ‘n Recess, Cultural Fair, Staff Appreciation Luncheon, etc.
Other Things to Know School Hours: Monday is Late Start 9:10- First bell 9:25- Second bell 2:35- End of day Tuesday-Friday 7:35- First bell 7:45- Second bell 2:35- End of day Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:15 a.m.- 3:15 p.m. Absence: Please call the attendance line before 7:45 a.m. to report an absence. (608) 845-4200 ext. 1. Tardy: Children are considered tardy after the second bell (7:45). Changes in Pick-up Routine: Please send a written note to school whenever possible. Call as early in the day as possible. Visiting School: All visitors must sign-in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge.
ImportantDates to Remember • Sept. 1 - First Day of School for Grades 1 – 5 & Kindergarten Introduction Sessions • Sept. 2 – First Day of School for Kindergarten • Sept. 9 – Back-to-School Night 5:30-7:00 • Sept. 10 – Fundraiser Kickoff • Sept. 13 – First Late Start Monday - 9:25 Start Time • Sept. 13 – Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Mtg – 6:30 • Sept. 13 – Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting – 7:30 • Sept. 23 – Market Day 5:00-6:00 • Oct. 7 – Picture Day • Oct. 19-20 – Book Fair • Oct. 27 – November 1 – No School
Important Contact Information Chris Olson, Principal 845-4210 Patsy McLean, Guidance Counselor 845-4228 Gail Anderson, School Psychologist/SPEC 845-4234 Janet Farnan, LRC 845-4287 Kathy Garity, Social Worker 845-4250 Stoner Prairie Office 845-4200