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Agenda. A few quick questionsReview the objectives of this discussionDiscussion of several available approachesStorage EncryptionHost provided db EncryptionDB Optimizer provided EncryptionApplication Managed EncryptionWrap-up, Questions, and Answers. Quick Questions. What is your role in you
1. You Have to Encrypt Your Data.Now What? Cincinnati Chapter ISACA
November 13, 2007
2. Agenda A few quick questions
Review the objectives of this discussion
Discussion of several available approaches
Storage Encryption
Host provided db Encryption
DB Optimizer provided Encryption
Application Managed Encryption
Wrap-up, Questions, and Answers
3. Quick Questions What is your role in your organization?
Audit or Risk Management
Technologist (SME, Analyst, Consultant, Engineer, Architect, etc.)
Information Security Manager or Team Leader
Corporate Executive (CISO/CIO/VP/etc.)
Line-of-Business Stakeholder Do you have data that you need to protect with Encryption today?
Maybe (anticipated in next year)
4. What is the Problem ? Is your organization faced with emerging data encryption needs?
Are people trying to sell you 'silver bullet' solutions?
How can you ensure that you are getting the data protection you expect?
Our objectives today:
Identify a set of application data encryption options
Review strengths and weaknesses of each
Develop a framework for selecting appropriate solutions
5. Model Application Architecture
6. Evaluation Criteria For each of the components of the architecture, the following will be discussed:
7. Risk Control Questions There are a few issues that are a concern when evaluating the appropriateness and effectiveness of a control:
At what point in the architecture is the control applied?
Who has access to cleartext data?
How does cleartext data propagate (backup, etc.) ?
How are keys stored?
Is key management (lifecycle, controls, etc.) documented?
Are the components FIPS 140-2 validated?
8. Regarding Backups
Evaluating backup and data recover strategys impacts on any data protection control is very complex, and beyond our scope.
That said, issues to address are:
Is the data clear or ciphertext on the backup?
If is cleartext, what heightened physical controls are used?
If ciphertext, how are keys recovered during DR ?
9. Strategy: Storage Approach
Use an in-line Encryption device between the DB server and SAN/NAS storage.
Minimally invasive. Application, database, and host changes are avoided.
High performance. Generally there is a small and fixed increase in the latency of all storage I/O requests.
10. Strategy: Storage Strengths
Potentially rapid deployment
Good cost prediction
Min / no impact on DB host, database and application
Key management isolation
This meets a paper encryption requirement
All or nothing
Access controls not enhanced
Only mitigates disk loss
High cost per device
11. Strategy: Database Host Approach
Use filesystem level tools to encrypt database data files
Grants ability to encrypt on a file by file (or directory) basis
Limit administrative access to protected files
12. Strategy: Database Host Strengths
Doesnt require application or database changes
OS administrators will have full access to host but will be limited in ability to manipulate or view encrypted files
Key storage may require compensating controls
Key bootstrap
Administrator access to keys
Some out of the box services may not accommodate smooth key rotations
Performance impacts must be managed
Access controls via SQL front end is not enhanced
13. Strategy: DatabaseRDMS manages keys Approach
Use transparent encryption facilities provided by database vendor
Keys are managed internally by the database
Allows encryption of database without requiring schema or SQL changes.
14. Strategy: DatabaseRDMS manages keys Strengths
Deployment doesnt require application changes
Greater protection of encrypted data against host and storage administrators
Key storage may require compensating controls (bootstrap, etc.)
Close attention must be paid to index and join strategy
( often effectiveness of indexes is impacted if range searches are used )
Logs, transaction journals and indexes likely have clear text data
Database storage is impact if
Compression of data is being used
Small data items ( PINS, PANS, passwords ) are being encrypted
15. Strategy: DatabaseApplication manages keys Approach
Use native SQL encryption methods provided by database vendor
Keys / passwords are included within SQL queries
Historically was first database option available
16. Strategy: DatabaseApplication manages keys Strengths
DBA, OS, and storage administrators will have no clear access to data
Key storage strategy must be managed within the application
Potential Pervasive password problem
Performance impacts must be managed
Database storage impact
SQL queries will have to be modified
Potential to impact database optimization
17. Strategy: Application Approach
Encrypt private data within the application
Allows for the most granular control
Data is in the clear for the least amount of time
End to End protection is achievable
18. Strategy: Application Strengths
End to End protection is achievable
Highest level of protection of encrypted data against administrative access
If End to End is a protection goal, key management complexity rises
Software design must take key storage and rotation into account
Close attention must be paid to developer access to production keys
Software development costs may be high / long development time
Performance impacts must be managed
Close attention must be paid to libraries and techniques selected by development staff
19. Summary Due to the wide variety of options & relative immaturity of the space (compared to other controls), it important to:
Understand what Risks are program drivers
Evaluate secondary benefits of completed approaches
Understand operational and support impacts
Understand DR and BCP impacts
Closely examine backup strategies
Always evaluate key storage and management !
20. Framework
21. Wrap-up, Q & A, Etc
Questions ?