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The new environment of description

This presentation explores new approaches in making data work harder for discovery and disclosure in the digital environment. It covers topics such as licenses, policies, information objects, databases, collections, institutions, and services. It also discusses the importance of stewardship, high and low uniqueness materials, and the digitization and resource sharing of print collections. The presentation looks at managing digital materials from an archival perspective, institutional maturity, and organizational models for collective activity. It concludes with a focus on the future of discovery and disclosure, including improving the discovery experience and combining access over local and shared collections.

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The new environment of description

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The new environment of description Lorcan Dempsey PCC Policy and Steering Committee ALA Midwinter, Seattle January 21 2007

  2. Prelude: examples of ‘making data work harder’ …

  3. Prototype – not yet released

  4. Description Discovery&Disclosure Overview

  5. Description …

  6. Licences, policies Information objects Databases Collections Institutions Services People

  7. stewardship high low Books Journals Newspapers Gov. docs CD, DVD Maps Scores Freely-accessible web resources Open source software Newsgroup archives low uniqueness • Research and learning materials • ePrints/tech reports • Learning objects • Courseware • E-portfolios • Research data Special collections Rare books Local/Historical newspapers Local history materials Archives & Manuscripts, Theses & dissertations high

  8. Print collections • Storage, digitization, resourcesharing … • ERM • Knowledge bases Ingest into local collections New behaviors and support for research and learning Digital ‘record’ more important(prospectus, course catalog, student records) Focus of much digital library activity. Archival practices.

  9. Special: primary materials? Curatorial responsibility for more unique materials? Selectively capture and manage parts of the web? • Examples • Thematic research collection • Curated databases • Political websites

  10. Managing digital? • An archival perspective? • Provenance • Evidential integrity • Versioning

  11. eprints Powell and Allison http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/repositories/digirep/index/Model

  12. OCLC adaptation of Liz Lyon

  13. University of Minnesota http://www.lib.umn.edu/about/mellon/KM%20JStor%20Presentation.pps

  14. Folks want to get, link, share, create:personal, research and learning environments

  15. Mature? • Institutional maturity – an industry and cooperative structures • Libraries organized around ‘owned’ materials. • Emerging techniques for licensed materials being put in place • Under construction • ERM/Knowledge base vs ILS/catalog over time? Institutional immaturity • Organizational models for collective activity, reducing costs, etc, in development. • Commodity systems not available • Expensive

  16. Metadata? … MARC MODS Onix ‘Vernacular’ Domain-specific approaches DC IEEE LOM DC (simple/qualified) EAD/DACS VRA/CCO MARC AMC


  18. Application profile ‘Element set’ Information model Values/content Encoding Simple descriptive metadata!! AACR CCO DACSControlled vocabs.… FRBRINDECSCIDOC … MARC21 DC VRA CoreMODSOnix … XML ISO2709 …

  19. Some issues:the lake is becoming more like a river • Think about mass digitization • Versions • Rights • Relationships • Think about selection for mass digitization/off-site storage • ‘Systemwide’ data • Last copy • Think about next generation catalog • Control for facets • Control for FRBR • Membersip of sets

  20. Some issues:digital environment • Describe parts (front of page 23) and whole and relationships • Articulation with user contributed materials (way of sharing) • …

  21. Some issues:classic cataloging • A smaller part of the collection? • RDA/MARC/FRBR: separate organizational and development paths a barrier? • More selection from controlled lists? • Consistency of data

  22. Discovery and disclosure

  23. The world has changed There was no need or room for marketing. For many years, Chinese people cited a proverb: if the wine smells really wonderful, customers will come in spite of the length of the lane. Such an approach was not applicable in today's business world. [When red is black. New York: Soho Press inc., 2004. p. 140]

  24. Discovery and disclosure • Improve the discovery experience • Put the discovery experience where users are (disclosure) • Whole-library discovery and disclosure experience?

  25. Discovery: ‘catalog’ • Local Catalog Discovery Environments • Next generation catalog discussion • Combine access over local collections • NCSU, Primo, WorldCat… • Shared Catalog Discovery Environments • OhioLink, WorldCat, … • Syndicated Catalog Discovery Environments • Google, Academic Live, … • The Leveraged Discovery Environment

  26. Firefox extension • Web services: • xISBN • University of Huddersfield catalogue

  27. Futures • More acquisition of catalogue data upstream • More automated creation of metadata from digital materials • Common metadata creation environments (across resource types) • More structured data: machine-processable, identifiers, supply chain, shared inventory management, … • Less discretion, … • Make data work harder …

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