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Republic of Turkey M i nistry of Justice. U Y A P. NATIONAL JUDICIARY INFORMATICS SYSTEM. Cengiz TANRIKULU Judge in Ministry of Justice, Advisor in Prime Ministry, T he Republic of Turkey 24 October 2008 Thessaloniki. The "Crystal Scales of Justice" 2008 Edition.

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  1. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice U Y A P NATIONAL JUDICIARY INFORMATICS SYSTEM Cengiz TANRIKULU Judge in Ministry of Justice, Advisor in Prime Ministry, The Republic of Turkey 24 October 2008 Thessaloniki

  2. The "Crystal Scales of Justice" 2008 Edition • Following the jury meeting of the Prize "The Crystal Scales of Justice", which was organised in Brussels on 2 October 2008, the jury selected the 4 following projects (presented in the alphabetical order by country): • Barreau de Paris" (France); • Court of Milan (Italy); • Ministry of Justice UYAP(Turkey) ; • HCMS, The Small Claims Mediation Service (United Kingdom) • Among this selection, one project awarded the Prize "The Crystal Scales of Justice", the three others awarded a "special mention". • As for the previous editions, the jury decided to keep secret the name of the winner until the Award ceremony in Catania, Italy (24 October 2008). • The 4 selected projects will be invited in Catania by the European Commission.

  3. CONTENT OF THE PRENSENTATION Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice • This event will present an overview of the Turkish Judiciary System • Secondly we will share the experiences of Turkish Ministry of Justice (MoJ) on National Judiciary Network Project (UYAP) • and give some quick facts about UYAP and effects of the project on Turkish judicial system • Provide assessment of UYAP outputs

  4. WHAT IS UYAP ? Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice • The Ministry of Justice has prepared an “National Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP)”, to achieveestablishing a information system between the Courts and all other judicial institutions and Ministry, including prisons. • Before UYAP equipped these institutions with computers, network and internet connection • UYAP have central filing system. Structure is central.All servers are in Ankara. All data flow in to central units. • Data standards and data standardization improved data quality and enabled reliable operational andmanagementreporting system.

  5. 2000-2007 UYAP I • Ministry of Justice Criminal records and statistic system • Record ofConvictions and statistics • (reengineering) UYAP II • Civil Jurisdiction • Administrative Law • Lawyers • Citizens UYAP-Sup.Court • Supreme Court

  6. OBJECTIVES OF UYAP • To serve 40.000 employee of Ministry of Justice, 66.000 lawyers and citizen • Integration of judicial units with each other and with other justice agencies • Prevent citiziens from unjust treatment • Rapid, efficient, reliable and integrated system • Fast and efficient data exchange • Cheaper judicial services • Minimize the basic judicial errors • Data standardization

  7. OBJECTİVES OF UYAP • Alerts to identify users • Electronic means instead of paper files • Databank of information • Information and basic legal aidsto citizens • Flexibility of working hours • Audio and video records systems


  9. Some other figures Auxiliary Court Personal: (Aprox.)30. 000 TrainerJudges 1159 Members of the C.o.Cas 250 Members of Council of State:78 Lawyers (approximately) 70.000 Current Numberofprison inmates: 96.000 Total Prison Officials: 31 000 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice

  10. The number of disputes in Turkey The number of disputes in Turkey 1.416.739 PROSECUTION WRITS 4 . 314.766 PROSECUTION PREPARATION 2.673.374 CRIMINAL CASES 2.180.305 CIVIL LAW CASES 390.312 ADMINSTRATIVE CASES 9.640.669 ENFORCEMENT CASES 20.616.164 GRAND TOTAL All these disputes numbers have been acquiredby UYAP

  11. Some Facts About Turkey • Turkey hasapproximately73 million population. • The court authorities in Turkey have annual huge working load. • Judicial Institutions arehandling very heavy workload.

  12. Problems !.. • The employees, who work in judicial section, have being used very old technologies. • Cases have being derived to long in the scales. It has being taken up long  time to come to a conclusion the cases. • The problems faced by the judiciary are complex, ranging from the enormous workload, inadequate training, information and monitoring.  • Legal procedures were complicated and disorganized. It must be carry out a reform on judicial sector in Turkey

  13. Average duration of assize Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice General Courts : Penal : 266 days Civil : 241 days C.o. Cassation Penal : 283 days Civil : 86 days Council of State : 460 days

  14. Project plan with milestones Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice Analysing of the process In 2002 Design of the system and production of Programmes and screens In 2003 TJS Revision In 2000 Composing of the project schedule In 2001 Conjectural Project’s finish time End of 2007 Project start toroll out in whole Turkey at the beginning of the 2005 implementing of the project in pilot units at the beginning of the 2004 Testing system and new products at the end of the 2003 14

  15. UYAP in Public Prosecutors Offices and Criminal Courts Court of Cassation Criminal Court Public Prosecutor Office Other Public Prosecutor Office

  16. UYAP IN CIVIL COURTS Court of Cassation UYAP SMS IS e-announcement e-notification Plaintiff and defendant& lawyer Civil courts

  17. Civil Juristication • Public Prosecuters • Penal Law Services • Civil Law Services • Enforcement-Bankruptcy • Administrative Law • Convict-Arrest Management • Forensic Medicine Criminal records and statistics • Administrative Law • Administrative Courts • Tax Courts UYAP consists of these sub-systems: Council of State Constitutinoal Court Supreme Court Ministry of Justice Lawyers https://avukat.adalet.gov.tr Citizen https://vatandas.adalet.gov.tr

  18. Functional Scope • Judiciary Functions • Public Prosecuters Services • Penal Law Services • Civil Law Services • Enforcement-Bankruptcy Services • Administrative Law Services • Convict-Arrest Management • Forensic Medicine • ERP • Personel Management • Training Management • Supply Management • Procurement Management • Financial Management Supreme Court Ministry of Justice Central Units Court Houses Penal Law Public Prosecuters Civil Law Enforcement-Bankruptcy Record of Convictions and statistics Administrative Jurisdication Administrative Law Tax Law Forensic Medicine Prisons • Judge houses and resort units Occupational Units • Supporting Functions • Occuputional units • Judge houses and resort units • Library • Health • Archives • Baby nursery Public Houses and baby nursery • Common Functions • e-mail • Electronic forum • Data Bank • Internet • Word Processor • Verdict Support

  19. Population and Citizenship (MERNİS) Record of Convictiond Supreme Court Courts Prosecuters Administrative Law Police Enforcement-Bank. Forensic Medicine Prisons Council of state UYAP II UYAP I Supreme Court of Public Accounts Constitutional Court Gendarmery Ministries Land & Cadastre Integration Scope • Integration between UYAP I & UYAP II • Integration between subsystems • Public Prosecuters, • Courts, • Forensic Medicine, • Prisons, etc. • Integration with other systems • Supreme Court, • Record of convictions and statistics • Population and Citizenship Unit, • General Directorate Of Land Registry & Cadastre, • Ministries, • Police Departments, etc.

  20. Supreme Court Council of State Land & Cadastre Record of Convictions Population & Citizenship (MERNIS) Telecommunications Authority General Directorate of PTT Akbank Integration Driving License Information On line Police station On line Public Prosecuter Offence Courts On line On line Forensic Medicine On line Convictions Prison


  22. CABLE LAYING Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice • Cable was laid in 807 units for 38.200 connection points across Turkey ANKARA


  24. Number of UYAP Users

  25. Number of Connected Users to UYAP System (LOG-IN Numbers) Official judicial holiday Number of Connected Users to UYAP System (LOG-IN Numbers)

  26. Monthly joined document’s number in to the UYAP system Official judicial holiday

  27. Number of transactions in UYAP Number of transactions in UYAP

  28. Trainings were given in laboratories and practical on site Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice 28

  29. With the Decision Support System, procedural mistakes are reduced to a minimum, virtual discussion forums within judicial organization about jurisprudence isin place, information sharing isenabled. 29

  30. UYAP Databank Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice Legislation Directives Sentences Case law Judicial essays Template texts Circularsetc.

  31. Management of UYAP Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice

  32. UYAP in courts Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice 32

  33. UYAP trainings have been given in modern laboratories in practical way Basic Computer Training: 13.000 UYAP Training: 43.500 The last instant 27.605 personnel have been trained through internet by using distance learning/e-learning


  35. Citizens can reach and examine their case information via Internet and learn the day fixed for the trial without going courts. 35/46

  36. They can be informed by means of web site/Citizen Portal about their cases or hearing dates 36

  37. By using their electronic or mobile sign lawyers can examine their files through internet. • Lawyer can : • Pay process and tax fee from his office by use of VPN Technology and or on Network in Bars rooms through internet banking and UYAP, • Litigate a claim or dispute to court through electronic means, • Review his cases by electronics means • Submit his petition onlinewith his electronic signaturebyUYAP 37

  38. SMS PROJECT As a recent development, after reaching and agreement with the GSM operators; text messages containing information about the case files can be sent to the parties of cases, who need to be warned to attend court. It allows users to ask for alerts to be sent to them whenever any chosen event occurs, by email or text (http://vatandas.adalet.gov.tr/proxy/lib/vatandas.html).

  39. UYAP’S Web Mail Server has 55.000 active USERS. The capacity of the server is 90.000.By means of virtual discussion forums within judicial organization about jurisprudence is in place, information sharing is enabled. Every user can share own experiences, problems and ideas with other users via free lectern and he can ask his occupational questions to others, he can find solutions for his problems 40/46

  40. With the Decision Support System, procedural mistakes are reduced to a minimum level. The aims of this facility are to prevent procedural errors during legal proceeding, to minimise other possible errors, to provide accuracy and speed to the legal proceedings and to accumulate public trust in justice . (1350 warning have been produced in the system till this time and they are presented for the use of the users. Also, warning is still being produced on the Laws.) 41/46

  41. The Document Management System (DMS) in our Ministry has been integrated and exchange of the electronic documents between the provinces and centre has been started. At present, all kinds of data, Information, documents are flowing in documentation management system between MoJ and other units electronically. 42/46

  42. UYAP with Numbers 4.500.000 lines of Code More than 3000 user interfaces More than 4000 reports and document templates

  43. GAINS UYAP • By the use of up to date information technologies the services that are given to the public about judicial processes are higher qualitiy.

  44. Government & Judicial Process Gains • Minimizing the judicial mistakes • Ability of tracking a person’s whole judicial history • Reaching different case files of a person • Catching the fugitives • %100 management of prisons • Adaptation of users to new laws • Fully online and workflow driven processes • Minimized paper work by the use of DMS and integration • Integration with other government units • Reaching the data online when needed • No data repetition

  45. Social Gains • Transparency at judicial processes • Lawyer and Citizen Portal • Automatic calculation of penalties • Minimized procedural mistakes • Distribution of crimes • No waiting at lines

  46. All documents, processes and files are standardised: Before UYAP courts and other judicial units have being writen the writs one by one. After UYAP similar writs are being writen through stencils. Due to standart and ready forms, all the data are filled automatically into the documents like instructions, indictmans, hearing minutes, decision and others so as to finish cases faster and more efficient and not to wait for days. It is nearly saved on labour force by 30 % In the past it took so many times to prepare all the documents durıng the case or hearing but now it takes only minutes and it provide us speed and reliance.

  47. Economical judicial services: With the on-line connection of courts, expenses of bureaucracy and postal costs are removed. Before UYAP it could be reached to old issues of the Judicial Legislations Bulletin only per department of the Education of MoJ and that is being taken up time. After UYAP these issues can be accessed via MoJs web site online.

  48. The payments of the experts and taxes can be controlled in a more reliable way. Now the budget of the judicial units are prepaired by UYAP and budgetary control is made via UYAP online and momentary. Determination, audit and expenses are pursuitted on a central database with the accounting system in UYAP. Obtain central financial control

  49. All takeover files from previous year can be prepared within instantly. Easy and fair dispatch of the files and works of courts and enforcement units is ensured. Prevention of corruption: Destruction of files are impossible because of electronic recording and all the activities are logged in the system. Transparency in terms of accountability and data accuracy:

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