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#3205 Summary 6 th Nov 2012. Studying beam instabilities along bunch train 3 observables INJ-BPM-01 fast bunch electronics INJ FCUP-01 Laser pulse power.
#3205 Summary 6th Nov 2012 • Studying beam instabilities along bunch train • 3 observables • INJ-BPM-01 fast bunch electronics • INJ FCUP-01 • Laser pulse power. • Laser pulse power is measured via a photodiode + splitter located downstream of the pockels cells (for macro pulse selection + burst generator), and the frequency doubler, but UPSTREAM of the attenuator. • Vary the laser attenuation to see how each observable changes (this will not affect the laser pulse train). • Change rep rate to 1 Hz to get simultaneous observables from a single train. • Studying transients vs solenoid, corrector strengths, laser spot position. • Key finding: The 6 MHz seen in October ‘12 data is not present now. This is the first shift since the commissioning break when the PI laser was adjusted to produce higher pulse power. • NB. Calculation of BPM y position in the software was still initially incorrect on this shift in the saved BPM files in the root shift folder. • The data has been reprocessed to correct this and the corrected data is at \\Dlfiles03\alice\Work\2012\11\06\Shift 2\newdata3762 • The data on these slides uses the corrected data.
INJ-BPM-01 fast bunch electronics RAW DATA x y charge 15 pC 21 pC 30 pC 43 pC 60 pC Note significant droop in all 3 observables Small transient at start of train
Frequency Content, Pre-Processing • Take bunches 100 bunches to 1000 to avoid early transient and later droop • As always, subtract mean from data. • For the CHARGE observable subtract the mean AND normalise by the mean, so that it can be compared the fcup/PI laser traces
BPM frequency content, 0 – 1 MHz Strong 300 kHz 100 kHz not obviously apparent Norrmalised the x,y DFT so that the amplitudes are in mm
BPM frequency content, 0 – 8 MHz NO 6MHz
Faraday Cup Fourier Analysis • FCUP taken at 15 pC, 21 pC, 30 pC, 43 pC, 60 pC, simultaneously with the BPM shots on previous slides (use rep rate 1 Hz) • Scope records at 10 Gs/sec = 0.1 ns data spacing • Take 1 in every 10 data points effectively 1 Gs/sec = 1 ns data spacing • Take the same portion of the train 100 1000 bunches == 6 60 μs • Subtract the ‘background’ • Subtract the mean FCUP voltage and normalise on the mean • Take DFT
FCUP 60 pC example fcup after background subtraction (volts vs time) 6-60 μs (y – <y>)/<y>
FCUP 60 pC example • After pre-processing described on previous slide, then compute Fourier DFT for different frequency ranges 16 MHz + harmonics = bunch frequency 300 kHz not seen lowest frequency is probably slope of data (slope still present even with background subtraction)
F-cup Fourier 15 pC 21 pC 30 pC 43 pC 60 pC
PI laser trace • PI laser trace taken at 15 pC, 21 pC, 30 pC, 43 pC, 60 pC, simultaneously with the BPM shots on previous slides (use rep rate 1 Hz) • Take ALL data points (do not do 1/10 sampling like for FCUP). 10 Gsamples/sec = 0.1 ns data spacing • No other filtering/binning performed i.e. maximum information retained. • Once more take 6-60 μs and compute fourier of (y-<y>)/<y> • Remember PI laser power is measured downstream of frequency doubler (green laser), but upstream of attenuation
PI Laser Fourier 15 pC 21 pC 30 pC 43 pC 60 pC