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Microsoft ® Application Platform

Microsoft ® Application Platform. The future of doing business on the Internet. Hilde Rietveld Digital Marketing Platform Group November 10, 2010. Agenda. Business Drivers and Internet Trends. Microsoft Digital Marketing Solutions . Benefits. Customer Experience. Online Business Trends

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Microsoft ® Application Platform

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  1. Microsoft® Application Platform The future of doing business on the Internet Hilde Rietveld Digital Marketing Platform Group November 10, 2010

  2. Agenda Business Drivers and Internet Trends • Microsoft Digital Marketing Solutions • Benefits • Customer Experience Online Business Trends Today’s Internet Business Challenges

  3. Trends – Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is changing: Consumers are online 24/7, well informed and highly interactive Connected • Shift from offline to highly enriched multimedia websites • Consumers connected through social media • Informed = empowered consumer • Interactive • Engage in online dialogues and contentsharing • Read unedited content (wikis, blogs, podcasts) • Produce own content for personal use and onlinepublishing On the Move • Mobile devices • Any place, Any time, Any ware

  4. Website Search Banner Evolution of the Digital Landscape As consumer behavior changes, so do their needs/expectations of their digital experience. They expect a personalized experience and interactive dialogue. As a result the marketing ecosystem has become more complex • Key changes for digital marketing: • Customer centricity - Customers and stakeholders expect a more personalized experience • Eco-system vs. Destination - Need to support an interactive dialogue with multiple players Life used to be easy... …but customers changed to become more integrated and connected Banner

  5. Accelerating the shift to digital • 40% of all retail spend is influenced by the Web • 62% of marketers say that traditional advertising efforts are no longer as effective • High income households use Internet more than TV • On average 14-24 year olds have 20 online friends they’ve never met in person 53% of CMOs are striving to grow digital marketing capabilities 36% of CMOs question the effectiveness of online presence 42% of CMOs plan to change their Web agency Yet only 9% of CMOs plan to improve their relationship with the CIO

  6. Possible benefits shifting to digital source: https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Four_ways_to_get_more_value_from_digital_marketing_2556

  7. Agenda • Business Drivers and Internet Trends • Microsoft Digital Marketing Solutions • Internet Business Challenges • The Microsoft Digital Marketing Solutions • Digital Marketing Scenarios • Benefits • Customer Experience

  8. Internet Business ChallengesThe Way Businesses Want to Use the Internet Is Evolving Simple and staticsite publishing Dynamic and demanding digital marketing yesterday today Marketing spend was focused on traditional media Businesses used the Web primarily as brochure ware Site content was published centrally by Web masters or IT Static content, navigation, and experiences were the norm Marketing investments diverted to online channels Web campaigns, transactions, and ads impact the top line Organizations want to delegate Web publishing to business users Rich experiences, fresh content, and communities drive loyalty

  9. Internet Business ChallengesBusinesses’ Web Needs Are Out of Balance with IT Realities Business asks: Retention How can we… • Attract more customers and partners? • Increase customer retention and loyalty? • Improve the ROI of our marketing spend? • Revenue Reach IT Asks: How can we… • Quickly deploy new capabilities to an already complex online infrastructure? • Give the business self-service while maintaining appropriate control? • Maximize existing technology investments?

  10. Microsoft Internet Business Vision The Microsoft internet business vision will provide organizations with afoundation for rich digital experiences that enables them to: • Improve customer experiences and broaden their customer base CustomerExperience • Effectively reach new customers and retain existing customers • Offer their services across multiple media channels • Generate higher revenues by monetizing digital assets

  11. Customer ScenariosHow the Microsoft Internet Business Platform Helps You REACH RETENTION REVENUE • Empower your people to reach customers and partners • Streamline Web publishing • Optimize Internet search to attract a larger audience • Extend content and services to partner extranets • Build engaging personal and community Web experiences • Offer self-service to partnersand customers • Foster online communities • Use personalization and targeting to grow loyalty • Grow revenue and control costs online • Sell products or services • Monetize content through ads or subscriptions • Reduce Web infrastructure cost and complexity Priceminister.co.uk Repubblica.it Ferrari.com

  12. SharePoint For Internet Sites Ease of Authoring Compelling Experience Familiar, Unified Platform Standards like XHTML, WCAG 2.0, X-Browser Live preview Embedding rich media Theming Easy editing Route for Approval Detailed KPIs Visual scorecards

  13. FAST Search For Internet Sites Search driven experience Adapt as interests change Guide customers to actions that drive revenue Publishing controls A/B testing Search-generatedTopic Page Content sources triggers Dictionary lookup Live preview of changes Visual Navigation Featured Content Results mixing Original and Off-site Content Federated source Recommendations Social Content Rankings

  14. Agenda • Business Drivers and Internet Trends • Microsoft Digital Marketing Solutions • Benefits • Monetization Benefits • Benefits to IT • Customer Experience

  15. Why choose MicrosoftSolutions to Help You Drive Reach, Retention, and Revenue REACH i RETENTION REVENUE

  16. Monetization benefits Content is delivered over multiple mediums, brands, and locales Focused marketing and advertising of products and services • Increased number of unique visitors, improved click-through, and online conversion rates Significantly increased cross-sell and up-sell activities, for generating more revenue

  17. Benefits to IT Accelerated time to market Flexibility to expand content and user experience Tools centralized and integrated to enable IT to more effectively manage and secure the enterprise platform • Reduced IT burden and lower IT support costs IT enabled to build compelling Web sites to provide rich customer experiences • Improved deployment and configuration process for new tools and technologies • IT infrastructure can scale and extend with rapid changes in business

  18. Agenda • Business Drivers and Internet Trends • Microsoft Digital Marketing Solutions • Benefits • Customer Experience • Dieter Haerens COO • van Mediafin

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