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COLLECTION, USES AND COORDINATION OF EDUCATION DATA FOR MDGS. Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
COLLECTION, USES AND COORDINATION OF EDUCATION DATA FOR MDGS Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
The long-term objectives of social and economic development were set forth in the National Development Strategy (NDS) of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2015. To achieve the NDS objectives in a stepwise manner, Tajikistan planned to implement, at the national level, several consistent medium-term social and economic development programmes which specify contextualized public policy objectives and measures. • Primary objective of the 2010-2012 Tajikistan’s Poverty Reduction Strategy which sets out medium-term objectives is to ensure sustainable improvement of quality of life, especially among vulnerable groups, through economic growth and human development. The Poverty Reduction Strategy states that education is a key sector for achieving the strategy’s objectives. • Tajikistan’s National Education Development Programme for 2010-2015, as approved, identifies priorities and areas of education-related public policies. The primary objective of the Programme is to enable satisfaction of citizens’, society’s and labour market’s needs in quality education by creating new institutional regulatory mechanisms in education sector, renovating educational structure and content, facilitating fundamentality and practical orientation of educational programmes and building the life-long education system.
Pursuant to the amended Tajik Education Law, 2009, enrolment in education shall increase though the use of distance learning aided by modern telecommunication technologies, externships, self-learning with a right to take qualifying examinations in public educational institutions as well as through extension ofevening courses. • Public spending for education in Tajikistan, 1991-2016 % of public budget % of GDP Spending for education from public budget 9 mln. somoni), add. axis
The following types of institutions are considered as educational institutions in Tajikistan:-preschool;-basic (primary, general, secondary);-primary vocational, secondary vocational; and tertiary vocational;-post-tertiary vocational education;-supplementary education;-special education;-educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care;-other institutions providing care and education.
Sources of Education Statistics Responsibility for the generation and issuance of education statistics is shared by the Ministry of Education and Statistics Agency. Ministry of Education collects education data on pre-school, general, basic and special (for disabled children) educational institutions, including private ones, using statistical reporting forms which are verified and approved by Statistics Agency. Statistics Agency collects data on secondary and tertiary vocational education and post-secondary education activities. Living Standards Measurement Surveys in Tajikistan are additional sources of education-related data as these surveys contained specific module on education, which covers, inter alia, questions on educational attainment and private costs for education. MICS was conducted in 2005 and included indicators of attendance, literacy, study in primary and secondary schools, enrolment ratio in education, etc. Population Census 2010 included a module on education and literacy rate is measured based on the population census only.
Recently, with the support of the Asian Development Bank, the Ministry of Education started phased implementation of the Education Management Information System (EMIS), which incorporates collection and processing of data on educational institutions only (EMIS was launched on the basis of school census conducted in 2008) • EMIS is a subsystem of the national system for policies, planning and management in the education sector. By enabling systematic data exchange between sectors and management of information flows, EMIS connects the Ministry of Education with other education sector agencies and institutions as well as with sectors involved in educational activities. EMIS coordinates such information resources as education statistics units, information service centres, units and departments responsible for documentation registration and control in education sector. To date, a uniform database for all educational institutions has been created and it covers key indicators at the beginning of academic year (as of 5 September).
Annual Education Statistics Reporting Forms Tajik Ministry of Education has 16 reporting forms which cover all levels of education. These include 1 is for preschool education; 10 for general education; 1 for vocational secondary education; 1 for primary vocational education; 1 for out-of-school and a separate form to collect data on orphans; 1 for tertiary vocational education. Data is collected on a regional level.Summary report on enrolment at general educational institutions at the beginning of academic year (ME) Report on number and composition of teachers in general educational institutions as of 1 October (ME) Report of a pre-school educational institution (ME) Summary report of out-of-school institutions (ME) Summary report of evening general schools (ME) Report on number of children and teenagers without parental care (SA)Report of tertiary vocational educational institutions at the beginning of academic year (SA)Report of secondary educational institutions at the beginning of academic year (SA)Institutions’ sources and uses of funds statement (separately for tertiary and secondary vocational education) (SA)Orphanage’s report (boarding school) (ME)
- Data is provided and prepared on the basis of UNESCO methodology and ISCED - SA provides annual education statistics for all levels of education to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Education Statistics Publications Data published by SA cover • numbers of pupils • boarding schools and schools for disabled children (by age, gender and grades) • numbers of teachers by gender, number of pupils moving to next grade and repeaters, • information on general school logistics, • enrolment at tertiary, secondary and primary levels of vocational education. These indicators are provided by gender, age and regions. In addition to nominal data, by types of institutions, and numbers of students at different levels of education SA generates and issues various ratios: enrolment ratios, by levels of education, gender parity index, relative indicators on student enrolment and completion, by levels of education, as share of population. • Education data are annually published in the Tajik Statistics Yearbook, Education in Tajikistan and Women and Men. • The data is available at the Tajstat Web site and in other publications. • Primary users of statistics include Tajik Government, ministries, agencies, international organizations and general public.
Data Collection Coordination Pursuant to the Law on Government Statistics, Article 6, the government statistics body is the central government body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (SA) which shall collect, process, analyze, aggregate, disseminate, and store official statistics. Article 7. Statistics Agency is entitled to: • obtain, free of charge, statistics from statistical units and entities of official statistical service, including statistics representing commercial and state secret, in accordance with the procedures set forth by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan; • request data from any sources, including agency-level registers and databases, as well as to make statistical estimates based on the available information Pursuant to the Statistics Law, Article 6, the functions of the statistics body include coordination and oversight of statistical activities of entities of statistical service and statistical units.
To ensure efficient statistical activities and for further development of government statistics Tajikistan prepares long-term statistics programme, at least, for 5 years, and annual programme of statistical activities, which contains a list of statistical reporting forms, statistical surveys with deadlines. Programmes of statistical activities are circulated among all ministries and agencies for comments and endorsement, prior to submission for approval to the Tajik Government; in its turn, the Government does not approve the programmes unless these are endorsed by stakeholders. • The draft 2012-2016 long-term programme incorporates activities and needs of 14 ministries and agencies producing statistics, including the Ministry of Education. • In 2010, the Interagency Statistical Council under the Statistics Agency was established for the first time, which was approved by the Tajik Presidential Decree No. 883 dd. 16 June 2010. The Interagency Statistical Council is an advisory body to coordinate activities for organizing government statistical surveys based on scientifically substantiated methodologies. The Council includes 15 representatives of ministries and agencies, academia and independent organizations as well as 7 members from the Statistics Agency, including the Ministry of Education.
Statistics Agency has close contacts with the Ministry of Education as related to submission of data which is verified by SA prior to publication. A weakness is that there is no data on enrolment ratio at the regional level due to lacking data on gender and one-year age groups, data on disabled children, and poor coverage on financing
MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education National MDG targets for Tajikistan are:Target: Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. Achieve universal basic education (grades 1-9) and eliminate gender disparity in secondary education (grades 1-11)
MDG 3:Promote gender equality and empower women Target 4: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015
Conclusion • A well-functioning statistical system providing reliable, comprehensive, timely and accessible data is required to measure progress in achieving MDGs • Dynamic development and deployment of management information systems in the ministries will help in the future to improve quality of data for monitoring and measurement of MDGs • Improving coordination among ministries, purposeful implementation of international standards, improving quality of statistics at the global and national levels • Improving publications and dissemination methods
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