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THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY. Многоезичен подход за придобиване на стратегии за учене и знания за езика. THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY. ОСНОВНИ ИДЕИ формиране на умения у учениците за учене на чужди езици
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGEMETHODOLOGY Многоезичен подход за придобиване настратегии за учене и знания за езика
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY ОСНОВНИ ИДЕИ • формиране на умения у учениците за учене на чужди езици • преподаване на обем от знания за основните лингвистични структури в различните езици • повишаване на мотивацията на учениците за изучаване на чужди езици чрез по-задълбочено разбиране
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY СЪЩНОСТ Иновативни и интерактивни материали за деца на възраст 7 – 14 години, разпределени в шест ядра, развиващи: • умения за слушане и четене; • умения за разбиране на думи, изречения и текстове; • увереност при изучаване на чужд език; • умения за мислене и анализ чрез поставяне на групови задачи свързани с повествователен текст • умения за съпоставяне на осем европейски езика, мандарин и японски език
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛНИ ЯДРА • General sound discrimination – общо представяне на звуци • Sound and word recognition – образуване на думи и разпознаване на сродни думи • Word classes– образуване и използване на словосъчетания, образуване на изречения • Word properties– разпознаване на части на речта • Sentence types– образуване на различни видове изречения • Real purposes and real audiences– използване на разговорни фрази и изречения
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY General sound discrimination • Разпознаване значението на звуците • Свързване на звуците в думи и съпоставянето им между английския език и другите чужди езици • Езикът на тялото, жестовете и мимиките – инструмент за предаване на думи и изрази • Разбиране на прилики и разлики между кирилицата и другите азбуки
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY • Произход на сродните думи, разпознаването и разбирането им; • Акцент върху различията, произтичащи от еднакъв звуков състав и звучене на сродните думи • Развиване на умения за имитация и звукоподражание на думи и изрази • Прилагане на развитите умения в ново съдържание • Разбиране концепцията за междукултурния трансфер на езика Sound and word recognition
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY • Разпознаването на частите на речта в майчиния език и чуждия език и тяхното обвързване • Подреждане на частите на речта в изречения • Прилагане на знанията за частите на речта в текст с цел разбирането му • Определяне на категорията “род” Word classes
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY • Разпознаването на думи чрез спелуване и звуков състав • Използването на представки за образуване на нови думи и/или промяна на значението • Определяне на глаголни форми спрямо вършителя на действието в изречението • Разбиране на времеви маркери Word properties
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY • Разпознаване на глаголи в повелителна форма • Разбиране смисъла на различните видове изречения по цел на изказване • Определяне формата на глагола (положителна/отрицателна) • Прилагане на придобитите знания за формиране на смислови изречения Sentence types
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGE METHODOLOGY • Прилагане на придобити умения в различни ситуации • Работа с допълнителни материали, развиващи лингвистични умения • Общуване чрез използване на фрази и изрази, характерни за разговорната реч в ежедневния език Real purposes and real audiences
THE LANGUAGES BRIDGEMETHODOLOGY www.ilrc.org.uk/languagesbridge
The Languages Bridgea three year school–based research projectfunded by CfBT Education Trust 2004-2007 The International Learning and Research Centre International Learning and Research Centre
By raising curiosity and developing a deeper understanding about how languages work, confidence and motivation for language learning will increase. The aim of the Languages Bridge is to equip children with a toolkit of language and communication skills. It teaches a core of knowledge about language structure in a coherent programme of activities for pupils aged 8-12. The innovative multilingual teaching materials appeal to the curiosity of young learners.... ...through the use of narrative and active learning, and remove the fear of attempting other languages.
“… they loved working in languages they don’t normally work in…” Class Teacher “Enjoyment and curiosity stimulated by the Building Blocks helped to break down attitudinal barriers to the perceived difficulties of language learning.” Dr Cynthia Martin Reading University Languages Bridge External Evaluator “…it was easier to learn the languages with something to do physically rather than listening to the teacher…” Year 6 pupil
encourages language learning and promotes linguistic diversity in society • promotes a healthy multilingual economy • encourages multilingualism, until every citizen has practical skills in at least two languages in addition to mother tongue EU Policy on Multilingualism International Learning and Research Centre
To aid transition there is a need to focus on multilingualism rather than the current single language approach. • From our research, it is clear that a multilingual approach can be very successful in improving pupils’ language learning. Rationale for the project International Learning and Research Centre
teaches key linguistic structures giving pupils the understanding of how to learn languages • teaches a core of knowledge about language structure in a coherent programme of activities for KS2 and KS3 • increases motivation for language learning through deeper understanding The Languages Bridge International Learning and Research Centre
The Building Blocks support language learning, they do not teach a specific language. Activities use vocabulary and phrases to illustrate teaching objectives from… There are plans to include Welsh and Mandarin Chinese in the near future. Which languages are included? French German Spanish Portuguese Italian Romanian Japanese International Learning and Research Centre
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum There are six Building Blocks, each containing four lessons of about 30 minutes. The Building Blocks examine the following key language learning skills. International Learning and Research Centre
Over the three years… • research into pupils’ language learning styles • development of the Languages Bridge Continuum of key elements of language learning • three trials of materials in 12 primary and 2 secondary schools • 60 lessons observed by team members during the three years 1120 pupils and 25 teachers involved over the three years • in-depth pupil learning logs and teacher evaluation • seminars for participating teachers • external evaluation each year • national dissemination The Research International Learning and Research Centre
In 2007-2008 there will be an Online Community of Practice for schools wishing to use the Languages Bridge materials. Schools can sign up either individually or as a cluster, to receive training and access the materials for use in school. The Online Community of Practice End of show Return to home page
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination • To recognise that sound conveys meaning • To link sounds to words that represent them in English and other languages • To recognise that a language has particular sound patterns and its own distinctive sound • To learn how body language, gesture and facial expression all help to convey meaning The Languages Bridge Continuum
End of show Return to home page ...and recognising in a video clip how meaning can be conveyed in other ways than language. End of show Return to home page Activities in Building Block 1 include adding sounds to a picture story to add mood and meaning... ...examining how sounds can be represented in words in English and in different languages exemplified in phonics,
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition • To recognise and understand the concept of cognates • To develop imitation and repetition skills, and recognise familiar words in context • To recognise that text types contain generic features • To apply skills of interpretation to a new context The Languages Bridge Continuum
All lessons have clear and detailed lesson plans written to support primary teachers who are not specialist linguists. Clear lesson objectives and ‘Can do’ statements Episodic lessons mirroring standard practice Clearly labelled and linked resources
Dynamic activities clearly described for non mfl specialists Notes section for teachers to add feedback to develop the materials
le musée la galleria d’arte il treno l’hôtel Activities in Building Block 2 involve the story of Mr. X, international jewel thief, who travels around Europe following his theft of the crown jewels. l’autobus el banco la cueva l’aeroporto La estación
Building Block 2 Lesson 4To apply skills of interpretation to a new context Pupils must use their language skills in various ways to track Mr. X and eventually write a police report about Mr. X and his movements around Europe. End of show Return to home page
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 3 Word classes • To understand word order in a sentence • To understand that word classes exist in all languages, but that the order may be different The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 3 Lesson 1To understand word order in a sentenceTo understand that word classes exist in all languages, but that the order may be different catches Mr. X taxi the fast noun verb adjective noun Active learning is important in Building Block 3 with pupils manipulating different languages as a whole class using the interactive whiteboard...
Building Block 3 Lesson 1To understand word order in a sentenceTo understand that word classes exist in all languages, but that the order may be different Mr. X the palace visits empty market looks for fast taxi catches enormous ... and in groups using word cards to experiment making their own sentences.
Building Block 3 Lesson 2To know that word classes exist in all languagesThey perform the same function but order may be different visita Signor. X museo il grande Progression in the Building Block activities moves from exemplification in English through demonstration in various foreign languages to pupil experimentation in unknown foreign languages.
Building Block 3 Lesson 2To know that word classes exist in all languagesThey perform the same function but order may be different Signor X la bicicletta mangia deliziosa tigre disegna cerca veloce torta feroce How many interesting Italian sentences can you make?
Monsieur X voyage en avion rapide. • Il visite le musée rapidement. • M. X marche dans la longue galerie d’art. • Il attend patiemment à la gare. • Il va lentement à l’hôtel en bus. • Il entre dans la grotte sombre. Building Block 3 Lesson 3To transfer knowledge of word classes to a real text Can you identify word classes in French?
Signor X viaggia in aereo veloce. • Visita il museo velocemente. • Signor X cammina nella galleria d’arte langa. • Aspetta alla stazione pazientemente. • Va all’albergo per autobus lentamente. • Entra nel grotta scura. Building Block 3 Lesson 3To transfer knowledge of word classes to a real text ... and in Italian? ... and how does this aid comprehension? End of show Return to home page
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 4 Word properties • To be able to classify word classes by their sound • To understand how prefixes alter meaning, and how to use them correctly • To recognise verbs and understand how they function The Languages Bridge Continuum
How is the athlete running? quickly Activities in Building Block 4 highlight similarities in sound and spelling of different word classes in different European languages.
rapidamente Pupils also play with altering meaning by using prefixes and suffixes, and participate in an international training programme to look at how verbs function in different languages. End of show Return to home page
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 5 Sentence types • To learn how different structures create different sentence types • To recognise the imperative • To recognise questions and statements • To recognise the negative The Languages Bridge Continuum
non Positive Prunella liked the food in Italy. Negative Norbert ha gradito l’alimento in Italia. One of the activities in Building Block 5 again involves narrative to demonstrate similarities in the functioning of negative sentences in European languages.
nicht Positive Prunella wanted to sing in Germany. Negative Norbert wollte in Deutschland singen.
pas n’ Positive Prunella loved visiting the art galleries in France. Negative Norbert adorait visiter les galéries d’art. End of show Return to home page
Building Block 1 General sound discrimination Building Block 2 Sound and word recognition Building Block 3 Word Classes Building Block 4 Word properties Building Block 5 Sentence types Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences The Languages Bridge Continuum
Building Block 6 Real purposes and real audiences • To identify the visual features of different text types • To use reference material • To use reference skills and knowledge about language to survive in a foreign country The Languages Bridge Continuum