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SUMMER CAMP TRAINING. Peg Reilly, ELF--Ibarra, Ecuador Amy Lingenfelter , SELF--Quito, Ecuador PEACE CORPS HEADQUARTERS, QUITO, ECUADOR JANUARY 23-24, 2014. SUMMER CAMP: BEST PRACTICES January 23 10:00-10:45. Roundtable discussion with previous camp counselors: What worked well
SUMMER CAMP TRAINING Peg Reilly, ELF--Ibarra, Ecuador Amy Lingenfelter, SELF--Quito, Ecuador PEACE CORPS HEADQUARTERS, QUITO, ECUADOR JANUARY 23-24, 2014
SUMMER CAMP: BEST PRACTICESJanuary 23 10:00-10:45 • Roundtable discussion with previous camp counselors: • What worked well • Give students designated times to speak Spanish (and English)- don’t burn students out!!!! • Make English fun and light, but don’t stray from the goal • Scary stories!! (mostly in English, but minimal Spanish should be allowed) • As much competition as possible- keeps kids motivated • Plan for rainy day activities- make a list • Board Games • www.ameicanenglish.state.gov • Charades • Movies (Remember the Titans) • What didn’t work well • How to encourage campers to use English • How pre-planning helps • Most important role of PCV during camp • Most/least important items to take • How having teams helped keep campers organized • Your best single piece of advice (each returning PCV)
CAMP THEMES: Jan 23, 10:45-11:30 • Choose a camp theme and tie in activities that relate to theme (see Ryan Brux’sTarapoto, Peru camp schedule: http://peopleleap.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/English-Camp-Schedule-Tarapoto-Peru-2012-2013-Model-Example.doc • Or choose a theme to last a day or just part of a day. • Here are some examples: • Backwards Day Everything about this day is backwards!Wear your clothes backward, walk backwards, play games backwards (i.e., run to 3rd base first in Kick Ball), etc.Reverse the periods of the day. Eat dessert before lunch, do morning flagpole or assembly at the end of the day.
CAMP THEMES • CampOlympics Have different cabins dress up to represent different countries. Judge a "best country" by the cabin that is the most creative with the limited camp resources. Have an opening ceremony, walking through camp with a torch. Once this is complete, break up the countries to compete in different Olympic "camp style" events such as: canoe relay races, tug-of-war, 100-yard dash, longest Frisbee toss, soccer match, etc.Award gold, silver and bronze medals at the closing ceremonies. • Campers Choice AwardsSome of the many awards for campers include: Funniest Camper, Best Smile, Loudest Camper, Next Prime Minister, Future Camp Counselor, Loudest Burper, Best Singer, etc. • A Comedy Awards ShowCounselors dress up to look like celebrities, and if that celebrity happens to be a singer, lip-synchs their latest tune!
CAMP THEMES • Impersonation Day: Description On this day everyone dresses up as a counselor or famous person. This is a great theme to have toward the end of camp. When the “counselors” get up to introduce themselves, people will be guessing by their dress, hair style, and body language who they are imitating. This theme receives the most laughs when the “counselors” do skits as the person they are imitating. (Please note that this should never get petty or mean. Do not imitate someone you dislike.) • Superhero Day: Campers dress up as an existing or made-up superhero.Campers dress up their counselors as an invented (usually very amusing) superhero and present their powers and origins as a skit.
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: CAMP ADVICEJan 23 12:00-1:00 • Co-create rules: on the first day, have campers in their groups brainstorm a list of rules; compare all groups’ rules and make one comprehensive list (posted at “home base”). • Enforcing English: ideas from returning PCVs • Evening activities: talent show, karaoke, camp fire songs, ghost stories, charades, jeopardy, bonfire, nightwalk. MORE? • Organizing and monitoring student groups: 2 counselors (male/female) per 8 students. • Choose a wrist band or bandana for campers in each group to wear; this distinguishes them from other groups and makes them easier to spot. • You should always be able to account for all of your campers at all times. Campers should inform you if they need to use the bathroom, etc.
SAMPLE CAMP SCHEDULE • Access Camp 2013 • http://peopleleap.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/English-Camp-Schedule-Tarapoto-Peru-2012-2013-Model-Example.doc • When possible, try to embed a language objective whether it is a grammatical feature or a set of related vocabulary into each activity. • A well-planned thematic camp is more memorable, as the concepts are continually be repeated throughout the 2-3 days. 1 month later, the kids are still talking about the things they learned! • Themes: Key! • Developing activities that support a theme/thematic planning (be sure to include some kind of journal/reflection piece) • Focus on Language: Embedding language objectives into activities • Giving Clear Directions (MODEL & DO COMPREHENSION CHECKS!) • Developing Partnerships - i.e. Peace Corps, Access/College Horizons coordinators/teachers: ratio of 3-4 students to 1 adult.
MATERIALS(Access at: http://peopleleap.com/peace-corps-volunteers-english-camp-training-resources/) Balloons WaterBalloons PartyBalloons Bell (forspellingbee) Bucket ColoredPencils Football Frisbee Glitter Glue Guitar Magazines (old, for collages) Pens Rope ThickRope ThinRope
MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Sacks (Large) Scissors Sponges Stakes String Tape Box Masking Volleyball Chocolate Milk
MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Cups (Plastic) Fruit Juice Water (boxed w/tap) Yogurt (individual sachets) Crackers (noteaten) Bags Trash Bags Small Bags withHandles Boxes Bug Spray Candles Computer Easel Firewood
CAMP INVENTORY Flash Light FirstAid Kit Alcohol Bandages Gauze Gloves Saline Soap Markers Dry Erase Markers PaperMarkers
CAMP INVENTORY Mats Music NameTags Napkins Notebooks (small) Paper (8.3” x 11.7”) Pencils PencilSharpener Poster Board Projector Ribbon (blue, green, red to denote teams) Sheet Paper (Large) Speakers Stapler Staples Stars (gold) Sun Block Tents (4 and 6 person) Whistle/Cookies/Dictionary
NECESSARY ITEMS TO PACK (for campers) • A notebook and pen • Clothes for three days (including pajamas, cool/casual clothes for during the day and warmer clothes for night) • A bathing suit/swimming trunks (if there is a pool on-site) • One sheet and blanket for sleeping (or sleeping bag) • Onepillow • Athletic shoes and sandals • Bathroom ítems (toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, shampoo, soap) • Onetowel • Sun block and bug repellant • Flashlight • Please note that students should not bring anything of great value (for example, MP3 players or laptops). • Staff members will collect cell phones at the beginning of the camp so that they will not be a distraction. The phones will be kept in a safe place. Students will have one opportunity each day to make calls to their families. In case of emergency, students will be allowed to contact their families and if you need to get in touch with the camp staff, please provide a contact name and number.
YES/NO/I DON’T KNOW • Arrange students into groups of three. • Give each team a set of cards. • One card says TRUE. • One card says FALSE. • The 3rd card has a big question mark (?), indicating the team doesn’t know. • Show a statement. • Give teams 1-2 minutes to discuss their answer (English only!) • Give correct answer and allow for a short discussion.
LET’S PLAY! • Esmeraldas is the main port of Ecuador. • False: Guayaquil • Loja was moved from its original location because of an earthquake. • True • Peru lies to the south and east of Ecuador. • True • The islands of the Galapagos are mainly the tops of volcanoes. • True • Papallacta is famous for its sheep farms. • False: Natural hot springs • Quito has the largest population. • False: Guayaquil
YES/NO/I DON’T KNOW (continued) • Ecuador is about the same size as the US state of Colorado (excluding the Galapagos). • True • The Galapagos are about 1,000 miles from the mainland. • False: 600 miles • Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the US. • True • Los Angeles is the capital city of California. • False: Sacramento
TABOO • Put students in pairs or small groups. • Each group gets a stack of vocabulary cards. • One person in the group is the describer for a set amount of time (2-3 minutes). • The describer cannot say the word on the card, but must explain it, until the partner or a team member guesses the word. (If a word is too hard, the describer can skip it and move on to the next card.) • The pair/group tries to go through as many words as possible in the time limit. • The pair/group that completes the most words wins.
APPLES TO APPLES • Make vocabulary cards (75% nouns, 25% adjectives). • Put students into groups of 4. One student is the judge. • The other Ss are players and each receives 3 noun cards. • The judge chooses an adjective card and shows it to the group. • Each player must choose just one (of their 3) noun cards and argue why it matches the adjective. • Each contestant gives a short speech to persuade the judge why his/her noun/adjective pair is the best. • After hearing all 3 speeches, the judge chooses the winner and his/her reason for choosing the winning pair. • The winner becomes the judge in the next round.
SAMPLE APPLES TO APPLES ROUND • Example: a student has these 3 noun cards: • Funerals • Bus Drivers • Earthquake • The adjective is: Awesome • A winning answer might be, “Bus drivers are awesome because they drive fast so I’m never late for class.”
APPLES TO APPLESYou can buy the game, but there are many cultural differences that make it difficult to play—easier to make your own set!
DIRECTIONS FOR “THE HUMAN KNOT” • Have Ss make groups of 10. • Ss stand in a circle, shoulder-to-shoulder. • Ask the Ss to lift their left hand and to reach across to grab the hand of someone across from them (not to their immediate right or left). • Now, ask them to lift their right hand and do the same thing. • (Make sure no one is holding the hand of someone next to him/her.) • The group then has to communicate how to untangle the knot so they are in their original circle, facing inward. • If any person lets go of a hand, the team has to start over. (If anyone speaks in Spanish, they must start over!) • The first team to untangle themselves wins!
“I LOVE MY NEIGHBOR WHO…” • Make a circle with chairs; there should be one less chair than there are students. • Everyone sits in their chair (except the first player, who stands in the center of the circle) and says, “I love my neighbors who are wearing blue jeans.” • Everyone wearing blue jeans must jump up to try to find an open seat. • They cannot sit in the chair to their immediate right or left. • The person who does not find a chair must go to the middle of the circle and continue the game. • The more common the item/feature, the more chaotic the game becomes, so this is a good game to use when students are tired.