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Public Gifts/Donation Policy and Regulations Office of Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement Third Reader May 25, 2010. Overview.

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  1. Public Gifts/Donation Policy and RegulationsOffice of Partnerships, Communications and Community EngagementThird ReaderMay 25, 2010

  2. Overview • Proposed public gift/donation policy (KCD) and administrative regulations replaces “Baltimore City Public School Board Rules, Article 9, Number 909.4 – Outside Grants, Gifts and Donations: Procedures for Acceptance of Gifts and Donations • Purpose: • Provide clear guidance for the acceptance of gifts and donations • Distinguish between different types of levels of donations • Establish clear standards for what is acceptable • Establish a reporting process for school-based donations

  3. Definition Standards of acceptance – Standards of acceptance define what fits or donations meet technical, safety, or programmatic requirements that allow them to be beneficial to City Schools and students.

  4. Regulations (KCD-RA) Gift and Donation policy and administrative regulations emphasize: Principal or department head is not obligated to accept any gift or donation Funds raised in a manner the CEO deems incompatible with the mission of City Schools may be refused Depending on estimated value of donation, approval may be done by either principal (under $2500), or CEO and Board (over $2500) All money gifts and those over $250 must be entered in an online reporting tool (includes cash, checks, and gift cards).

  5. Approval Levels • Estimated value of $250 or less • May be accepted by principal or department head without further approval, but must meet the standards of acceptance. • All monetary donations must be entered into online database • Estimated value of between $250 and $2,500 • Principal determines that the gift meets the standards of acceptance • All gifts at this level must be reported in the online database • Estimated value greater than $2,500 • CEO or designee will determine whether the gift meets the standards of acceptance and will accept the gift pending board approval • CEO or designee will present it to the Board for approval and acknowledgement at a public meeting. • Office of Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement will enter all board-approved gifts into the online database.

  6. Area Specific Gifts The following departments or offices are responsible for updating standards of acceptance for gifts and donations: Academic Achievement – for textbooks, books, educational supplies, musical instruments, etc;  Information Technology – computers and technology equipment; Interscholastic Athletics, Dance and Physical Education – physical education/athletic equipment; and Facilities – improvements to buildings and grounds.

  7. Depositing School Specific Funds • Monetary donations accepted by school principals are deposited into one of two school activity fund accounts: • A school-wide purpose must be deposited into the school’s general activity fund • Donations for a specific purpose will be deposited into the school’s special activity fund

  8. Contact Information Michael Sarbanes, Executive Director Office of Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement 200 E. North Avenue, Room #317 410.545.1870 msarbanes@bcps.k12.md.us www.baltimorecityschools.org

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