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This guide explains the examination procedures for the 2016 academic year. It covers topics such as checking timetables, required paperwork, exam conditions, and post-GCSE advice.
To explain examination procedures Objectives
Issued in March by Mrs Lowe • Check they contain all your subjects and your name is correctly spelt • This will be your official timetable • All exams start at 9:00am and 1:00pm • You need to be there at least 15 minutes early • Failure to attend will incur financial cost and result in a potential fail • Your unique candidate number is on this statement and must be used in all exams Paperwork- Statement of Entries
Basics • Can only write in black ink • Bring spare pens/ pencils/ eraser/ruler/highlighter/sharpener- all in clear pencil case Additionally • DT- pencil crayons, • Maths- Calculator for one paper and then protractor, compass,pencils only for graphs • Full school uniform Equipment
Most take place in the main hall • Special Circumstances- Learning Support will tell you which room • NO mobile phones/ smart watches- MUST BE handed into reception • NO notes/ forms of communication- can result in disqualification from that and other exams • Water bottles must be see-through and have labels removed • Clear, see-through pencil cases only Examination Conditions
Remember to clearly cross out any rough work • Writing must be legible for the examiner to read and award marks • Check for the questions where SPAG is awarded- Paragraphs? Capital letters for names? Key terminology spelt correctly? • Use rulers and pencil for graphs and design work • Highlighters can only be used on the question paper and not on answers • Don’t doodle on answer paper Presentation
Form Tutor • Subject Teacher • Mr Courts • They have done this many times before and can find a solution quickly If in doubt….. Seek help
You must alert Mrs Lowe before the exam begins so we can support you and alert the exam board Illness MUST be supported by a medical certificate from the doctor Illness
Issued Thursday 24th August 2016 in ICT4 from 9:30 am They cannot be given over the phone or be collected by a friend, unless previously arranged with GF when she has received a signed letter. Results
Mr Gordon and school staff will be there on the morning of 24th August to give any further advice or make calls to colleges if you need help. Post GCSe Advice