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GOD’S GRACE. EPHESIANS 2:8-9 TEXT. BIBLICAL FACTS ABOUT GOD’S GRACE. GAL. 1:6-9 – Good news a result of grace GAL 1:15 – Called by grace 2 COR. 12:7-10 – Grace is sufficient EPH. 2:5 – Saved by grace HEB. 13:9 – Heart established by grace TITUS 3:7 – Justified by grace

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  2. BIBLICAL FACTS ABOUT GOD’S GRACE • GAL. 1:6-9 – Good news a result of grace • GAL 1:15 – Called by grace • 2 COR. 12:7-10 – Grace is sufficient • EPH. 2:5 – Saved by grace • HEB. 13:9 – Heart established by grace • TITUS 3:7 – Justified by grace • HEB. 12:28-29 – Service is acceptable by grace • 2 THESS. 2:16 – Consolation and hope by grace • 1 COR. 15:9-10 – God’s grace makes us better • HEB. 4:16 – God’s grace helps us in time of need

  3. THE ORIGIN OF GRACE • 1 COR. 1:3 – From the Father and the Son • JN. 1:17 – Especially associated with Christ

  4. SOME RECIPIENTS OF GOD’S GRACE • GEN. 6:8 – Noah • PROV. 3:34 – Humble • LUKE 2:40 – Jesus • 1 COR. 15:10 – Paul • EPH. 6:24 – Those who love the Lord • MATT. 7:13-14 – Type of person who benefits from grace

  5. GRACE CAN BE ABUSED • JUDE 4 – Turn the grace of God into lasciviousness • ROM. 6:1-2 – Use grace to encourage sin • Presented by man in wrong way – Baptist Manual • JAMES 2:19-26 – Saving faith is always active and obedient

  6. GRACE REIGNS THRU RIGHTEOUSNESS • ROM. 5:21 – God’s grace and man’s role • ACTS 10:34-35 – Do we want to be accepted? • 2 COR. 6:1 – Grace can be received in vain • GAL. 5:4 – We can fall from grace • 2 PET. 3:17-18 – We must grow in grace

  7. CONCLUSION • ACTS 20:32 – God’s word is of grace • ACTS 14:26 – Commend you to the grace of God. • How are you responding to the grace of God? • Respond by obedient faith – TODAY!!!

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