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A space called ‘Treblinka’

Explore the chaos and evolution of the Holocaust at Treblinka through a detailed examination of photos, traces, maps, and historical records, uncovering the harrowing events that took place between July and August 1942.

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A space called ‘Treblinka’

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A space called ‘Treblinka’ The chaos of genocide and evolution of the Holocaust

  2. Looking and seeing What are you looking at? What can you see? What is happening in these pictures? What does it suggest about this space called ‘Treblinka’?

  3. Examining traces What are these ‘traces’? What do they tell us about their owners? What further information do they give us about ‘Treblinka’?

  4. Mapping a space What do we learn from these maps? What earlier ideas and thoughts do they confirm? What new information do they provide? What do you notice about these maps?

  5. Mining information Open the envelopes marked ‘Information cards’, ‘Accounts’ and ‘Profiles’. Mine these sources for information which will help you answer the following key questions: What took place at Treblinka between 23 July and 27 August, 1942? What was ‘reorganization’, why was it deemed necessary, and what did it lead to?

  6. Höfle Telegram

  7. Höfle Telegram 12. OMX de OMQ 1000 89 ? ?State secret! To the Reich Security Main Office, forthe attention of SS Obersturmbannführer EICHMANN, BERLIN [...rest missed...] 13/15. OLQ de OMQ 1005 83 234 250State secret! To the commander of the Security Police,for the attention of SS Obersturmbannführer HEIM, KRAKAU.Re: 14-day report Operation REINHARD. Reference: radiogram from there.Recorded arrivals until 31 December 42, L 12761, B 0, S 515, T 10335 totaling23611. Situation [ ... ] 31 December 42, L 24733, B 434508, S 101370,T 71355, totaling 1274166.SS and police leader of Lublin, HOEFLE, Sturmbannführer.

  8. A space called 'Treblinka'

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