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Baby Food History. Edison Feliciano Sanchez Prof. Ellen Pratt English 3231 May 15, 2009 . Prologue.
BabyFoodHistory Edison Feliciano Sanchez Prof. Ellen Pratt English 3231 May 15, 2009
Prologue In this work I will talk about Baby Foods. I find this theme very intriguing and that is why I chose it. What I also find interesting is that people tend to know only one thing about baby foods: that they are the food that our mothers and parents gave to us when we were babies. But what you and your parents may don’t know is the history of baby foods. Who invented them? Where were they created? And what were the first flavors of baby foods ? For this reason is that I am doing that research paper and here you can find everything about them. The first baby foods were created at London in 1867. Later, in 1928, is that this idea came to America. Through this project you will find information , some important aspects in the history of baby foods, some genres where with my creativity I created some humor and a lot of relevant information for your future life as parents.
Introduction Every day in this world, there are thousands of babies born. Many of these babies are fed during their first months of life by their own mothers. After a certain period of time, the way the children are fed must be changed. They go from being fed by their mothers to some sort of diets. Their new diets include cereals and other nutrients. In this stage is when mothers incorporate Baby Foods. The Baby Foods Products were created by 1867 in London to fulfill the need of new forms and ways to feed children who can no longer be fed naturally by their mothers. Today if you ask any mother or expecting mother about the history of baby foods, they have no idea. If you ask them who invented baby food they wouldn’t know either. Why such person invented baby food and they have absolutely no idea. Finally if you ask how the Baby Foods products became an international need they still do not know. The history of Baby Foods is very interesting because we can see what types of foods we consume during the first years of our lives and from where that food came. Also, it is also interesting to observe how much the baby food history has developed from their first years only having 3 kinds of baby foods (Oats, Barley and Rice) until nowadays that parents have hundreds of flavors to choose from. In 1867 the first baby food company was founded in London by Liebigs soluble foods. They were the first to use different ingredients than milk to melt the baby foods. A lot of companies were created in those days imitating Liebigs Company and use other complements like water. They criticized Liebigs for the use chemicals and other unnatural things.
Introduction In 1874, baby foods expanded to the United Kingdom and took an alliance with United States to develop new baby foods that are more artificial to export them from United Kingdom to USA. That was possible because of the Nestle Company until 1877 when laws were created and the company confronted some problems. The basics problem was the same that we have today that mothers don’t buy those products because they don’t know with what those baby foods are made and what they contain than can cause a reaction to their babies. Here, is that the companies start the promotion and until 1880 is when most of the mothers were informed about baby foods and they said that this was the new era for feeding their babies. In 1928, the baby foods arrived to United States by the Gerber Company. And after years of success have come also years of concerned parents. People nowadays ask how do they maintain the quality on their products? They accomplish all the laws that the government put on them, they overlook the work of their employees and they do their baby foods with the best products you can imagine. Here starts the development of a new era in baby foods for mother of America. Dorothy Gerber brought new baby food flavors that the doctors recommended after seeing that she put announcements on grocery stores and some advertisements in pharmacies. She started making offers of 6 cans of baby foods for 1 dollar. Later, in 1930 the Gerber Company started putting baby foods in other cans that doctors preferred and recommended. At that same time Gerber was recognized as the best company of baby food developments and Dorothy Gerber was in several journals and interviews by those days.
Introduction After all of this excitement and development in 1950, in 1960 Beechnuts company was created challenging Gerber. But, they emphasized in milk formula for infants and had a great approach in all United States. They developed baby foods too, but , today Gerber controlls the market in 83%. The baby foods’ story continues and they have some developments. New baby foods were created, new milk Formulas and snacks for babies were created but the doctors have been insistent and recommend that every mother breast feed their babies until 6 months or maybe more, that is the better baby food that they can bring to them.
Introduction Finally along this research project you are going to see what necessity that family or better said Dorothy Gerber sustains around their houses, around all United States and finally worldwide. After I found a lot of information about baby foods, a little bit of Gerber baby food history, some timelines of Gerber product company developments and finally the Gerber baby food economy and most strictly conditions of production I can predict that all the students or better said all my classmates will know what they consumed during the first years of their lives. And we can inform our mothers too and said that in one moment the Baby Food Company emphasizes more in their promotions on the mother rather than the baby.
Anotated Bibliography Anonymous. American Family Physician. Leawood: Apr 1, 2009. Vol. 79, Iss. 7; pg. 1, 2 pgs In that book from the UPRM data base We can find information about a doctor that is recommending what type of formula is suppose to use your baby and here he make an evaluation by severe questions that are the purpose to decide what formula you use for your baby. He make an basic evaluation for you to use the correct thing for feed your baby in a healthy way. FabiolaTatone-Tokuda, Lise Dubois, Manon Girard. Health Education and Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Apr 2009. Vol. 36, Iss. 2; pg. 302 In that book from the UPRM data base We can find information about a doctor giving support to the mother making them feed they babies in a natural way like is bringing to their babies Breast milk until 6 months of live. Later them can feed their baby with baby food or other milk formulas either. Here them demonstrated a study were the prove that the babies that not receive a good feed is because that mothers don’t have the enough resources or are poor peoples.
Anotated Bibliography Hagen, Mark R. "Quality For The Long Haul at Gerber." Quality Process. February 2000. In that book from ProQuest I find the economic part of Gerber Company. Here the said how been their development with the pass of the years and how them maintain them hard position on the markets. You can see some time lines that demonstrate to you their development with the pass of the years and how they became better day after day. Reyes, Sonia. "No Time For A Pregnant Pause As Geber Delivers Drama." Bandweek. 16 April 2007. Here are the part that is directly to the mothers were the promotion is more often dedicated to involve the mothers more with them babies. That was a hard campaign that developed Gerber. That article involve the necessity that the mothers feed their babies with a milk formula that go with them.
Anotated Bibliography Lynne Olver, Food Timeline- Baby History. 15 2009 http://www.foodtimeline.org/foodbaby.html 20 July2008 In that web site we can find all the history of the baby food until them principles to the present. You can find with a lot of details what was the first baby foods, the first companies, were that have been created, whom created them inclusive everything that you need to know about baby foods in over here. You can see the development of the baby food trough the World and how they came to America from Europe. Well That is the most complete time line of baby food history.
My Genres Pieces Quiz Wanted Poster Recipe Obituary Song
First Genre: Quiz • Pop Quiz: Answer When You Finish Reading The Research Paper. 1. Whom Bring The Baby Foods To United States? A. Dorothy Smith B. Milagros Gerber C. Dorothy Gerber 2. In What year Were Invented Baby Foods ? A. 2001 B. 1928 C. 1000 D.1867 3. What recommend doctors for feed babies until 6 months ? A. Breast Milk B. Baby Food C. Milk Formula D. N/T 4.With what was melted the first baby foods ? A. Milk Formula B. Breast Milk C. Medalla 5. Who was the Person that stole the Batata and yautia baby food recipe ? A. Pedro Rosello B. AnibalAvecedo Vila C. Edison Feliciano
Second Genre: Wanted Poster Wanted If you see That Person Call us. He stole the last Organic Receipt from Gerber and Beech Nut Companies; The Batata and Yautia Baby Foods. Edison: “ Baby Food Receipt Stoker”. 10,000,000
Third Genre: Recipe How To make a: Rice with green peas and Pork Baby Food: • 2 Can of Green Peas. • 1 bag of large grain rice. • 1 Piece of Pork of 10 to 12 Pounds. • A Great Oven. • A great kit of pot’s. • And the motivation for spend a lot of time and a lot of quantity of ingredients for all the Christmas! Or the entire Year! • How To prepare: First of all you went to wake up early in the morning like 5 am. Later you went to put the Piece of Pork in the oven for about 5 hours and put about 350 grades Fahrenheit. When you get that ready you can start doing the rice and the green peas. You put the green peas in a big put and when the water start to boil you place the rice and wait like and hour and your rice with green peas is did it. When you have all ready you take the piece of pork and cut in little strips and dissolve into the rice with green peas and put everything on a triturate until all was blend. You can add some water for decide the “espezades” of the baby food. Know is time to involve the baby food. Take some cans and fill them with all this blend. Put in the refrigerator and take one ration for your baby. You can refrigerated that maybe 40 cans of baby food and sell some of them or take to your baby no less tan 1 week. If you want you can do this for special occasions only. Thanks! Enjoy!
Fourth Genre: Obituary Dear: Edison In The memoir of Gerber and Beechnut Companies we are hoping that with all the problems you cause to us you were rest in peace very, very far away. We Spent that were you are everybody stole everything to you including your pants. You let us in the misery and We never can get out to the market the Batata and Yautia organic baby Food. But this no matter you never again went to do bad things to anybody! Rest in peace with the most sincerely love Gerber and Beechnut Companies. P.D:Now we have the Calabaza and Rice with green peas and pork Baby food. Selling in a store near You.
Fifth Genre: Song • I like Baby Foods • You Like Baby Foods • Everybody Loves baby Foods • And all of them want to babies time return • That is my story • shor but a little funny • I like baby foods • And I want to create one with pancakes and honey • For all this babies • that are happy • And Want to have some fun with them fathers • No matter what happened • Baby Foods enjoy day after day • But you like mother feed them with milk breast • because that have the enoughts ingredients • for make me a healthy baby • a lovely baby • and a Gerber baby boy!
Epilogue: Talking about baby food not was to easy. At the first impression I thought that went to be a very easy project were I can talk a lot about baby foods but that’s not true. I need to find a lot of information and the web sites from the UPRM library don’t bring to you the enough information. You need to look in a lot of search's and books and in different sites like ProQuest and others. I learned a lot from this research paper. Now I can give feed back to all of this mothers than don’t know anything about baby foods. I can said that I really learned a lot from this research that was a big once. That type of writing or better said the Research paper is something very different from other types of writings; here you can express your self between everything that you wrote on. You can support your themes, talk about theme, express your personal opinion and criticize. In a essay you only write info or something about a theme that somebody bring to you or better said a professor give to you.
Epilogue: That research paper is for every people that want to know what they eat or what their parents fed them at them their first years of life. Here you can find the complete history about baby foods and their development within the pass of the years. Mi goals are complete I finish my research paper with the enough information to educate everybody and to educate my self too. That research project is a very expensive one were we find everything about information and some extras like the genres; that genres I think that was the most easy ones to did on my theme: baby foods and the most ones that I liked. I spend a lot of time doing them; I hope that you liked and you can understand them.