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Outline for paper on Test Beam Analysis . Mathieu Benoit, Dominik Dannheim. Abstract. Characterization of thin pixel detector assemblies with Timepix ASICs
Outline for paper on Test Beam Analysis Mathieu Benoit, DominikDannheim
Abstract Characterization of thin pixel detector assemblieswith Timepix ASICs The requirements for the vertex detectors at the proposed Compact LinearCollider (CLIC) implies a verysmallmaterial budget (lessthan 0.2 % X0 per detection layer, includingcable and mechanical supports). Wepresenthere a studyusing Timepix readoutASICshybridized to pixel sensorswiththicknessesspanningfrom 50 to 500 μm, includingassemblieswith 100 μmsensorbonded to a 100 μm ASIC. Sen- sors fromvariousproducers (Advacam,MicronSemiconductor Ltd, Canberra) withvariousedgetermination technologies (Active-edge, Guard Rings) werebonded to the Timepix ASIC by IZM (AgPb solder) or Advacam (SnPbeutectic solder). The detectors werecalibratedwithγ sources and X-ray Fluorescence photons and char- acterizedwith the EUDET telescopeat DESY using 2-5.6 GeVelectrons. Their performance for the detection and tracking of minimum ionizingparticleswereevaluated in terms of single-point resolution, charge sharing and cluster formation, detectionefficiency and acceptance. Experimentalresults are thencompared to a detailed GEANT4 simulation of the telescope and sensors.
Outline • Introduction to CLIC • Sensor Production : • Details of the production with Advacam and Micron, brief description of Active-edge and thin assemblies production technology • Assembly characterization and calibration • QA Table for tested sensors • Calibration methods and some selected results
Outline (2) • Test Beam experimental setup • MiMTLU, FITPixProducer state machine • Tracking resolution optimization • Reconstruction methodology • Eta Correction methodology • Simulation of Test Beam Setup • Methodology • Allpix, telescope simulation details • Digitization methodology
Outline (3) • Test Beam Analysis results vsSimulation results • Comparative results for different Thickness • Cluster Size • Charge Sharing • Efficiency scans, edge efficiency • Resolution + Eta Correction effects • Landau fits • Conclusion
Procedure • If we agree on the structure, a SVN containing the paper stub should be created allowing everyone to contribute to specific section • Should be first presented as CLICdp Note, then submitted to one of these journal : • NIMA • JINST • TNS