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Understanding Unemployment Challenges: Causes and Solutions in India

Explore the complexities of unemployment in India, including types like frictional, cyclical, and structural. Learn about key terms, concepts, and causes of this economic issue, along with criteria and measures to address it effectively.

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Understanding Unemployment Challenges: Causes and Solutions in India

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  1. UNEMPLOYMENTByDr. HarapriyaPatnaikDepartment of EconomicsKhemundi College

  2. UNEMPLOYMENT Introduction One of the most difficult problems which the country faces has been to provide employment opportunities to all those who enter the labour force from year to year The stock of all those individuals who are not in employment and are unable to find work at the prevailing wage rate

  3. Struggle for Employment

  4. Important Terms and Concepts Unemployment The stock of all those individuals who are not in employment are not in employment and are unable to find work at the prevailing wage rate Frictional unemployment The amount of unemployment that corresponds to job vacancies in the same local labour market and occupation

  5. Cyclical unemployment Short-run demand deficient unemployment unemployment Technological Unemployment The unemployment which results from the adoption of labour-saving capital equipment as an economy grows Seasonal unemployment Unemployment occurring due to seasonal nature of certain activity

  6. Structural Unemployment on a Keynesian view this form of unemployment results from the coexistence but mismatching of the Unemployment and existing job vacancies Say’s law Propounded by J.B.say, the law states that supply creates its own demand. Prices are assumed to be such that the value of commodities produced is just equal to the value of expenditure on commodities as a whole.

  7. Effective Demand Aggregate demand for goods and serviceswhich is backed up with the resources to acquire them Employment elastisity of output Growth in employment in response to a growth in output in the economy Capital-output ratio The ratio of level of equipment, or capital relative to output

  8. Informal sector Refers to large volume of self employed who are engaged in small scale labour-intensive work such as tailoring, food preperation,trading,shoe-repairing etc

  9. Run for employment

  10. Unemployment rate of different countries

  11. Criteria of unemployment • Time Criterion • Income criterion • Willingness criterion • Productivity criterion

  12. Unemployment in a UDC • Open unemployment • Under employment • Disguised unemployment

  13. Causes of unemployment India 1) Low employment elasticity of growth This is due to • Macro economic policies favouring the use of capital • Concessions available for capital investment and none for use of labour • No advantage for using labour –intensive tachnology • Job security law 2) Slow growth in agricultural sector 3) Nature of technology used in agriculture 3) Inappropriate educational system 4) Weaknesses in planning techniques

  14. Do all the goods you can • By all the means you can • In all the ways you can • In all the places you can • At all the times you can • To all the people you can • As long as ever you can Thank You

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