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HPH Summer School Promoting a Healthy Worksplace. Professor Hanne Tønnesen MD PhD CEO Clinical Health Promoting Centre – WHO-CC for Evidence-based Health Promotion in Hospitals and Health Services. WHO-CC Copenhagen would like to thank.
HPH Summer SchoolPromoting a HealthyWorksplace Professor Hanne Tønnesen MD PhD CEO Clinical Health Promoting Centre – WHO-CC for Evidence-based Health Promotion in Hospitals and Health Services
WHO-CC Copenhagen would like to thank HPH Network of Sweden, all HPH members and SahlgrenskaAkademin The Teachers The participants 2013
ScientificSociety for Clin HP
WHO:Terms of references • WHO-CC support countries to: • Implement WHO principles for HP • Use HP strategies and standards • Create further evidence • Teach and train staff in EB HP • Implement best EB practice for HP
Best Evidence Staff expertise Patient preference Best Evidence-Based HP Includes three parts (Sackett, DL, Strauss SE, Richardson WS et al. Evidence-based medicine. Churcill Livingstone 2000)
WHO Schools PhD Courses Physicians Diploma Nurses Pre-graduate Courses New Master in Clinical Health Promotion Evaluation Project Teaching & Training
A Network of N/R Networks Working together to reorienting H&HS towards better health gain by integrating HP in all aspects Established by WHO in 1995 and aimed at patients, staff and community (Ottawa Charter 1986, and Vienna Rec. 1997) HPH International Network for HPH & HS
HPH Education Clinical guidelines Standards & Indicators Monitoring & Reimburse-ment (DRG) Core strategies to put HP into action Visions & Values of Health Promotion Ottawa Charter, Budapest Declaration, Vienna Recom Pyramid of Implementation
They are highly qualified health professionals and experts Randi Beier-Holgersen Thordis Thomsen Julie Weber Egholm Thor Bern Jensen They all contribute to the Summer School at no cost Lectures, chairs and facilitators
Take active part in the Summer School Become familiar with HPH Recognition Process Ask questions and discuss Make your own network within the School Spend a good time in Turku, Finland Give us inspiration for subjects, content and form for the upcoming Summer Schools Use your new knowledge at home We hope that you will
Welcome, Presentation of participants, relation to HPH work, expectations Policy and Advocacy Workshop and Plenary discussion Lunch Making a teaching Curriculum Workshop and Plenary discussion Teachers Hanne Tønnesen, Randi Beier-Holgersen Thor Bern Jensen Program of today
Program Teaching and training of staff members on Health promoting activities Workshopand Plenary discussion Certificates & Closure Teachers Thordis Thomsen, Julie Weber Egholm & Thor Bern Jensen Tuesday
Policy and Advocacy Hanne Tønnesen Thor Bern Jensen
Guiding principles for standards developement • Healthpromotion, diseaseprevention and rehabilitation are qualityissues. • Standards and Indicators are neededfortheassessment of goal-achievement. • Policies and principlesmustresult in clinicalprograms and guidelines. • Standardsmustbeunderstandable, relevant and basedonevidence.
Objective The organization has a written policy for health promotion. The policy is implemented as part of the overall organization quality improvement system, aiming at improving health outcomes. This policy is aimed at patients, relatives and staff.
Objective The organization ensures that health professionals, in partnership with patients, systematically assess needs for health promotion activities.
Objective The organization provides patients with information on significant factors concerning their disease or health condition and health promotion interventions are established in all patient pathways.
Objective The management establishes conditions for the development of the hospital as a healthy workplace.
Objective The organization has a planned approach to collaboration with other health service levels and other institutions and sectors on an ongoing basis.
5 Standards 13 Substandards 40 Measurable elements 18 Indicators
Combining standards and indicators Combining standards & indicators
FirstthingsFirst Develop a health promotion policy thatincludestaff, patients and the community Staff has a double role: Deliver HP to the patients and community Rolemodel (eventhoughwe do not want to be) Ownhealth • Growingpressures on healthcarestaff
Organisational HPH approaches Ad hoc health promotion projects Delegated to a specific division, department or staff member Integrated health promotion program that involves the entire institution (limited to actions within the institution) Combination of the institutional approach (# 3) with actions and partnerships with the community
Content of Policy Title Preamble Aim and Scope Responsibilities Definitions Means Links with other internal policies See check-list on page 22 in Guide to Develop a HP Policy
Case: You are a group of directors of a new hospital for cancer patients. For many years, the regional cancer treatment has been full of flaws. A long waiting list already exists, and several patients have died while being waiting for their treatment. As the directors, you are responsible for improving the treatment and reducing the waiting list within the next 3 months. The politicians expect fast results. Some of your staff (nurses and doctors) has recommended a membership of the International HPH Network, which requires the development of a Health Promotion Policy.
Questions to discuss in groups: What are the pros and cons in the present situation? What will you decide? How will you continue from here?