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2011 Regional Schools Class 3

2011 Regional Schools Class 3. the journey forgiveness, restorative justice and reconciliation. A STORY. Responsive Reading page 109 of The Journey. The One: In the singing, in the silence, in the hands expectant open. In the presence at this table,

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2011 Regional Schools Class 3

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  1. 2011 Regional Schools Class 3 the journey forgiveness, restorative justice and reconciliation

  2. A STORY

  3. Responsive Readingpage 109 of The Journey The One: In the singing, in the silence, in the hands expectant open. In the presence at this table, The Many: Jesus Christ be wine of grace Jesus Christ be bread of peace.

  4. Responsive Readingpage 109 of The Journey The One: In the question, in the answer, in the moment of acceptance, In the heart’s cry, in the healing, in the circle of your people, The Many: Jesus Christ be wine of grace Jesus Christ be bread of peace. (Adapted from TFWS #2255)

  5. Walls Mark Our Bound’riesAppendix E, page 194, The Journey Walls mark our bound’ries and keep us apart, Walls keep the world from our eyes and our heart. Tables are round, making room for one more, Welcoming friends we have not known before.

  6. Walls Mark Our Bound’ries, ChorusAppendix E, The Journey So build us a table and tear down that wall! Christ is our host. There is room …….for us all!

  7. Walls Mark Our Bound’ries, v2Appendix E, The Journey Walls make us sure who is in and who’s out; Walls keep us safe from all question and doubt, But at a table in open exchange New ties are formed as our lives rearrange.

  8. Walls Mark Our Bound’ries, ChorusAppendix E, The Journey So build us a table and tear down that wall! Christ is our host. There is room …….for us all!

  9. Walls Mark Our Bound’ries, v3Appendix E, The Journey Once we were strangers, divided, alone. Hate and distrust built a wall stone by stone. Now at a table the bread that we share Joins us to Christ in a circle of care.

  10. Walls Mark Our Bound’ries, ChorusAppendix E, The Journey So build us a table and tear down that wall! Christ is our host. There is room …….for us all!

  11. Prayer (In unison) Dear God of all people and all nations, as we hold this talking stick, may we have courage to name our truths and speak them with love and respect. Amen.

  12. Our Covenant (page 16) We covenant to: Prepare prayerfully and carefully for the study. Speak with respect. When talking piece is used, speak only when you have the talking piece. Be honest – saying what you think, not what you think you should say. Speak only for yourself. Speak in a way that encourages dialogue. Be brief and to the point. Listen with respect.

  13. Our Covenant (continued) Listen for understanding the text and one another. Try to understand perspectives that are different from yours and respect the fact that the goal is not consensus on the meaning of the text but learning and sharing. Carefully hold all the differences together. Be open to new viewpoints, new ideas – to being transformed. Keep confidential those personal stories shared in the Circle. Stay in the Circle throughout the discussion and come to all of the sessions, if at all possible.

  14. Reading of the Textpage 110 of The Journey In your table group, read together… Matthew 15:21-28 (Silence follows…) Then, read together… Mark 14:17-24 (Silence follows…)

  15. Chapter 5

  16. Second Liberian Civil War • LeymahGbowee • Demand for Peace Talks • President Charles Taylor • Peace Talks in Ghana

  17. Exercise…

  18. Concluding RitualPage 121, The Journey “As bread for our journey, I offer this good word [name a word for the journey].”  (Continue around the circle ..) “As bread for our journey, I offer _____________.” (Persons may share pieces of bread with one another as they prepare to leave.)

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