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Learn about thermal equilibrium, temperature scales like Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit, ideal gas behavior, thermal expansion, and more concepts related to temperature and equilibrium in this comprehensive guide.
21-1 Temperature and thermal equilibrium • Thermal equilibrium • Adiabatic(绝热) ( thermally insulating ) Fig 21-1 shows two systems A and B, they are isolated from one another and from their environment, by which we mean that neither energy nor matter can enter or leave either system. Fig 21-1 A B
For example, the systems may be surrounded by wall made of thick slabs of styrofoam(泡沫聚苯乙烯). (b)Diathermic(热透性), means thermally conducting (c)Thermal equilibrium When the two system are placed in contact through a diathermic wall, the passage of heat energy through the wall causes the properties of
two system to change. The changes goes to until finally all measured properties of each system approach constant values. When this occurs, we say that the two systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. 2. Zeroth law of thermodynamics “If system A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system C, then A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other”
The zeroth law underlies the concept of temperature . 3. Temperature When two system are in thermal equilibrium we say that they have the same temperature.
21-2 Temperature Scales (温标) Three temperature scales are defined: Kelvin scale , Celsius scale, and Fahrenheit scale • Kelvin scales (T) • The definition: The triple point (三相点) of water was set to be (in 1954): • It is one of the seven base units of SI Units. • Although there is no apparent limit to how high the temperature of a system can be, there is a limit to how low it can be.T > 0 K
2. Celsius and Fahrenheit scales • Celsius scale(the centigrade scale ): The normal freezing point of water is defined to be ; The normal boiling point of water is defined to be . The triple point of water is found to be (273.16K). (21-2) (b)Fahrenheit scale (21-3) TC=25 TF=77 TC=38 TF=100
21-3 Measuring temperatures Based on Kelvin scale. 1.Any property of a substance that varies with temperature of the system can form the basis for a thermometer(温度表). • Tusually is some function of x, thermometric property. T* = f(x) • The simplest way is to choose linear relationshipbetween T andx: (21-5) where a is a constant.
The constant ‘a’ can be obtained by measuring x at the triple point of water. If it is at 273.16K, we have • We express temperature in Eq(21-5) by T* rather than T because the temperature so measured will be “a device sensitive temperature”, not a universal one. (21-6)
Sample problem 21-1 The resistance of a certain coil of platinum wire increases by a factor of 1.392 between the triple point of water and the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure. What temperature for the normal boiling point of water is measured by this thermometer? Solution: This value gives “platinum resistance temperature” of boiling water. Other thermometers will give different values.
Fig 21-5 T(K) 200 400 600 800 0 2. The constant—volume gas thermometer mercury reservoir capillary N2 Gas mano-meter h Level marker Bulb Fig 21-4
We define an “ideal gas temperature scale”: (21-7) In this context, we define an ‘ideal gas’ to be a gas that would read the same temperature T at all pressure, with no need for extrapolation.
21-4 Thermal expansion 1. Linear expansion The change in any linear dimension of the solid, such as its length, width, or thickness, is called “a linear expansion” (21-8) is the change in length; L is the length; is the change in temperature; is called the coefficient of linear expansion.
The rail distorted due to the thermal expansion. 2. We define the coefficient of volume expansionas (21-12) where V is the volume of a solid ( or liquid ), is the change in volume.
Fig 21-5 T(K) 200 400 600 800 0 21-5 The ideal gas 1. Ideal gas– that is a gas whose properties represent the limiting behavior of real gases at sufficiently low densities. 2. For ideal gas, it has following property, to a good approximation: PV=NKT (21-13) Here N is the number of molecules contained in the volume V; K is a Boltzmann constant. T is expressed in Kelvins
It is often more useful to write Eq(21-13) in a slightly different: (21-17) , the number of moles , the moles gas constant Eqs(21-13) and (21-17) are completely equivalent forms of the “ideal gas Law”.
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Mr Osborne, may I be excused? My brain is full. Students in lecture are apt to suffer from cognitive overload
No Sir, I meant why are we here on a Saturday? 也是应试教育! Often I think I teach just to ensure that my pupils get the best exam grades so that my school meets its target.
Very interesting, Jason, but I’m pretty sure it’s been done.