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<. <. FEANI. FEANI. 0705 PRO-EAST Rome. Content. FEANI – Organization and Objectives a) Level of Training of Engineers in Europe b) Regulation of the Engineering Profession Shortage of Engineers Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility. May 2007 – PRO-EAST
< < FEANI FEANI 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Content • FEANI – Organization and Objectives • a) Level of Training of Engineers in Europeb) Regulation of the Engineering Profession • Shortage of Engineers • Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility May 2007 – PRO-EAST Philippe WautersSecretary General of FEANIEuropean Federation of National Engineering AssociationsAv. R. Vandendriessche 18BE-1150 Brusselswww.feani.org
< < I. FEANI: Organization and ObjectivesThe European Professional Engineer Organization I. FEANI: Organization and Objectives 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Created September 1951 in Luxembourg by Professional Engineer Organizations from 7 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg Today: • 1 FEANI Headquarter/Secretariat General in Brussels linked to • 1 FEANI National Member in 29 EU countries+Russia (as Provisional Member) linked to • FEANI Network of • > 350 National Professional Engineer and Scientific Organisations representing • > 3.5 million European Professional Engineers
< < < I. FEANI: Organization and ObjectivesThe European Professional Engineer Organization FEANI: Organization and Objectives I. FEANI: Organization and Objectives 0705 PRO-EAST Rome 0705 PRO-EAST Rome General Assembly (GA): each National Member (NM) is represented • The highest decision making body • Decides the general policies • The budget • Elects the Executive Board; ratifies the appointment of the Secretary General Executive Board: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and 6 Officers • Nominated by the General Assembly for a 3-year term • Responsible for implementing the policies and decisions approved by the GA Secretary General: • Implements the policies and decisions as delegated by the Board • In charge of the day-to-day business of the Secretariat General • A permanent function • In charge of EU affairs FEANI National Members and National Engineering and Scientific Organisations: • In charge of National affairs • Implement at National level the FEANI strategy/policies as decided by the General Assembly
< < I. FEANI: Organization and Objectives The European Professional Engineer Organization I. FEANI: Organization and Objectives 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Purpose: • Through its National Members, help the Engineers to improve their career development • To affirm the professional identity of the Engineers of Europe by • ensuring the professional qualifications of Engineers of member countries are acknowledged in Europe and worldwide • asserting status, role, and responsibility of Engineers in society • safeguarding and promoting the professional interests of Engineers • facilitating their free movement within Europe and worldwide • To strive for a single voice for the engineering profession of Europe, whilst acknowledging its diversity in • developing a working cooperation with other international organizations concerned with engineering matters • representing the Engineers of Europe in international organizations and other decision making bodies
< < I. FEANI: Organization and Objectives The European Professional Engineer Organization II. a) Level of Training of Engineersin Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Foreword In the European Union, each EU country is alone responsible for defining the Education/Formation/Academic Title as well as to regulate or not the access to the profession • Education and access to the profession are not community domain of responsibility • The principles of ‘Bologna’ are implemented in each country according to their national interpretation
II. a) Level of Training of Engineers in Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome 0705 PRO-EAST Rome U = a year (full-time or equivalent) of approved University Program T = a year (full-time or equivalent) of Training through a programme – in technical fields, for instance in a construction site, factory, laboratory, office … defined, supervised and approved by a University – as part of engineering programme E = a year (full-time or equivalent) of relevant engineering experience
II. a) Level of Training of Engineers in Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome
II. a) Level of Training of Engineers in Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome
II. a) Level of Training of Engineers in Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome
< II. a) Level of Training of Engineersin Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Variety ofAcademic Titles in Europe for Engineers/Resume Akademiingeniør Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science Civilingeniør Civilingenjör Diplom-Ingenieur Diplom-Ingenieur ETH Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplomi-Insinöör Diplomirani Inženir Doktor-Ingenieur Dottore in Ingegneria Engenheiro Europa-Ingenieur Ingenieur (grad.) Ingeniør Inginer Insinööri Ingeniero Químico Ingeniero Superior Ingeniero Técnico Ingénieur civil Ingénieur diplomé Ingénieur industriel Ingénieur technicien Inženyr Inžinier Inżynier Magister Inżynier Master of Arts Master of Engineering Master of Science Okleveles mérnök Okleveles üzemmérnök Sivilingeniør Teknikfræðingur Teknikumingeniør Verkfræðingur … makes comparison very difficult … will Bologna facilitate it?
< II. a) Level of Training of Engineersin Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Historical Background: The Bologna Process • 16 European Ministers in charge of higher education decided in 1999, in Bologna, to create a European Higher Education Area by the year 2010, aiming at making Europe “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy in the world. • The follow-up meetings in Prague (2001), Berlin (2003) and Bergen (2005) increased the number of countries adhering to this statement to 44. • The Bologna Process is not a Community/EU initiative !It is signed by the Ministry of Education of each State who subscribe to Bologna
< II. a) Level of Training of Engineersin Europe 0705 PRO-EAST Rome The Bologna Process The Ministers committed themselves to: introduce a more readable and comparablesystem of degrees, including a Diploma Supplement, in order to promote European citizens employability and the international competitiveness of the European higher education system adopt a educational system based on two cycles, undergraduate and graduate establish a system of European credits (ECTS, European credit transfer system), providing both transferability and accumulation functions, in order to promote student and staff mobility promote co-operation in quality assurance with a view to developing comparable criteria and methodologies promote the necessary European dimensions in higher education Note: here also no objective of harmonization of education
< II. b) Regulation of theEngineering Profession 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Definition of Regulation/Regulated Profession (Directive on Professional Qualifications) ‘Regulated Profession’: A professional activity …, access to which, the pursuit of which, or one of the modes of pursuit of which is subject, directly or indirectly, by virtue of legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions to the possession of specific professional qualifications ‘Professional Qualifications’: Qualifications attested by evidence of formal qualifications and professional experience. ‘Evidence of Formal Qualifications’: Diplomas, certificates, … issued by an authority in a Member States designated pursuant to legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions of that Member State
< II. b) Regulation of theEngineering Profession 0705 PRO-EAST Rome NOT REGULATEDNormally, absolutely no restriction or limitation exist to exercise the profession of Engineer in that country. In this case, the title of Engineer is not protected by law as a professional title (but it could be protected as an academic one). REGULATED – Only Protected Professional TitleOnly protected professional title without associated reserved tasks. However without having the right to bear that title, it is judged difficult to access or pursue and develop an optimal career of Engineer in the country. PARTIALLY REGULATED – Protected professional title with tasks reserved in a limited number of areasThe profession is regulated only for some specific tasks (design, planning, expertise, inspection, …) within a specific Sector/Discipline (Civil, Energy, Environment, …) and the right to bear the title and execute such activities is strictly reserved to registered holders of specific qualifications, competencies, membership to Chambers, … TOTALLY REGULATED – Protected professional title with tasks reserved in most of the areasMost of the engineering activities/tasks in all sectors/disciplines of engineering are strictly reserved to the holder of specific certified professional qualifications which evidence must be given by the professional title
< II. b) Regulation of theEngineering Profession 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Ref: www.feani.orgPublication: FEANI Special News 10/2005 Results of a FEANISurvey 2005 On Regulating theAccess to theProfession
< II. b) Regulation of theEngineering Profession 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Ref: www.feani.orgPublication: FEANI Special News 10/2005
< II. b) Regulation of theEngineering Profession 0705 PRO-EAST Rome • Consequences of this complex situation concerning Training and Regulation: - serious problem of recognition for Engineers who want to exercise in another European country and have their ‘competence’ recognizedExample: Germany The German Education and Research Minister Annette Schavan states: “However, at present German students or adult learners cannot move inside Germany to study or work, as each of the 16 individual Länders, which have extensive powers over education policy, do not recognise diplomas and qualifications from other Länders.” - great restrain for the mobility
< III. Shortage of Engineers 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Evaluation of student interest in Science and Technology Studies • No reliable data (OECD study) – need for a wide analysis • In general, absolute number of students in Science and Technology shows an overall increase but in proportion (all students in HE), a steadily decrease – worrying: mathematics and physic science • Situation depends on the country • See report from the European Engineers’ Forum Hanover on 16 April 2007: FEANI website www.feani.org, section ‘events’
< III. Shortage of Engineers 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Germany: Shortage is rather dramatic Minister Schavan: • is much concerned “about the difficulty to motivate young people to start scientific and engineering studies, as well in Germany as in Europe. • considers that, “besides National initiatives, it is necessary that European initiatives be also undertaken. We should therefore take the opportunity of the German Presidency in the EU to initiate a European initiative.” According to new data from VDI: In 2006 – a lack of 43,000 engineers represents a loss of income of 3,5 billion euro / all industrial sectors
< III. Shortage of Engineers 0705 PRO-EAST Rome UK ETB (Engineering and Technology Board) study and recommendation: “Of more concern is the fact that engineering and technology, whilst maintaining a steady level of student numbers, does not appear to have engaged the growth in student numbers as seen in other HE subjects.” “However, encouraging growth in engineering in the last 5 years.” Problem: • demand is yet to adjust- UK faces still shortage in the future Recommendation no. 31: “The ETB, Royal Academy of Engineering, … should mount a concerted campaign on encouraging wealth creation by SET… would encourage more young people to get involved in SET careers.”
< III. Shortage of Engineers 0705 PRO-EAST Rome Denmark • Will miss 13,000 Engineers in the next 7 years (if no improvement in number of students in SET) • Danish Minister of Education will start a large campaign after summer 2007 (10 million crowns) Ireland • Demand for engineers 2001-2020: 7% increase/year (2006: 40,000 2020: 110,000) • Demand Balance 2005: Demand: 5,910 Supply: 4,515 Immigrants:1,090 Balance: -275 • Problem: Steady decrease in application for engineering/ technical programmes since 2000 (2000: 15,055; 2005: 9,109 diploma)
< III. Shortage of Engineers 0705 PRO-EAST Rome France • Supply and demand break-even (CEFI-CNISF report) • ? due to the circle of decline in industrial activity in France (G. de Menil, economist: France’s debt is raising steadily) • a need for more engineers in the coming years Belgium (french-speaking part) • 70% of all industries have difficulties to hire engineers • Profile does not correspond to the demand • Number of students in engineering not sufficient to cope with the demand for the coming years • Wallonia needs for the next 10 years twice as much engineers as there are today At EU Institution level 27 November 2006: “Creation of a Group of Experts to stimulate science education: chaired by MEP Mr. Rocard; will formulate policy recommendations to improve ways how Europe approaches science teaching”
< III. Shortage of Engineers 0705 PRO-EAST Rome • Which Engineers? … theoretical, practical, long cycle, short cycle Needs of the industry according to FEANI: 75% type practical (short cycle) 25% type theoretical (long cycle)
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 0705 PRO-EAST Rome FEANI contribution for promoting Mobility and Recognition: • The FEANI private EUR-ING title (implemented since 1980), designed as a guarantee of competence for Professional Engineers • Establish a framework of mutual recognition of qualifications and facilitate the movement of practicing Engineers within and outside the geographical area represented by FEANI’s member countries • Provide information about the various formation systems of individual Engineers for the benefit of prospective employers • Encourage the continuous improvement of the quality of Engineers by setting, monitoring, and reviewing standards
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 3 U 4 E B 3 U 2 T 2 E 0,5T 3,5 U 3 E 5 U 2 E 0705 PRO-EAST Rome FEANI’s ‘private’ title EUR ING criteria: • Formation Framework for all Professional Engineers • Sufficient flexibility to meet the individual requirements of its different National Members • 7 years of Formation: Education U between 3 and 5 years Training T Experience E minimum 2 years B + 3U + 2U/T/E + 2E • The FEANI professional formation framework:
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 0705 PRO-EAST Rome The EUR ING is based on theFEANI INDEX • Contains for the countries a list of institutions of engineering higher education where FEANI is present and their engineering programmes, which are recognized by FEANI as fulfilling the mandatory requirements for the EUR ING title • Centrally maintained at the Secretariat General • Conditions for a programme to be included in the INDEX:a minimum duration of 3 years (180 ECTS), and providing a suitable balance of basic sciences, engineering sciences, and non-technical subjects • The acceptance process is based on a description of the teaching staff qualifications, in terms of academic degrees and professional experience, and of laboratory facilities used by the programme
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 0705 PRO-EAST Rome The FEANI INDEX(cont) Until now:Acceptance process exclusively done by by FEANI experts Next step: From a FEANI proprietary system of acceptance to an openEuropean accreditation system EUR-ACE EUR-ACE accredited course will be accepted in the FEANI INDEX
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 0705 PRO-EAST Rome 2. The Professional Card for Engineers (ENGCARD) • The idea of a European Professional Card for Engineers (conform to the recommendation in the Directive on Professional Qualifications) was submitted to the FEANI General Assembly in 2005 which approved to launch a study • Became concrete with the project ENGCARD introduced in the framework of the EU ‘Year of Mobility 2006’ - by FEANI together with EUROCADRES • Step 1: Investigate the feasibility and added value for deploying a Professional Card for Engineers and set up a concept • Step 2: Implement the concept of a Professional Card – if results of step 1 are positive
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 0705 PRO-EAST Rome
< IV. Proposal to improve the Recognition of Qualifications and Mobility 0705 PRO-EAST Rome ‘Professional Card’ – Registration Procedure • The future cardholder should register, follow an administrative (partially web based) procedure, deliver certified copies of several documents and participate eventually to an assessment organized by the ENGCARD partners • He will pay a renewable subscription fee and must commit with the deontology code