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Disaster Management. Annual compulsory education. Revised April 2013. Learning Objectives . Improve your understanding of the Brenda Strafford Foundation Emergency Response Codes Code Red Code Green Code Blue Code Black Code Yellow Code White Code Grey
Disaster Management Annual compulsory education Revised April 2013
Learning Objectives • Improve your understanding of the Brenda Strafford Foundation Emergency Response Codes • Code Red • Code Green • Code Blue • Code Black • Code Yellow • Code White • Code Grey • Understand your role and responsibilities during each code situation and apply this effectively Revised April 2013
Disaster Codes Code Blue: Medical Emergency Code Red: Fire Code Green: Evacuation Code Black: Bomb Threat Code Yellow: Missing Resident Code White: Intruder/Dangerous Situation Code Grey: Air Shutdown/Air Exclusion Revised April 2013
Paging a Code Learn how to page the emergency codes Always repeat the code three times When paging or phoning, always use the long name for all units Revised April 2013
Code Blue: Medical Emergency Revised April 2013 • Medical and nursing emergencies • Call HELP loudly and pull the call bell if close by • Have second person call CODE BLUE and location three times over paging system • Do not leave until RN/LPN arrives • RN/LPN will assess the situation and delegate tasks • Get the chart for Goals of Care and MAR • Emergency Cart • Call 911 if necessary • Fill out an incident report
Code Red: Fire Prevention It is the responsibility of every employee to assist in fire prevention procedures and practices within the Manor 1. Report all fire hazards and suspicion of fires immediately to your Supervisor 2. Enforce "No Smoking" regulations with all residents, volunteers, visitors, staff and contractors 3. Never empty ashtrays into wastepaper baskets Revised April 2013
Code Red: Fire Prevention 4. Monitor each resident's room for potential hazards including overloaded circuits, poor storage areas and personal electric items that are not marked 5. Carefully read instructions before using any electrical or gas powered equipment 6. Ensure that all flammable products are properly labeled and stored in a safe place 7. Never leave a piece of potentially dangerous equipment unattended Revised April 2013
Code Red: Fire R.E.A.C.T R- Remove person(s) in immediate danger E- Ensure door is closed A- Activate the alarm C- Call 911 T- Try to extinguish the fire Revised April 2013
R.E.A.C.T: Remove • Remove person(s) in immediate danger • Immediate fire area • Across the hall • Any suites next door • DO NOT cross the fire line Revised April 2013
R.E.A.C.T: Ensure Door is Closed • Ensure door is closed • Close all doors confining the fire to the smallest area possible Revised April 2013
R.E.A.C.T: Activate • Activate the alarm • Pull nearest Pull Station if alarm not already sounding • Page Code Red and location of fire 3 times • Do not hesitate • Fire alarm must be activated for all fires Revised April 2013
R.E.A.C.T: Call 911 Dial 911 This is the _____ Manor, we have a fire alarm. Address is located on phone Answer all questions Give only the facts you know Clear all hallways and access/exit routes from obstacles (cleaning carts, linen carts, wheelchairs, etc.) Revised April 2013
R.E.A.C.T: Try to Extinguish • Try to extinguish fire if possible • Bring portable fire extinguisher to location of fire • You must be trained to use a fire extinguisher • Do not fight fire alone • There must be at least two people with fire extinguishers • The fire must be no bigger than a garbage can Revised April 2013
Code Red: Staff Responsibilities Each individual is responsible to know what to do in the event of a fire All staff shall follow the procedures for R.E.A.C.T. Knowledge of what to do, should a fire occur, will save lives, prevent injury and minimize property damage Revised April 2013
Code Red: Staff Responsibilities 1. If fire is in your area, stay in your area and respond immediately 2. Take fire extinguisher (if possible) and follow the R.E.A.C.T. procedure 3. Follow directions from Charge Nurse and/or Fire Department 4. Know your individual responsibilities according to position 5. Respond to all alarms whether on duty or off duty 6. Follow specific responsibilities according to position 7. Stop all telephone use as they must be available for emergency calls only Revised April 2013
Code Red: Staff Responsibilities 8. Never run in an alarm situation 9. Never use the elevator during a fire alarm situation 10. Never open a closed door without checking for heat and smoke 11. Try to extinguish a fire only if safe and at least two persons with fire extinguishers are present 12. Check the floors above and adjacent to the fire area once the immediate danger area has been secured 13. If the alarm reaches second stage, exit and security doors will automatically unlock. Extra supervision is needed on secured units Revised April 2013
Code Green: Evacuation • During any disaster situation, the primary objective is to save lives • All staff shall be aware of their responsibilities and follow the evacuation plan as outlined • Reasons to activate the evacuation plan would include: • Building destruction, fire, explosion, snow, or flood • Disruption of essential services, heat, water or power • Danger caused by external accidents i.e. dangerous goods or chemical spill accident • Bomb threat Revised April 2013
Code Green: Evacuation • The emergency evacuation plan will be coordinated by: • Administrator • Disaster Services • Assisted by: • Fire Department • Police service • Emergency Medical Services • Handibusassociation • Calgary Transit Revised April 2013
Code Green: Staff Responsibilities 1. Report to designated control centre and follow directions by Charge Nurse or delegate 2. Evacuate those nearest the danger first • Use nearest accessible fire exit 3. Gather walking residents together holding hands, wrapped in blankets if possible. Assign a staff to escort them to a safe location Revised April 2013
Code Green: Staff Responsibilities 4. Exit via common fire exits. Staff must stay with group 5. Do not leave walking residents without staff support and guidance for fear of panic or accident. A staff must stay with them at all times 6. Take wheelchair residents to a safe area. Wrap in blankets if possible Revised April 2013
Code Green: Staff Responsibilities 8. Accompany each bus load of residents to the holding area as designated - No staff member is allowed to leave unless assigned to accompany residents 7. Place the magnetic “E” decal on the door frame to knee height on all rooms that are empty, including offices and storerooms • If the room is locked, knock and if there is no answer, place the decal on the door frame Revised April 2013
Code Green: Staff Responsibilities 9. Present your Identification card when accessing the holding site. Security is very important in an emergency situation and only authorized personnel will be admitted Revised April 2013
Code Black: Bomb Threat • If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone: - Stay calm • Wave green checklist to get another person’s attention - Record all pertinent information - Keep person talking for as long as possible • Report to the Control Centre when call has ended Revised April 2013
Code Black: Bomb Threat • The person who was alerted to the bomb threat • Call 911 immediately • Page Code Black and location 3 times over paging system • Report to Control Center Revised April 2013
Code Black: Bomb Threat First RN/LPN to respond: (until relieved by Management) 1. Takes charge and establishes the Control Centre 2. If a specific site was named, initiate the evacuation of all residents and persons from the immediate area including above and below the area 3. Obtains the bomb bag from evacuation box 4. Coordinates all activities with the Police Department 5. Implements the bomb search upon the instruction and direct involvement of the Police Department 6. Assigns a staff to secure the front entrance prohibiting visitor access. Staff entering the building will be required to show picture identification Revised April 2013
Code Black: Bomb Threat Bomb Search • Only at the direction of the Police Department • If not involved with the search then stay with the residents • Do not alarm residents or visitors • Do not touch any lights, listen for unusual sounds • Start at floor level working upwards • If nothing unusual is found, mark door with a large “X” • Report immediately if anything unusual is noted or found Revised April 2013
Code Yellow: Missing Resident • Notify Charge Nurse immediately • Search home unit • Page overhead for resident to return • Wait 5 minutes for resident to return • Notify Manager that resident missing • Page Code Yellow, resident’s name and home unit 3 times • All staff will initiate building search Revised April 2013
Code Yellow: Missing Resident • Initiate thorough search of the grounds • Done in pairs • Do not use your car • Contact next-of-kin/responsible party • If resident is not with family, Call 911 • Give police an accurate description • Notify Administrator • Once resident is found page Code Yellow All Clear 3 times Revised April 2013
Code White: Intruder/Dangerous Situation 1. Make security rounds in pairs 2. Check the surveillance cameras to assess if an intruder may have entered or is trying to enter or dangerous situation is developing or occurring 3. Notify the most senior professional on site if an intruder or dangerous situation is suspected 4. Call 911 immediately. Stay back and do not attempt to control the situation. If safe, meet the emergency response personal at the front doors (or other designated entrance)to allow them in. Revised April 2013
Code White: Intruder/Dangerous Situation 5. If help is required page Code White and location 3 times 6. All professional staff and staff in the vicinity shall respond to a Code White Under no circumstances should a staff member leave the facility to investigate a suspicious person or dangerous situation due to the potential of imminent danger Revised April 2013
Code Grey:Air Shutdown/Air Exclusion • Used in the event that a toxic or hazardous substance is near the facility and may enter the buildings through air handling • Or is expelling internally through the internal forced air systems Activation of Code Grey: Air Shutdown 1. Page Code Grey 3 times 2. Ensure all windows are closed and vents turned off 3. Send runners, or utilize paging system, to maintain communication Revised April 2013
Code Grey:Air Shutdown/Air Exclusion 1. Respond as per disaster protocols 2. Close all windows and doors 3. Ensure windows are not re-opened 4. Turn off cooking hoods and fans 5. Restrict entry and exit from the Manor 6. All Professional Staff shall assess residents for signs and symptoms of respiratory distress 7. Be prepared for evacuation Revised April 2013