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Trends & Challenges in Business Education (TCBE)

Trends & Challenges in Business Education (TCBE). IACBE Annual Conference a nd Assembly Meeting April 10, 2014. Roundtable Discussion . Facilitated by Dr. Ross Wirth & Professor Janet Staker Woerner . Roundtable Objectives.

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Trends & Challenges in Business Education (TCBE)

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  1. Trends & Challenges inBusiness Education (TCBE) IACBE Annual Conference and Assembly Meeting April 10, 2014 Roundtable Discussion Facilitated by Dr. Ross Wirth & Professor Janet Staker Woerner

  2. Roundtable Objectives • Provide a high-level overview of challenges before us in Business Education • Introduce Trends and Challenges in Business Education (TCBE Project) • Opportunity to discuss and add perspective to guide our next steps • Draft an agenda for online & future face-to-face (F2F) meetings

  3. Theory of Disruptive Innovation “Fifteen years from now more than half of the universities will be in bankruptcy, including the state schools.” -Clayton Christensen Speaking Feb. 6, 2013 at the Startup Grind conference Author of Retrieved from http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/news/2013/02/07/disruption-guru-christensen-why.html?page=all

  4. 10 Trends for Higher Education • Diminishing ability to pay for college education • Even more going down-market for lower tuition • Value of a degree being publicly questioned • Increased focus on “buying into a career path” • Number of high school graduates is shrinking • Non-traditional students still an opportunity • Transient students increasingly common • Message control moving online to social media • Data analytics enabling personalized learning • MOOCs starting to move toward transfer credit Lawlor Intelligent Marketing Solutions for Educators, 2013. Retrieved from http://www.sumsem.com/testing/2013_trends.pdf

  5. Who is talking about the Future? How can we keep up withwhat is happening? Logos retrieved from Google Images

  6. New Models – New Rules Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2014). NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.

  7. Growth of New Entrants • Western Governors University • Zero to 40,000+ students in 18 years • Southern New Hampshire University • Enrollment grew from 2000 to 34,000 in five years • Targeting 350,000 College for America enrollment • Saylor Foundation – NCCRS or CLEP credit • MOOCs moving toward ACE credit (slowly) • StraighterLine, University of the People, Peer-to-peer University • Udemy, Skillshare, CreativeLIVE, Lynda SNHU information retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/life/education/2014/01/southern_new_hampshire_university_how_paul_leblanc_s_tiny_school_has_become.html

  8. Responding to Change • Incremental Change (transactional) • Any Centers of Excellence to leverage? • Productivity & process improvement? • Disruptive Change (transformative) • New Business Models? • Possible within current structure?

  9. Hands up! Retrieved from http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7255/7002938054_eaeb9dc998_o.jpg

  10. What assumptions are driving our Business Model? • ??? What scenarios are we considering?

  11. How might we respond? • As a school of business – What is our role in leading change on campus? • As an assembly of schools of business – What role might IACBE play in collaboration?

  12. AACSB is responding • Recent articles in BizEd magazine • “Rethinking the Business Model for Business Schools” • “How business schools must change to survive” • “The 21st Century Business School Dean” • “Online delivery systems will revolutionize education” • “Next steps for online education” • “What MOOCs could mean for higher education” • “Competing for faculty in a changing environment” plus newsletters, webinars, workshops, & discussion boards

  13. Assoc of Indep Col & Univ in OH • Meetings underway to discuss • Collaboration among Division Heads • Sharing Faculty Development opportunities • Networking faculty within a discipline • Cross-listing low-enrollment courses • Sharing learning resources • Sharing curriculum (Center of Excellence) The Power to Convene

  14. TCBE Project • The IACBE will serve as a: • Communications Hub for connecting members • Distribution of Information • Professional Development & Thought Leadership • Focus will be on: • Discussing Trends in Business Education • Participatory conversations • Addressing challenges facing member institutions • Developing solutions to these challenges

  15. TCBE Mission • Convene IACBE member schools to • Collaborate to develop ways to address the challenging issues facing our institutions • Contribute to our common goal of excellence in business education Draft

  16. TCBE Project Activities (tentative) • Serve as a platform for researching technology • Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn . . . . • Blog – issue clarification & discussion • F2F sessions - National & Regional Assemblies, IACBE Summer Institute • Special Interest Working Groups • In-depth investigation of a problem or opportunity • Knowledge repository for sharing • Learning Resources • Best Practices • Webinars – Continuing Education and/or live discussion

  17. Going Forward • How can you play a role? • Blogging & discussion • Testing technology • Other? • How can other IACBE members be invited in? • Looking for ideas for next steps • Summer Institute & Regional Assemblies

  18. Summer Institute – July 2014 • Opportunity to Check-in • Virtual Conference connected to F2F session • What topics should be on the agenda? • Who would like to participate in the planning? • What needs to be done between now & then?

  19. Going Forward • We need your ideas & help • Please provide your contact information

  20. Contact information • Dr. Ross Wirth, Franklin Universityross.wirth@franklin.edu • Prof. Janet Staker Woerner, Herzing University jstakerwoerner@herzing.edu • http://www.iacbe.org/si-tcbe-project.asp IACBE Website – Special Initiatives

  21. Hip pocket slides follow

  22. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge • Stages of Collaboration • Raising awareness of issues • Clarification of issues • Sharing and identification of expertise & capabilities • Transition to an “asking” culture • Challenges • Moving first to “sharing” – then to “asking” • Balancing benefits across institutions • Clarifying policies & procedures

  23. Where do you place the risk? High Impact ScenarioPlanning Low Impact Low Probability High Probability

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