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University Descriptions Of Professional Practice Doctorates: Next Steps For CPED

University Descriptions Of Professional Practice Doctorates: Next Steps For CPED. Richard De Lisi, Ph.D. Rutgers Graduate School of Education June 28, 2012 CPED Convening. PURPOSE . Inform CPED Network’s Growth and Development

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University Descriptions Of Professional Practice Doctorates: Next Steps For CPED

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  1. University Descriptions Of Professional Practice Doctorates: Next Steps For CPED Richard De Lisi, Ph.D. Rutgers Graduate School of Education June 28, 2012 CPED Convening

  2. PURPOSE • Inform CPED Network’s Growth and Development • Examine Professional Practice Doctorates In Disciplines Other Than Education • Focus on Descriptions of Degree Program Purpose and Degree Program Requirements (e.g., “Capstone”) • Contrast With Descriptions of Ph,D. Programs in Same Discipline • Source of Information: University Web Sites

  3. METHOD • Information Gathered Represents A “Consumer’s View” • Rutgers Ph.D. in Education Student, Hannin Rashid Compiled and Collated Information From University Websites In Fall 2011 • Focus on AAU Institutions With Practice-Research Doctorates in Psychology, Education, and Social Work • Additional Searches Conducted in Spring 2012 To Expand Institutions & Disciplines Represented (Rutgers & J. Perry) • Engineering, Nursing & Pharmacy Added • Samples Not Entire Universe But “Reliable” Findings

  4. Findings • Many University Websites Are Not “Consumer Friendly” • Difficult For Outsiders To Locate Complete Information About Doctoral Programs (Including Ph.D. Programs) • Across Disciplines, Practice Doctorates Emphasize Leadership Preparation & Application Of Knowledge To Improve Field-Based Outcomes • Across Disciplines, Ph.D. Programs Emphasize Research Preparation & Creation of New Knowledge

  5. Practice Doctorate Descriptions • Doctor Of Psychology – Rutgers University The Psy.D. program in clinical psychology aims to educate psychologists for practice in clinical and other applied professional settings. The program adheres to the scholar-practitioner model for training all students. … [G]oal is to produce graduates who will assume leadership roles in improving the development and delivery of mental health services, both in managed care and non-managed care settings.

  6. Practice Doctorate Descriptions • Doctor Of Engineering – Texas A & M University The D.Eng. Program prepares [students] at the highest levels of the engineering profession. This program emphasizes solving problems that arise in using technologies beneficial to mankind. However, these problems and their solutions frequently affect society in nontechnical ways. Therefore, technological advances implemented through business and industry require direction by persons possessing both high technical competence and professional understanding of the social, political and institutional factors involved. Graduates of the D.Eng. Program are uniquely qualified to fulfill that important role.

  7. Practice Doctorate Descriptions • Doctor Of Social Work – University of Pennsylvania • Penn’s Doctorate in Clinical Social Work (DSW) stands apart from all other social work doctorates. A professional practice degree housed in an Ivy league institution, Penn’s DSW is designed to prepare MSW-level social workers to be leaders in advanced clinical practice and university-level teaching. • [Reference to University-level teaching opportunities is not common.]

  8. Practice Doctorate Descriptions • Doctor Of Nursing Practice – University of Michigan • The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program is a practice-focused doctoral program designed to prepare expert nurse clinicians and executive leaders for the highest level of practice to improve health and healthcare outcomes. The emphasis is on innovative and evidence-based nursing practice, applying research processes to decision-making, and translating research findings to increase the effectiveness of both direct and indirect patient care outcomes.

  9. Practice Doctorate Descriptions • Doctor of Pharmacy – University of Wisconsin-Madison • The Pharm.D. program is intended to provide students with expertise needed to integrate knowledge and skills in the delivery of pharmaceutical care with public health principles.

  10. Practice Doctorate Descriptions Summary: “Prepares graduates for the highest levels of practice” is used by many Schools across professional doctorate program descriptions. Leadership is another ubiquitous theme – either stated explicitly or implied.

  11. Findings • Differentiation Between Practice & Research Doctorates Varies By Discipline • Psychology < Engineering < Education < Social Work< Nursing < Pharmacy • Requirement Of “Dissertation Versus Capstone” Is An Indicator Of Degree of Differentiation From Ph.D. • Psy.D. & Engineering Practice Doctorates Require Dissertations; Nursing Practice Doctorates Require Capstones or Projects; Pharmacy – No Capstone Required

  12. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? • Doctor of Psychology – Rutgers University • The faculty … holds the doctoral dissertation to be a highly important component of the professional training of candidates for the Psy.D. Degree. A wide range of topics and multiple strategies of inquiry are suitable for dissertations. • The Psy.D. program typically takes 5 years (of full-time study) to complete; three years of academic study and examination, one year for dissertation, and one year for internship/practicum. [Students are accepted with college degrees only.]

  13. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? • Doctor of Engineering – Michigan University • The student must submit a dissertation comprised of practice-oriented, original work with industrial relevance. … The student must defend his/her work at an oral examination that is open to the public. … • Coursework emphasizes breadth in various engineering and business areas related to manufacturing. At least 50 credit hours are required for the degree.

  14. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? • Doctor of Social Work – Rutgers University • Graduates develop a portfolio of scholarship-for-practice (not a traditional research-based dissertation): writing and publishing clinical case studies, reading and critically examining academic and research literatures, and developing collaborative research projects. • Cohorts of 15 students progress through the program in concurrent classes and graduate and graduate in 3 years. • {Program assumes students will remain in full-time, uninterrupted employment.}

  15. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? • Doctor of Nursing Practice – University of Michigan • DNP candidates will prepare a scholarly project that demonstrates a synthesis of the student’s abilities, lay the groundwork for future practice scholarship and demonstrate mastery of an advanced practice specialty.

  16. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? • Doctor of Pharmacy • Most programs have NO requirement for a capstone. • However, these are typically 2 + 4-year programs requiring > 200 hours of study and prepares students for licensure as a pharmacist.

  17. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? Summary Some practice doctorates are designed like Ph.D. programs – require full-time study & dissertations for program completion. Other practice doctorates have moved away from the Ph.D. model – embrace working professional as students, have moved to capstone/project requirements. University Michigan shows variability in practice doctorate requirements within the same institution. There can be latitude in program requirements within the same institution.

  18. Dissertation, Capstone, Project? • Summary • Psychology And Pharmacy Both Involve Licensure & Accreditation By External Agencies • They Share “Full-Time Study” Requirement • Psychology – Dissertation Required • Pharmacy – Not Even Capstone Required Licensure & Accreditation Ensure Uniformity in Practice-Doctoral Programs Within Fields/Across Institutions But Not Across Fields/Within Institutions

  19. Practice–Research Doctorate Comparison Chart Example • Nursing – Ohio State University

  20. Findings Number of Specialties Vary By Discipline and Degree Education Has More Specialties For Practice And Research Doctorates Than Other Disciplines (tentative finding) Psychology – Several Options For Ph.D. but Psy.D. is typically in Clinical Psychology Pharmacy – One/two options for Ph.D. and one option for Pharm.D. (tentative finding) Specialization Offers Another Complication For “Consumers.”

  21. Implications Of Findings • CPED Can Help Member Institutions Attract Students Via Web-Based Search Engine Optimization Strategies • CPED Should Consider Developing Program “Templates” That Member Institutions Can Adopt On A Voluntary Basis • Other CPED Information & News Can Also Be Voluntarily Placed On Member Institution Websites • Tend To Your Ed.D. Web-site Program Description – Contrast With Ph.D. In Education Where Applicable

  22. Implications Of Findings • Time to Move Beyond “Ph.D.-lite” Conceptualization of Ed.D. (whole idea behind CPED!) • CPED Institutions Should Affirm The Importance of Providing The “Highest Level Of Professional Training For Educational Practitioners” • To Be Successful And Deliver On This Promise, CPED Will Have To Develop “Quality Indicators” For Ed.D. Programs • Focus On “Impact” Is A Good Start For Quality Indicator Development

  23. Implications Of Findings Demonstrating “Impact” Of Ed.D. Preparation Will Require Accumulation Of Practice-Based Knowledge Demonstrating “Impact” Of Ed.D. Preparation Will Require Sharing Of Practice-Based Knowledge Meeting The Challenges Of Accumulation and Sharing Is A Great Space For CPED To Occupy Bransford, et al. Provide A Model To Link “Theory and Practice” In Education Research (How People Learn – Expanded Edition)

  24. Linking Research and Practice in Education 24

  25. Implications Of Findings Evidence Of Professional Growth Based On Ed.D. Program Completion Will Come From Graduates Themselves “Credential” Aspect Will Remain But Seems To Becoming Less Important Outside Of Higher Education Settings Voices/Testimonials From Graduates And Their Colleagues/Supervisors In The Field Will Be Another Key “Quality” Indicator When Local School Boards Vote To Support An Employee’s Ed.D. Training At A CPED Institution, We Have Arrived!

  26. Implications Of Findings Finally … As You Seek To Develop A New CPED Ed.D. Or Modify An Ed.D. Program Look to Colleagues Within Your Institution For Assistance Acceptance For “New” Professional Practice Doctorates Seems To Be Increasing And … Questions Are Being Raised About Ph.D. Programs Knowledge Of The Range Of Possibilities Is Helpful For Program Development

  27. Thank you

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