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2011 Regional Schools Class 4. the journey forgiveness, restorative justice and reconciliation. Prayers page 124 of The Journey. Quiet reflection The Lord’s Prayer. Responsive Reading page 124 of The Journey. Leader: Fire up the cooking pots! Set a new place at the table…
2011 Regional Schools Class 4 the journey forgiveness, restorative justice and reconciliation
Prayerspage 124 of The Journey Quiet reflection The Lord’s Prayer
Responsive Readingpage 124 of The Journey Leader: Fire up the cooking pots! Set a new place at the table… Just in case she comes home. ALL: I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10b).
Our Covenant (page 16) We covenant to: Prepare prayerfully and carefully for the study. Speak with respect. When talking piece is used, speak only when you have the talking piece. Be honest – saying what you think, not what you think you should say. Speak only for yourself. Speak in a way that encourages dialogue. Be brief and to the point. Listen with respect.
Our Covenant (continued) Listen for understanding the text and one another. Try to understand perspectives that are different from yours and respect the fact that the goal is not consensus on the meaning of the text but learning and sharing. Carefully hold all the differences together. Be open to new viewpoints, new ideas – to being transformed. Keep confidential those personal stories shared in the Circle. Stay in the Circle throughout the discussion and come to all of the sessions, if at all possible.
Amazing GraceUMH #378 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound a saved a soul like me! I once was lost, and now am found; Was blind and now I see.
Amazing GraceUMH #378 ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,And grace my fears relieved;How precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believed.
Amazing GraceUMH #378 Through many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come; ’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home.
Reading of the Textpage 125 of The Journey Group 1 Then Jesus said, “There was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me.’ So he divided his property between them.”
Reading of the Textpage 125 of The Journey Group 2 A few days later the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. When he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need.
Reading of the Textpage 125 of The Journey Group 3 So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed the pigs. He would gladly have filled himself with the pods that the pigs were eating, and no one gave him anything.
Reading of the Textpage 125 of The Journey Group 1 But when he came to himself he said, “How many of my father’s hired hands have bread enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son treat me like one of your hired hands.”
Reading of the Textpage 126 of The Journey Group 2 So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then the son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”
Reading of the Textpage 126 of The Journey Group 3 But the father said to his slaves, “Quickly, bring out a robe — the best one — and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate, for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” And they began to celebrate.
Reading of the Textpage 126 of The Journey Group 1 Now his elder son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on. He replied, “Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has got him back safe and sound.”
Reading of the Textpage 126 of The Journey Group 2 Then he became angry and refused to go in. His father came out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, “Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have never disobeyed your command, yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him!”
Reading of the Textpage 126 of The Journey Group 3 Then the father said to him, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found.”
RECONCILING • Naming • Squandering • Nickel Mines – Amish Grace • The “Other”
Concluding RitualPage 137, The Journey One: Out of the depths, we cry to you, Lord. Many: Hear our voice. Hear our cry. One: Listen Many: Between each heartbeat. One: Listen Many: Between each breath. One: Listen Many: To things we don’t say, One: Can’t say, Many: things from which we run away. Silence
Concluding RitualPage 137, The Journey One: If you counted every wrong we’ve done, who could stand, Lord? Many: But you forgive. One: So we wait on you. Many: Our souls wait. One: In your word is hope. Many: We long for you, One: More than the endless night looks for dawn, Many: More than hunger looks for food, One: We hope. Many: For God is our hope and our salvation.