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Advanced Teams Action Planning: Setting the Stage for a Productive Summer Institute

Advanced Teams Action Planning: Setting the Stage for a Productive Summer Institute. Tim Lewis, Ph.D. University of Missouri OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports pbis.org. Starting Point…. We can’t “make” students learn or behave

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Advanced Teams Action Planning: Setting the Stage for a Productive Summer Institute

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  1. Advanced Teams Action Planning: Setting the Stage for a Productive Summer Institute Tim Lewis, Ph.D. University of Missouri OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports pbis.org

  2. Starting Point…. • We can’t “make” students learn or behave • We can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave • Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity

  3. Social Competence & Academic Achievement SW-Positive Behavior Support OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

  4. Practices(what we do for students) • Clear Outcomes/Objectives • Research supported • Technical assistance input • Stake holder input

  5. Systems (how we support adults) • Evaluate Current systems • Allocate/reallocate resources • Develop process/model and forms (adult & student) • Training / information dissemination • On-going support (adult & students) • Develop formative evaluation process (student outcomes, adult use, success and barriers) • Provide frequent positive & instructional feedback to staff

  6. Data(how we make decisions) • How to identify students/ problem behaviors / problem areas • Progress along the way • Student outcomes • Adult perceptions • System analyses / Cost benefit

  7. Policy(how to maintain change) • Create standard processes • Codify within existing policy • Dissemination to multiple audiences

  8. Assumptions • Teams - Administrator • Social behavior curriculum developed / adapted • Data-based decision making • Problem solving logic • Access to Technical Assistance • Working toward district/regional support • SW-PBS/MBI is a Marathon, not a sprint Focus is always on what students should be learning versus what they should not be doing

  9. Creating Environments Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity

  10. "All organizations [and systems] are designed, intentionally or unwittingly, to achieve precisely the results they get." R. Spencer Darling Business Expert

  11. Creating Environments to Increase the Likelihood: Universals • Annually: • Revisit your set of expectations and teaching activities • Assess and address “problem spots” across school environments • Assess effective instruction and management in each classroom • High Rates of Positive Feedback

  12. Creating Environments • Focus on socially important behaviors • Inviting atmosphere / Friendly & Helpful • Connections / relationships between: • Staff-staff • Staff-students • Students-adults Is your school a place where you would want your own child to attend?

  13. Pyramid to Success for All • Office Issues • Bus referrals, Truancy, Chronic offender, Threatening student or adult, Fighting, Refusal to go to or Disruptive in Buddy Room, Sexual harassment, Weapons, Drug/cigarettes/ tobacco/alcohol, Assault – physical or verbal • Teacher Method for handling student behaviors • Referral Form – send student to office with completed form • Process with student before re-entry • Office Method for handling student behaviors • Proactive: RRKS Review, Parent Contact • Corrective: Loss of Privilege, Saturday detention, Opportunity Center, Suspension, etc. Team Issues Repeated minor & major disruptions in multiple classrooms, Throwing things, Hallway/Lockers problems, Attendance, Repeated disrespect to peers or adults, Cheating, Inappropriate to substitute, Insubordination, Chronic Disruptions Method for handling student behaviors Proactive: Parent contact (mandatory), RRKS review, Team conference, Team conference with student, Team conference with Parents, Team conference with Administrator/Counselor, Triage in the AM with the student, Triage at lunch with the student, Team Focus, etc. Corrective:Removal of privilege on team, Recovery Study Hall, Buddy Room, etc. Classroom Teacher Issues Out of seat, Talking to classmates, Talking out, Off-task, Violation of class rules, Inappropriate language, Lack of materials, Gum, Disrespect, Cheating, Tardies, Minor destruction of property Method for handling student behaviors Proactive: Positive call to parents, Use praise, Use Rewards, Daily/Weekly Goal sheets, Proximity to instructor, Provide choices, One-to-One assistance, Pre-correct for transitions/trouble situations, Regular breaks for exercise, Give a job, RRKS Review, Reward lunch with teacher, etc. Corrective: One and only one REDIRECT, RRKS Review, Safe-seat, Buddy Room, Think Sheet, Parent Phone call, Lunch Detention, Recovery Study Hall, Removal of privilege in classroom, etc.

  14. First Task • Quick Audit Worksheet • Identify current supports across the continuum within your school

  15. Creating Environments to Increase the Likelihood: Classrooms • Keep in mind: • Most problem behaviors occur in the classroom • Effective social and academic instruction is essential for ALLclassrooms • Classrooms are “personal”

  16. Creating Effective Classroom Environments • Insure ALL faculty and staff engaging in effective instruction and classroom management • Align resources to challenges • Work within existing organization structure, or • Raze and rebuild • Must build an environment that simultaneously supports student and adult behavior

  17. Essential • Classroom expectations & rules defined and taught (all use school-wide, create classroom examples) • Procedures & routines defined and taught • Continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior in place and used with high frequency (4:1) • Continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior in place and used per established school-wide procedure • Students are actively supervised (pre-corrects and positive feedback) • Students are given multiple opportunities to respond (OTR) to promote high rates of academic engagement • Activity sequence promotes optimal instruction time and student engaged time • Instruction is differentiated based on student need

  18. Systems To Support Classroom Peer coaching Individual classroom plan Brief in-service, single topic focus Performance feedback Modeling Specialist Principal “walk through”

  19. Peer Coaching with Performance Feedback • 2 schools – one high SES, one low SES • 4 teacher “cool tools” on instructional talk, prompts, feedback, and wait time • Implemented school-wide; provided a tip sheet and mini in-service on each, weekly email reminders from administrators

  20. Second Task • Review “classroom systems” self –assessment & Mapping Examples • Outline plan for all in school to self-assess and develop targeted training • pbis.org for additional classroom assessment tools

  21. First Homework Assignment • http://pbismissouri.org/minimod.html

  22. What Happens When We Run into Problems?

  23. SW-PBS Problem Solving Logic • Establish Ground Rules • Start with Data • Match Practices to Data • Align Resources to Implement Practices (systems, systems, systems)

  24. SW-PBS Problem Solving Logic 1. Establish Ground Rules • Nothing sacred / Everything is important • Not about “philosophy” or “theory" • Keep focus on outcomes • Remember, if what we are doing now was meeting the needs of all students we wouldn’t be having the conversation • Allow for a transition period • 2-3 years

  25. SW-PBS Problem Solving Logic 2. Start with Data • Be prepared for the “examination & explanation” • Understand that data are simply a “sample” of what is going on • Data must be contextualized • Don’t drown in the data • Assess the integrity of the data (plan to correct) • Keep the conversation focused on data that are “in your control” • Be prepared with a draft action plan

  26. SW-PBS Problem Solving Logic 3. Match Practices to Data • Strategies, curricula, and resources independent of what is currently in place • Don’t limit to what you currently know – outside resources • Build your daily schedule around priorities

  27. SW-PBS Problem Solving Logic 4. Align Resources to Implement Practices • New roles to reach outcomes will require training and on-going technical assistance (systems)

  28. We’re Ready to Move up the Continuum

  29. Academic Systems Behavioral Systems • Intensive, Individual Interventions • Individual Students • Assessment-based • High Intensity • Intensive, Individual Interventions • Individual Students • Assessment-based • Intense, durable procedures • Targeted Group Interventions • Some students (at-risk) • High efficiency • Rapid response • Targeted Group Interventions • Some students (at-risk) • High efficiency • Rapid response • Universal Interventions • All students • Preventive, proactive • Universal Interventions • All settings, all students • Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success 1-5% 1-5% 5-10% 5-10% 80-90% 80-90%

  30. Tier II/III Starting Points Pre-requisites • Universals firmly in place including classrooms • Data used consistently in team meetings Requisites • Data decision rules to identify students who need additional supports supports • Environment • Student • Progress monitoring plan developed • Equal attention to practices (student support) and systems (adult support)

  31. Basic Steps • School-wide, including classroom, universals in place • Identify students who need additional supports • Identify what supports student needs • Environment • Intervention • Monitor & evaluate progress

  32. Starting Point • Work within current formal and informal systems • Develop missing steps of efficient process • Provide training and technical assistance to facilitators • Grade Level Problem Solving Teams (partnership) • Tier II/III Team • Guided process with templates for environmental modifications and interventions

  33. SAT Process Teacher Training and Support Targeted Interventions Individual Student Plans SAT Team Administrator Counselor Behavior Specialist STAT Team Core Team/Classrooms Implement AIS Monitor Progress Refer to SAT Core Team Representative SAT Partner Core Team Teachers *Meets Weekly RRKS Team School-Wide Systems Matrix Lesson Plans School-Wide Data Acknowledgement Communication Core Team Representative District PBS Support Building Administrator and Counselors *Meets Monthly

  34. Tier II/III Support Process • Step 1 – Insure Universals, including Classroom, in place • Step 2 – Student Identification Process • Decision Rules • Referral • Screen • Step 3 - Grade Level / Team Problem Solving • Classroom supports (function-based) • Progress monitor • Step 4 - Tier II/III supports • Non-responders to grade level supports • Match function of student behavior to intervention • Progress monitor • Step 5 - Evaluate Process

  35. Next Steps Time to Plan

  36. Summer Institute Planning Map • Review your team's current MBI Status by considering the three questions relative to session topics • Planning map • MBI Blueprint • Select a member of your team to attend & participate in selected topical breakout sessions • At each team sharing session, team members will report on what they learned to enhance your action plan

  37. Current Status What Activities: • Need to be added or adopted? • Need to be tweaked for accurate & sustained implementation? • Are working well & need to be sustained & expanded?

  38. Action Plan • What Learned • What do we want to accomplish • How can we accomplish • When and Who

  39. Remember • We can’t “make” students learn or behave • We can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave • Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity

  40. Your Task Now • Complete the “Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheet” • Identify times you will meet across the week to debrief • Identify a time to complete the Action Planning Worksheet with names and dates attached to key items • When finished, enjoy your evening

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