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Our History. 1995 Standards for the 4 CORE Academic areas were released.1998 Assessment of the Standards of Learning began.2000 Students with disabilities were required to participate in statewide assessments. . Our History. 2001 NCLB was enacted with participation and performance requirements2002 AYP targets were set for Reading and Math2003 Enhanced Scope and Sequence was developed2003 Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS developed to addres34582
1. Enhanced Scope & Sequence PLUS Delivering SOL Content to Learners with Disabilities
Virginia Department of Education
(Revised 6/07)
2. Our History 1995 Standards for the 4 CORE Academic areas were released.
1998 Assessment of the Standards of Learning began.
2000 Students with disabilities were required to participate in statewide assessments.
3. Our History 2001 NCLB was enacted with participation and performance requirements
2002 AYP targets were set for Reading and Math
2003 Enhanced Scope and Sequence was developed
2003 Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS developed to address the SOL needs of students with disabilities
4. Key Facts
Students with disabilities are included in VDOE assessment and accountability systems.
Current test performance lags behind students without disabilities in all content areas.
Test scores of students with disabilities will impact school accreditation.
Teachers need effective resources to improve instruction and student performance.
5. Our Challenge…
Improve the participation and performance of students with disabilities!
6. To Meet the Challenge… Instruction for students with disabilities must:
Cover the same content as general education students
Use effective strategies to address disabilities
Prepare students for successful participation in statewide assessments
7. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS
Will improve instruction by
providing teachers of students with disabilities the information and resources to deliver SOL-based content effectively.
8. Development Process Collaborative teams composed of
Special Educators
General Educators
LEP Educators
Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) staff
Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) staff
9. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes:
English SOL based lesson plans covering Grades K-12
Oral Language
10. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes:
Math SOL based lesson plans covering
Grades K-8
Algebra I
Algebra II
11. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes:
History/Social Science SOL based lessons plans covering:
Virginia Studies
U.S. History to 1877
U.S. History 1877 – present
Civics and Economics
World History and Geography to 1500 A.D.
World History and Geography 1500 A.D. – present
World Geography
Virginia and U.S. History
Virginia and U.S. Government
12. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes: Science SOL based lessons plans covering:
Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
Life Science (coming Fall 2007!)
Physical Science (coming Fall 2007!)
Earth Science (coming Fall 2007!)
13. SOL Enhanced Scope and Sequence Plans include: Sample lesson plans aligned with the essential understandings, knowledge, and skills from the Curriculum Framework. Each lesson contains most or all of the following:
an overview
identification of the related Standard(s) of Learning
a list of objectives
a list of materials needed
a description of the instructional activity
one or more sample assessments
one or more follow-ups/extensions
a list of resources.
14. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes:
Specific Differentiation Options for Each Lesson Plan
Technology (High Tech and Low Tech)
Multi-Sensory Activities
Community Connection
Small Group Learning
Student Organization of Content
15. Lesson Plan Format
Title: Organizing Topic:
Overview: Related Standard of Learning:
Approximate Time:
Prerequisite Understanding /Knowledge Skills
Materials Needed
Instructional Activity
Classroom Assessment
Specific Options for Differentiating this lesson
Multi-sensory Activities
Community Connections
Small Learning Activity
Student Organization
16. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes:
Content-specific instruction strategies
- students with cognitive disabilities
- students with attentional deficits
- students with physical disabilities
- students with sensory disabilities
17. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS includes:
Assessment information (link to the Virginia Department of Education Assessment and Reporting Web-page)
Links to other sites with research-
based instructional practices
18. Enhanced Scope and Sequence PLUS Benefits
Ensures instruction aligned to the SOL
Uses the same lesson plans available to general education teachers
Saves time
Brings resources to one site
Includes student activity sheets
Convenient availability on the Web
Site is easy to navigate
24. For MFor More Information Contact:Dr. Debbie Pfeiffer Virginia Department of Education debbie.pfeiffer@doe.virginia.gov(804) 371 – 4059andJeff PhenicieVirginia Department of Educationjeff.phenicie@doe.virginia.gov(804)786 - 0308