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Role of OECD/NEA in Radioactive Waste Management and Radiological Protection

Role of OECD/NEA in Radioactive Waste Management and Radiological Protection. Dr. Michael Siemann Head of Division Radiological Protection and Radioactive Waste Management. On January 1 2013, The Russian Federation will join NEA as a full member. Member states. (regular) Observers.

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Role of OECD/NEA in Radioactive Waste Management and Radiological Protection

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  1. Role of OECD/NEA in Radioactive Waste Management and Radiological Protection Dr. Michael Siemann Head of Division Radiological Protection and Radioactive Waste Management

  2. On January 1 2013, The Russian Federation will join NEA as a full member Member states (regular) Observers

  3. Steering Committee of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency CRPPH RWMC Member Countries Chair NEA Secretariat Bureau Division RP RWM Delegates Support the work of the Committee Committee

  4. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE CRPPH Made up of radiological protection regulatory authorities (60%) and radiological protection experts from TSOs (40%) Focus on emerging issues in radiological protection Interactions with ICRP, IAEA, EC, UNSCEAR EGRPF ISOE

  5. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE Working Party in Nuclear Emergency Matters Members from national nuclear emergency response organisations Focus is on emergency response planning, preparation and management issues Key “tool” is the International Nuclear Emergency Exercise series, INEX EGRPF ISOE

  6. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM Implementation of International Recommendations for Emergency Situations EGIRES Analysis of the INEX 4 Exercise TG INEX 4 Implications of ICRP Recommendations EGIR Occupational Exposure EGOE Working Party in Nuclear Emergency Matters Radiological Protection Aspects of the Fukushima Accident EGRPF The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) ISOE

  7. RWMC RF Radioactive Waste Management Committee IGSC Salt Club Clay Club FSC RWMC Assist member countries in the development of safe, sustainable and broadly acceptable strategies for the long-term management of all types of radioactive waste, particularly long-lived waste, and spent fuel considered as waste Two International Peer Reviews were finished in 2012. Safety report for the License Application for a Spent Fuel Deep Geological Repository at Östhammar, Sweden Key aspects of the Draft Safety report in preparation for a license application for surface repository of category A waste in the municipality of Dessel WPDD DCEG TG-RCD TG-R&D RK&M Predisposal RWM

  8. RWMC RF Radioactive Waste Management Committee IGSC Salt Club Clay Club FSC Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) The IGSC activities build the scientific and technical basis to evaluate, substantiate and review the safety of deep geological disposal. It builds and documents the technical and scientific basis for developing and reviewing safety cases as a platform for dialogue amongst technical experts and as a tool for decision making. Recent projects of the IGSC Update the international NEA database of Features, Events and Processes (FEP) A brochure on the roles of underground research laboratories in supporting disposal repository implementers, regulators, and the public International Symposium on safety cases for geological disposal will take place on October 7-9, 2013in Paris Expert group on Operational Safety in DGR to support countries in their way into industrialisation of final disposal of radioactive waste WPDD DCEG TG-RCD TG-R&D RK&M Predisposal RWM

  9. RWMC RF Radioactive Waste Management Committee IGSC Salt Club Clay Club FSC Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling The WPDD provides a focus for the analysis of decommissioning policy, strategy and regulation, including the related issues of management of materials, release of buildings and sites from regulatory control and associated cost estimation and funding. Beyond policy and strategy considerations, the WPDD also reviews practical considerations for implementation such as techniques for characterisation of materials, for decontamination and for dismantling. Annual Meeting WPDD-12, November 15-17, 2011 (NEA, Map of international Activities in Decommissioning (NEA, IAEA, EC) Plan: knowledge and record management, nuclear installations after severe accident and large contaminated areas, peer review of decommissioning costing, site restoration/remediation, transition from reactor shutdown to decommissioning WPDD-13, November 12-14, 2012, Sellafield, incl. Topical Session on Site Restoration WPDD DCEG TG-RCD TG-R&D RK&M Predisposal RWM

  10. RWMC RF Radioactive Waste Management Committee IGSC Salt Club Clay Club FSC Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group International Structure for Decommissioning Costing (ISDC) of Nuclear Installations (published in March 2012) Estimation of Nuclear Facility Decommissioning Costs – Current Status and Prospectus [leaflet] (published in March 2012) Cost Controls Survey Report (survey on a use of cost controls in decommissioning projects) and Cost Controls Guide (guide based on the survey) completed, to be approved by WPDD-13, Nov.2012 DCEG-5 (19-20 July 2012, NEA) incl. Topical Session on Recent Developments of Decommissioning Costing in NEA Member Countries Decommissioning cost peer review methodology project (launched at the DCEG-5, ongoing) WPDD DCEG TG-RCD TG-R&D RK&M Predisposal RWM

  11. RWMC RF Radioactive Waste Management Committee IGSC Salt Club Clay Club FSC Task Group on Radiological Characterisation and Decommissioning Launched in April 2011 Aim: develop a Status Report on selection and tailoring of strategies for radiological characterisation in all phases of decomissioning, prepare a guidance document to promote best practice in this field Topical Session within WPDD-12 (November 15, 2011) Workshop on Radiological Characterisation (17-19 April 2012, Studsvik, Sweden), 24 papers plus poster session, 120 participants from 23 countries Status Report being prepared, to be completed by April 2013 WPDD DCEG TG-RCD TG-R&D RK&M Predisposal RWM

  12. RWMC RF Radioactive Waste Management Committee IGSC Salt Club Clay Club FSC Task Group on Future R&D and Innovation Needs for Decommissioning Aim: define aspects of decommissioning with greatest potential for future improvements through R&D R&D needs related to activities resulting in high cost, dose or significant time, were analyzed. Topics were prioritized within each theme of interest. Decommissioning techniques suitable for innovation and associated R&D needs are being defined. Output: Report - listing of R&D and innovation needs and supporting analysis to be completed by the end of 2012 WPDD DCEG TG-RCD TG-R&D RK&M Predisposal RWM

  13. Reserve RP

  14. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE Expert Group on the Implementation of International Recommendations for Emergency Situations Focus on how new ICRP recommendations are understood and implemented, or planned for implementation, in practice Use of reference levels Optimisation of protection strategy EGRPF ISOE

  15. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE Task Group for the Analysis of the INEX 4 Exercise Analysis of the INEX 4 exercise on consequence management and the transition to recovery held in 2010/2011 Assessment of national Experience towards aspects that related the Fukushima Daiichi accident Analyze the survey or emergency management lessons learned and produce a summary report EGRPF ISOE

  16. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE Expert Group on the Implications of ICRP Recommendations Group performs word-by-word, line-by-line, page-by-page assessment of draft international recommendation and standards texts Experts are nominated for each specific document assessment Recent texts assessed ICRP recommendation on RP aspects of long-lived waste disposal (Joint RWMC/CRPPH Statement) ICRP recommendation on framework for protection of flora and fauna EGRPF ISOE

  17. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE Expert Group on Occupational Exposure Has produced 2 case studies since 2007 RP experience for new build Understanding and implementation of dose constraints in the nuclear industry 3rd and final case study being finalised RP aspects of itinerant workers and total risk management EGRPF ISOE

  18. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE Expert Group on Radiological Protection Aspects of the Fukushima Accident Created by the CRPPH in 2011 to coordinate the Committee’s work in this area Key areas of focus Patterns in Fukushima Governmental Decisions Lessons learned in emergency management (with WPNEM) and in recovery Framework for trade in commodities and food from contaminated areas EGRPF ISOE

  19. CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health WPNEM EGIRES TG INEX 4 EGIR EGOE The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) ISOE System was created in 1992 to provide a forum for radiation protection professionals from nuclear electricity utilities and national regulatory authorities worldwide to share dose reduction information, operational experience and information to improve the optimisation of radiological protection at nuclear power plants. ISOE is jointly sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agenc “Club” of nuclear utilities and radiological protection authorities to exchange RP management experience Created an Expert Group on Severe Accident Management to address on-site occupational exposure management during accident situations. EGRPF ISOE

  20. Summary of Post-Fukushima-Accident Work of CRPPH Support of the organization of decontamination and stakeholder involvement conferences by the Japanese Government Participation and support of stakeholder involvement meetings organised by the ICRP. Provide the Japanese government with quick response to specific radiological protection and emergency management questions. Discussion of the science and value aspects of radiological protection decision making 3rd meeting on this subject in Tokyo from 6 to 8 November 2012. This meeting will focus on low-dose radiation effects, protection of children, and non-cancer radiological effects Studies on international trade in goods and food from contaminated areas Building of a working group in collaboration with IAEA and FAO. Survey of lessons learned in the area of recovery management Assessment of the Fukushima-related governmental decisions that were collected during the first 2 months of the accident Analysis of the INEX 4 exercise with assessment of national experience related to Fukushima Accident

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