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Academic integrity. Clémence pinton ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Referent 2013 – 2014 CLEMENCE.PINTON@em-normandie.fr sia@em-normandie.fr. Learning objectives. To present the academic integrity charter for EM Normandie. To present the academic integrity service.
Academicintegrity Clémence pinton ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Referent 2013 – 2014 CLEMENCE.PINTON@em-normandie.fr sia@em-normandie.fr
Learning objectives To present the academicintegrity charter for EM Normandie. To present the academicintegrity service. Define and explainplagiarism How to avoidit ? How do we control plagiarism ? What are the penalties ?
AcademicIntegrity Charter EM Normandie wants to affirmitspolicy in terms of academicintegrity and to promote the following values : honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility. To respect intellectualhonesty in academicwork, thatcontributes to quality of diploma, trust in and reputation of EM Normandie. Commitment of everybody : faculty, administrative staff, students and enterprises. 3 actions : information, control, penalties.
AcademicIntegrity Charter, p. 1 « EM Normandie, as an institution of Higher Education, undertakes to institute, foster, and develop academic integrity among all, students, administration staff and faculty. This mission is served by means of continuous information, prevention, and control operations directed at the various target publics, leading whenever necessary to disciplinary measures in the event of a breach of such rules of academic integrity. There will be no tolerance towards proven cases of cheating, fraud or plagiarism. EM Normandie considers such acts to be a challenge to the equity which it must guarantee for all.”
Reminder • Academicintegrity charter refers to academic and internalregulations : • Academicregulations : p. 6 & 21-24 • Internalregulations : p. 16.
Definition of fraud Fraud is defined as an act to try and gain advantage over third party by any form of dupery. Some examples : “Falsification of data; Using a substitute person to undertake, in full or part, an examination or other assessment item; Making contact or colluding with another person, contrary to instructions, during an examination or other assessment item; Bringing material or device(s) into an examination or other assessment item other than such as may be specified for that assessment item; Making use of computer software or other material and device(s) during an examination or other assessment item other than such as may be specified for that assessment item; and Contract cheating or having another writer compete for tender to produce an essay or assignment and then submitting the work as one’s own.” http://www.newcastle.edu.au/service/academic-integrity/fraud-and-plagiarism.html
Defineplagiarism Plagiarism • Plagiarism is a form of fraud whereby one will claim full authorship, whether in full or in part, in letter or spirit, for a written document originally produced by third party. A few examples in the context of academic work: • To copy work by another student ; • To copy entirely or in part a written document without quoting the source ; • To make use of another author’s ideas without mentioning the source.
AcademicIntegrity Service • Creation of service in order to promote, implement academic integrity at EM Normandie : • Prevention and information ; • Control ; • Penalties. • Who ? Marie Ashwin, referent on Caen campus. Clémence Pinton, referent on Le Havre campus
How ? • Information / prevention : • Presentations ; • Librarians ; • Documents ; • Page on website. • Control • Penalties • If any form of academic dishonesty (fraud or plagiarism) is found to have occurred, the Academic Integrity Service is in charge of procedures and instruction.
Statistics • Penalties sinceSeptember 2011 : • Probation – 5 students. • Failure in course/module and new work to producewith minimum grade – 12 students. • Exclusion from the program for a year – 2 students • Definitive exclusion from EM Normandie – 1 student
How to avoidplagiarism ? You must use quotations to document all ideas and significant information that is not yours. Some simple principles allow you to avoid plagiarism by documenting sources properly.
Avoidingplagiarism “To avoid plagiarism, all students must document sources properly using Parenthetical References, and must write a Bibliography, References, or Works Cited page and place it at the end of the […]paper to list the sources used.” http://www.aresearchguide.com/6plagiar.html
Quotation “A direct quotation uses the exact words of an authority and must be identified in your paper with quotation marks and parenthetical documentation.” http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/research/usingquotes.html
Quotationexample Quotationwithparenthethicalreference : « An Academic Integrity Policy is viewed by the School as the best method of guaranteeing the reputation of the institution, its staff, students and their qualifications.» (Forster, 2008).
Quotationrules • Insert quotationwithquotation marks. • Respect punctuation • If omission of part of the text, use ellipsis in square brackets […] • Document bibliographical source of quotation : • Referencesintobrackets
Paraphrase • Rewriting ideas from a source in different words without changingits original meaning. A paraphrase must document sources. Source : California State University http://www.csuchico.edu/sjd/
Plagiarism ? – Example #1 During the last 60 years the development of effective and safe drugs to deal with bacterial infections has revolutionized medical treatment, and the morbidity and mortality from microbial disease has been dramatically reduced. Original:During the last 60 years the development of effective and safe drugs to deal with bacterial infections has revolutionized medical treatment, and the morbidity and mortality from microbial disease has been dramatically reduced.
Plagiarism ? – Example #2 The availability of antimicrobial compounds has transformed healthcare in the period since the second world war. People are far less likely to die or even be seriously ill than they had been prior to the introduction of these drugs. Original:During the last 60 years the development of effective and safe drugs to deal with bacterial infections has revolutionized medical treatment, and the morbidity and mortality from microbial disease has been dramatically reduced.
Plagiarism ? – Example #3 During the post-war years, the development of effective and safe drugs to deal with bacterial infection has transformed medical treatment, and death and illness resulting from microbial disease has been dramatically reduced. Original:During the last 60 years the development of effective and safe drugs to deal with bacterial infections has revolutionized medical treatment, and the morbidity and mortality from microbial disease has been dramatically reduced.
Control – Turnitin.com • Why ? • Wishing to promote academic integrity, EM Normandiehas acquired an electronic tool allowing to detect similarities in academic work of students. • This electronic software is a tool to prevent plagiarism. All academic work will be uploaded on the database by students. • To promote academic integrity and to improve faculty evaluation process.
How doesitwork ? “Faculty members submit paper to be checked • Several ways • Compared to 3 types of databases • Internet—4.5 billion pages indexed • Electronic resources available • Papers database—millions submitted • Originality Report for faculty review Faculty determines actions, if any” Source : Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Take care ! File < 20 Mo (format : .doc or .pdf) Uploaded by only one student
Wikipediareference Ecole de Management de Normandie - Le Havre - 2010-2011
Wikipediaresult Ecole de Management de Normandie - Le Havre - 2010-2011
Sanctions / Penalties • Anystudentfoundguilty of fraud or plagiarismwillbe liable to the following sanctions (thislistis not exhaustive): • Probation ; • Failure of course / modules concerned ; • Obligation to pass 3 to 6 extra credits ; • Suspension ; • Expulsion • The disciplinarycommittee has the final say in the imposing of sanctions