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This project explores the integration of design processes into government authority services, focusing on human-centred approaches like prototyping, usability engineering, and user involvement. The collaboration between stakeholders aims to improve system development and procurement practices for enhanced user experiences and service delivery.
Interaction design, industrial design, design management, service design, information design, experience design, graphic design, furniture design, destination design, product design, ergonomics design, innovation design, packaging design, retail design, automotive design, eco design, sustainable design, user centred design, workplace design, inclusive design, instructional design, exhibition design, building design, interior design, brand design, architectural design, engineering design, fashion design, landscape design, urban design
Developing e-services in a government authority Different views on design in procurement and system development Stefan Holmlid, Linköpings universitet, Linköping Ann Lantz, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Project context • Procurement competence, 2001-2005 • MAVB, 2006-2008 • Enforcement authority in Sweden • Interviews (4 x 2) • Future workshops • Design workshops • Process workshops
Explore Define Construct Integration Test Contract Req/architecture Delivery System development
Explore Define Construct Deploy Maintain Trigger Decide/organize Acquisition context
User Centred System Development Contract UCD
User Centred System Acquisition Interaction designer Interaction designer
From project organization Proj man IT person Bus person HCI person Requirements
To process Contract Bus dev IT dev Deploy
Competencies Contract Bus dev IT dev Deploy Business Interaction design IT Interaction design
Activities Contract Bus dev IT dev Deploy Contextual interviews Prototypes Personaes Prototypes Usability engineering
Balansen/info asymmetri • Sprider ut designarbete över en längre tidsrymd • Kan hitta synergi mellan processutveckling och design • Ger IxDs i SU higher ground
Genomförda studier • Organisationsmål & användbarhetsmål • Designmetoder och processer för beställare • Perspektiv på designarbete och roller • Kravgestaltning • Makt & ansvar
Dagens fokus • Pågående projekt med Kronofogden • Humancentrerad design (HCD) hos beställare • Design • gestaltande (prototyper,skisser, scenarier, personaes), kreativ, lösningsidentifierande, användarinvolvering, fokus på system i användning (estetik, funktion, ekonomi, konstruktion, produktion, konsekvens)
Kronofogden • Intervjuer • Future workshops • Design workshops • Process workshops
Kronofogden • Utvecklingsprocess • Informations/kunskapsasymmetri • Designarbetet
Utvecklingsprocess • DÅ: traditionell integrerad verksamhetsutveckling och IT-utvecklingsprocess • NU: starkare beställar/utförarmodell • +: designarbete
Informations/kunskapsasymmetri • Tydliggjord • D: lång UCD tradition • Integrerad process
Asymmetri & HCD • Förlängd tidsrymd • P: integrera design • D: ny kravdokumentation
Existerande designrelaterat arbete • Kontextuella intervjuer • Konceptdesign • Typanvändare • Scenarier
Högre lägsta nivå för designarbete • Hos IT-utvecklarna • Förväntan: prototyper, personaes, scenarier, storyboards, etc.
Samarbeten/Acknowledgements • Forskningsgruppen • Henrik Artman, Mattias Arvola, Ann Lantz, Stefan Holmlid, Ulrika Dovhammar, Anna Swartling, Per Sökjer • Konsortiet (då+nu) • Antrop, AstraZeneca, bank, Ericsson, FMV, Kronofogden, intresseorganisation, InUse, MetaMatrix, Migrationsverket, PA-consulting, Skatteverket, spelföretag, SVID, taxiföretag • Samarbeten • DSV Stockholms universitet, Sintef, SICS-gruppen, Medieteknik på Södertörns högskola, Uppsala UniversitetsMDI-grupp, Carnegie Mellon School of Design, Köln International School of design • Dekal, Effin, VERKA
Artman, H. (2002) Procurer Usability Requirements: Negotiations in contract development. Proceedings of NORDICHI 02. pp 61-70. Artman, H., Andersson, F. (2006). Communicating the Future business: A procurement. organization's understanding of their role in systems development. Workshop on E-government at NordiCHI Artman, H., Markensten, E. (2005). A Procurement Approach to Userinvolvement in E-government. Interact, Rome, Italy, Sept 2005. Artman, H., Markensten, E. (2004). Comparative Analysis of Usability Design in E-service procurment International Conference on E-commerce, Lisbon, Portugal, December, 345-350 Artman, H., Zäll, S. (2005) Finding a way to Usability. Cognition, Technology and Work. Borgström, E., Artman, H., Holmlid, S. (2001). Beställar- och leverantörsinteraktion i systemutveckling. Presented at STIMD'01. Holmlid, S. (2006). Interaction design and design management: Challenges for industrial interaction design in software and system development. Wonderground, Design Research Society International Conference, november 2006, Lisbon. Holmlid, S. (2006). Introducing white space in service design: This space intentionally left blank. Emergence conference. Emergence 06 - Service design, Carnegie Mellon. Holmlid, S. (2005). Service Design methods and UCD practice. In Proceedings from User Involvement in e-Government development projects, workshop at IFIP conference Interact, Rome. Holmlid, S., Artman, H. (2004). Shared Objectives. Position paper at workshop on Activity Theory and IT-Design, Copenhagen, Denmark, September, 2004. Holmlid, S., Artman, H. (organizers) (2002). Procuring usable systems: Key issues for systems development. Workshop at Nordichi 2002. Holmlid, S., Evenson, S. (2006). Bringing design to services. Invited to IBM Service Sciences, Management and Engineering Summit: Education for the 21st century. New York, October. Holmlid, S., Lantz, A. (2006). Developing e-services in a government authority: Different views on design in procurement and system development. NordiCHI workshop on User involvement and representation in e-Government projects. Oslo, October. Holmlid, S., Montaño, F., C., Johansson, K. (2006). Gender and design: Issues in design processes. In Proceedings from Women in information technology, University of Salford. Holmlid, S., Sökjer, P (2007). An investigation into the repertoires of service and interaction designers. Accepted to European Academy of Design 2007, Dancing with disorder: Design, Discourse & Disaster. April 2007. Lantz, A., Artman, H., Ramberg, R. (2005). Interaction Design as Experienced by Practitioners. Proceedings of In The Making. Copenhagen. Markensten, E. (2005). Mind The Gap: A Procurement Approach to Integrating User-Centred Design in Contract Development. Lic-avhandling. TRITA-NA-0447 Markensten, E., Artman, H. (2004). Procuring Usable Systems Using Unemployed Personas. Proceedings of NordiCHI'04, Tampere, Finland, October, 13-23 Holmlid, S., Artman, H. (2003) A tentative model for Usability Procurement. Project. In J. Jacko and C. Stephanidis (eds.). Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associated Persson, J., Stockhaus, A., Gulliksen, J., Artman, H. (2004). Genomlysning av Skatteverkets Verksamhets och IT-strategi. Feb, 2004 Swartling, A., Dovhammar, U., Artman, H., Arvola, M. (2005) Förstudie om FMVs roll i Försvarets beställningsprocess. Feb, 2005 Publikationer i urval