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Community Health Status Assessment: Fluvanna County

Community Health Status Assessment: Fluvanna County. Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships. A Compilation of Data that Reflects the Community’s Health. Section One: Who are we and what do we bring to the table?. Demographics Socioeconomics Health Resource Availability.

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Community Health Status Assessment: Fluvanna County

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  1. Community Health Status Assessment:Fluvanna County Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships A Compilation of Data that Reflects the Community’s Health

  2. Section One: Who are we and what do we bring to the table? Demographics Socioeconomics Health Resource Availability

  3. Demographics

  4. Population GrowthTJHD by Locality, 1990-2010 Source: Weldon Cooper Center

  5. Percent Change in PopulationTJHD by Locality, TJHD, and Virginia1990-2010 Source: Weldon Cooper Center and the Thomas Jefferson District Planning Commission

  6. Age and Sex DistributionFluvanna County, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  7. Age DistributionFluvanna County, 2000, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  8. Racial CompositionFluvanna County, 2010 • Other includes: American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and some other race Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  9. Percent of Population by RaceTJHD by Locality, 1980-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  10. Percent Change in Hispanic PopulationFluvanna County and Virginia, 2000, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  11. Limited English ProficientStudent EnrollmentFluvanna County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2002-2012 Source: Virginia Department of Education

  12. SSI and Disabled OASDI BeneficiariesTJHD by Locality and Virginia, 2011 Residents who received SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits, excluding those who also received OASDI (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) benefits to avoid duplication, PLUS persons classified as “Disabled” who received OASDI benefits. Source: U.S. Social Security Administration; U.S. Census Bureau

  13. Percent of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients Fluvanna County, 2010 Fluvanna County 1.0% *Measured as December 2010 recipients of SSI benefits divided by the total population Source: Weldon Cooper Center, County Health Rankings; U.S. Social Security Administration

  14. Percent of Students Receiving Special Education, Fluvanna County, 2006-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Education; U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates

  15. On-Time* Graduation Rate Fluvanna County and Virginia, 2008-2011 All Students All Students Disadvantaged Disadvantaged *The percentage of students in a cohort who earn a diploma within 4 years of entering high school **Cohort: Students who entered the ninth grade for the first time together and were scheduled to graduate 4 years later Source: Virginia Department of Education

  16. Educational AttainmentCharlottesville Metro Area, and Virginia, 2011 Source: American Community Survey

  17. Socioeconomics

  18. Median Household IncomeFluvanna County, Virginia, and U.S., 2000-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

  19. Percent of Persons in PovertyFluvanna County, 2010 Fluvanna County 7.3% Source: Weldon Cooper Center; U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

  20. Percent of Persons in PovertyFluvanna County, Virginia, and U.S., 2000-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

  21. Percent of Children in PovertyFluvanna County, Virginia, and U.S., 2000-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

  22. Percent of Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch Fluvanna County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2005-2012 Source: Virginia Department of Education, School Nutrition Program

  23. Number of Households Receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Fluvanna County, 2001-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Social Services, SNAP Participation Report.

  24. Percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Participants Fluvanna County, 2010 Fluvanna County 6.0% *Measured as average monthly persons on SNAP divided by the total population Source: Weldon Cooper Center; Virginia Department of Social Services

  25. Number of Homeless PersonsTJHD, 2004-2011 Source: Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (TJACH)

  26. Unemployment RateFluvanna County, TJHD, Virginia, and U.S., 2000-2011 Source: Virginia Workforce Connection

  27. Health Resource Availability

  28. Sources of Health Insurance Virginia and U.S., 2010 Virginia United States Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding effects Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

  29. Health Insurance Coverage by AgeVirginia, 2010-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Social and Economic Supplement

  30. Estimated Uninsured Persons,18-64 Fluvanna County, TJHD and Virginia, 2005-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates

  31. Estimated Uninsured Persons <19 YearsFluvanna County, TJHD and Virginia, 2006-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates

  32. Medicaid Enrollment and Spending by Recipient Group Virginia and U.S., FY 2009 Virginia United States Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

  33. Number of Primary Care ProvidersTJHD by Locality, 2011 Source: UVA Physician Directory; Martha Jefferson Hospital Physician Directory

  34. Number of Charlottesville Free Clinic Medical PatientsTJHD by Locality, FY2012 Source: Charlottesville Free Clinic

  35. Number of Dental Service ProvidersTJHD by Locality, 2012 Source: Community Dental Center; DentaQuest; yellow pages

  36. Number of Charlottesville Free Clinic Dental PatientsTJHD by Locality, FY2012 Source: Charlottesville Free Clinic

  37. Average Number of Community Dental Center Patients Served Per Month, FY2010-2012 Source: Community Dental Center

  38. Medicaid/FAMIS Enrollees <19 Years Receiving Dental Services Fluvanna County and TJHD, FY 2007-FY 2010 Source: Virginia Smiles for Children

  39. Number of Licensed Mental Health Providers TJHD by Locality, 2011 Source: Mental Health America

  40. Number of Region Ten Community Services Board Direct Service StaffTJHD by Locality, 2012 All mental health direct service staff at Region Ten – anyone who provides mental health services, whether licensed or not Source: Region Ten

  41. Number of Public Health Staff by SpecialtyTJHD by Locality, 2012 Source: Thomas Jefferson Health District

  42. Section Two: What are the strengths and risks in our community that contribute to health? Community Resources Community Safety Environmental Quality Health Behaviors

  43. Community Resources

  44. JAUNT PassengersFluvanna County, FY2008-FY2012 *Passengers are counted by trip and may be duplicated Source: Jaunt Ridership Report

  45. JAUNT Passengers by TypeTJHD, FY2008–FY2012 Source: Jaunt Ridership Report

  46. Recreational Facilities TJHD by Locality and Virginia, 2009 Source: County Health Rankings

  47. Food Stores by TypeFluvanna County, 2009 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

  48. Licensed Child Care FacilitiesTJHD by Locality, 2012 Fluvanna Charlottesville & Albemarle Louisa Nelson Greene Source: Virginia Department of Social Services

  49. Community Safety

  50. Reported Crime Incident RatesFluvanna County and TJHD, 2000-2011 *Reported Group A Offenses; arson, assault, bribery, burglary, counterfeiting/forgery, destruction/damage/vandalism of property; drug/narcotic; embezzlement; extortion/blackmail; fraud; gambling; homicide; kidnapping/abduction; larceny/theft; motor vehicle theft; pornography/obscene material; prostitution; robbery; sex, forcible and non-forcible; stolen property; weapon law violations Source: Department of State Police, Virginia Uniform Crime Reporting Program

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