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We took some time to review surveys and research conducted by other members of the industry to arrive at some of the most anticipated trends in cloud computing. The next ten years are going to be transformational for cloud providers and users. This infographic highlights trends in several areas of cloud computing like containers, public cloud, cloud service adoption and more. It further focuses on the vision of cloud edge computing and its global trends along with reasons for popularity.
EXPLAINS There is a shift in cloud strategy towards a complete transformation of regular busi- ness operations and more. New trends are taking over industry as cloud infrastructure empowers all! cloud computing will move to the forefront of enterprise technology. Cloud computing is changing the way we work with its flexibility and scope for faster Implementation. Let's have a look at some upcoming trends of in the industy: Containerized workloads are expected to grow by 46% in the public cloud by 2021. Cloud computing market is said to reach USD $623.3 billion by 2025. Cloud computing by satellite is to transfer 52 Exabytes of traffic by 2029! Item 2 23% By 2029, among mid-size and large businesses globally, over 77% of them would adopt cloud for a majority of their IT needs. 77% Item 1 77% Among global mid-market and large companies, 66% more will use edge computing for a majority of their cloud operations by 2029. The reasons why edge computing will gain popularity in cloud operations are: Business stay relevant with the help of technology like cloud and edge computing. Resources: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/research/future-of-cloud-computing-5-insights-from-new- global-research https://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/futurecloudcomputing.pdf https://satelliteprome.com/news/cloud-computing-via-satellite-to-drive-52-exabytes-of-traffic-by- 2029- nsr/#:~:text=Cloud%20computing%20via%20satellite%20is,a%20new%20report%20by%20NSR. https://www.researchcosmos.com/reports/cloud-computing- market/92916729#:~:text=Cloud%20Computing%20Market%20is%20projected,USD%20623.3%2 0Billion%20by%202025.