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Hindu Mythology

Hindu Mythology. 4/8/14 . Objectives. Define Hindu mythology Examine Manjari Sharma’s 2011 photo series called “ Darsham ” Read The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe (pg. 291 of text) . Essential questions . What is Hindu mythology?

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Hindu Mythology

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  1. Hindu Mythology 4/8/14

  2. Objectives • Define Hindu mythology • Examine Manjari Sharma’s 2011 photo series called “Darsham” • Read The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe (pg. 291 of text)

  3. Essential questions • What is Hindu mythology? • What is Hinduism and how does it tie into Hindu mythology? • What is karma? • What is reincarnation? • What is “Darsham?”

  4. Journal Warm-Up • Examine the below photos and answer 1) What do you see? 2) What feelings do each muster? 3) Do you feel a spiritual connection?

  5. The Beauty and Chaos of the Gods • “Darshan” - Sanskrit term meaning sight, in the Hindu sense of beholding a deity and making an immediate spiritual connection • Overwhelmingly in India, Hindu gods and goddesses are rendered in paintings or sculpted from stone and clay • Manjari Sharma- Internationally published photo-based artist born and raised in Mumbai, India and based in Brooklyn, New York • Manjari's artwork is rooted in the study of relationships, personal mythology and experience • Believes a photograph can spark spiritual experience

  6. Darshan • 2011- Series “Darshan” • Enlisted three dozen craftsmen and artisans to recreate Hindu iconography and mythology with elaborate sets, detailed costumes, Bollywood-level prosthetics and custom props • “There are billions of gods and goddesses in Hindu mythology,” said Ms. Sharma. “I could be doing this till the day I die and not have done enough.”

  7. What is Hindu mythology? • Traditional narratives related to Hinduism • Subset of India and Nepali culture • Earliest Hindu texts are the four Vedas • The Rig Veda being the oldest (1200 BC) containing 1028 hymns with more allusions to myths than full stories • Veda is a Sanskrit word meaning 'knowledge’

  8. Hinduism • Religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal • 900 million adherents worldwide • No single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings • Oldest living religion in the world • Believe in a Supreme God, whose qualities and forms represented by deities • Deity- a god or goddess in a polytheistic religion

  9. Hinduism cont’d • Believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth governed by karma • Karma- the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences • Reincarnation- the rebirth of a soul in a new bod. • Involves the worship of one or more of a large pantheon of gods and goddesses, including Shiva and Vishnu (incarnate as Rama and Krishna), Kali, Durga, Parvati, and Ganesh

  10. The Creation, death, and rebirth of the universe • A.D. 300-500 • Vishnu- Associated with the sun • Rudra- Associated with storms • Reincarnation- Vishnu • Duty is to live by his or her dharma • Creation is always re-creation, no beginning and no end

  11. Beyond the Yellow Highlighter:Annotation Skills to Improve Reading Comprehension • Annotating is a writing-to-learn strategy for use while reading • Deeper level of engagement for active reading • Many developed the habit of reading without pausing to consider the ideas • Use sticky notes or highlighter tape • Take notes or keep a reading journal

  12. Annotation example

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