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Dane County Vandewalle & Associates Strand Associates William O’Connor

Dane County Vandewalle & Associates Strand Associates William O’Connor. Possible Recommended Roadway Component. Roadway Concepts. Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway. Moderate Speed Inter Community Oriented Parkway. High Speed Regional Parkway. Mobility. 19. Land Access. 113. River.

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Dane County Vandewalle & Associates Strand Associates William O’Connor

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  1. Dane County Vandewalle & Associates Strand Associates William O’Connor Possible Recommended Roadway Component

  2. Roadway Concepts Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway Moderate Speed Inter Community Oriented Parkway High Speed Regional Parkway

  3. Mobility 19 Land Access 113 River Woodland Bong 12 Meffert Q 90/94 Woodlawn Fisher K Oncken Balzer Possible 4-ln Improvement M Pheasant Branch High Rd Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway • Constructs a Low Speed (35 mph) Corridor Oriented to Land Access • Maps a higher speed corridor to satisfy future transportation needs

  4. Bike Lane Bike Lane Sidewalk Multi Use Path Lane Lane Median Terrace Lane Lane Terrace Ultimate Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway Cross Section Keep Existing Half-Boulevard Roadway And Implement Boulevard by Adding Other Lanes

  5. Initial Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway Cross Section Paved Shoulders

  6. Mobility 19 Land Access 113 12 90/94 K M Moderate Speed Inter-Community Oriented Parkway • Constructs a Moderate Speed (45 mph) Corridor Oriented to Regional Movement River Woodland Bong Meffert Q Woodlawn Fisher Oncken Balzer Greenbriar Pheasant Branch High Rd

  7. Keep Existing Half-Boulevard Roadway And Implement Boulevard by Adding Other Lanes Bike Lane Bike Lane Sidewalk Multi Use Path Lane Lane Median Terrace Lane Lane Terrace Ultimate Moderate Speed Inter-Community Parkway Cross Section

  8. Initial Moderate Speed Inter Community Oriented Parkway Cross Section Paved Shoulders

  9. Mobility 19 Land Access 113 River Woodland Bong 12 Meffert Q 90/94 Woodlawn Fisher K Oncken Balzer M Pheasant Branch High Rd High Speed Regional Parkway • Constructs a High Speed (55 mph) Corridor Oriented to Regional Movement

  10. High Speed Regional Parkway Cross Section Transportation Concepts Providing Functions

  11. Alignment Locations

  12. Mobility Land Access Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway • 35 mph Design Speed • Primary Function - Access to Subdivisions Impacts: • 306 acres R/W (135 acres net) • 98 acres Farmland • 29 acres Wetland/floodplain/env corridor • 171 acres existing R/W • 8 acres other

  13. Mobility Land Access Moderate Speed Inter-Community Oriented Parkway • 45 mph Design Speed • Primary Function - Inter-Community traffic movements • 307 acres R/W (125 acres net) • 82 acres Farmland • 34 acres Wetland/floodplain/env corridor • 182 acres existing R/W • 9 acres other

  14. Mobility Land Access High Speed Regional Parkway • 60 mph Design Speed • Primary Function - Inter-regional traffic movement Impacts: • 484 acres R/W (236 acres net) • 165 acres Farmland • 50 acres Wetland/floodplain/env corridor • 248 acres R/W • 21 acres other

  15. Alt 3 Low Speed Locally Oriented Parkway Projected ADTs 5,000 8,200 CTH I STH 113 13,800 28,800 STH 19 Onken-Balzer Connection Woodland Dr. 8,400 4,200 CTH Q River Rd. 14,600 5,100 44,500 CTH K 18,900 39,000 Oncken Rd. Northport Dr. CTH M Schneider Rd. 6,900 Pheasant Branch Rd. 2,200 12,500 32,300 35 mph Neighborhood Oriented ~Year 2050

  16. Alt 3 3,000 Moderate Speed Inter-Community Oriented Parkway Projected ADTs 7,300 CTH I STH 113 29,200 13,800 STH 19 Onken-Balzer Connection Woodland Dr. 10,000 6,600 CTH Q River Rd. 12,600 45,400 23,700 CTH K 42,900 Oncken Rd. Northport Dr. 5,500 CTH M Schneider Rd. 8,200 Pheasant Branch Rd. 2,200 12,800 30,300 ~Year 2050

  17. Alt 5 High Speed Regionally Oriented Parkway Projected ADTs STH 113 CTH I 6,300 56,100 13,600 STH 19 4 Lane Freeway Off-Alignment CTH Q Woodland Dr. 5,700 River Rd. 3,800 16,800 46,700 CTH K 45,600 Oncken Rd. 69,600 1,400 Northport Dr. 8,700 CTH M Schneider Rd. Pheasant Branch Rd. 2,600 11,600 31,300 ~Year 2050 Northern Effects

  18. Focus Corridor Volume

  19. Select Link Analysis Alternative 3 Onken Balzer Connection Land Use Scenario 1 CTH M (STH 113 to CTH K) West to East - Normalized to Percentage ~2050 Low Speed Locally Oriented and Moderate Speed Inter-Community Oriented Parkway 28% 13% 12% 16% 60% 38% 20%

  20. Select Link Analysis Alternative 5 4-Lane Freeway Off-Alignment Land Use Scenario 1 CTH M (STH 113 to CTH K) West to East - Normalized to Percentage ~2050 High Speed Regionally Oriented Parkway 53% 8% 11% 47% 65% 9% 17% 34% Greater capacity, before it is needed, draws traffic from further distances

  21. Comparison Low-SpeedLocally Oriented Parkway Moderate-Speed Inter-Community Oriented Parkway High Speed Regional Parkway Design Speed 35 mph 45 mph 60 mph Traffic Served Local Inter-Community Regional CTH M Vol 39,000 42,900 69,600 (East of CTH K)

  22. Funding State with locally supported alignment Local/ County with jurisdictional transfer Local Comparison Low-SpeedLocally Oriented Parkway Moderate-Speed Inter-Community Oriented Parkway High Speed Regional Parkway Phase 1 Const Cost ~2.5 mil ~2.0 mil ---- Phase 2 Const Cost 28 mil 28 mil 46 mil R/W 318 ac 312 ac 484 ac

  23. Dane County Vandewalle & Associates Strand Associates William O’Connor Possible Recommended Roadway Component

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