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Earth Scienced Practice SR Questions

Earth Scienced Practice SR Questions. Question 1. The Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Which of the following is an example of physical weathering? a acid rain b frost wedging c erosion d deposition. Question 2.

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Earth Scienced Practice SR Questions

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  1. Earth Scienced Practice SR Questions

  2. Question 1 The Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Which of the following is an example of physical weathering?a acid rain b frost wedging c erosion d deposition

  3. Question 2 The Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Which example describes how weathering changes the earth’s surface?a wind blows sand into piles creating dunesb flooding occurs resulting in a stream overflowing its banksc a tornado uproots many trees in its path d waves crash on a rocky shoreline breaking down the rock into pieces

  4. Question 3 The Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Which of the following natural agents changes the Earth’s surface slowly? a volcanic eruption b tsunami caused by an earthquake c flooding caused by heavy rain d glacier movement

  5. Question 4 If the weather forecast calls for high winds, pounding waves, and flash flooding, identify the rapid change event that will most likely occur. a hurricane b earthquake c tornado d blizzard

  6. Question 5 The picture below shows how a type of rock forms at the bottom of the ocean. Which type of rock sample would most likely have a fossil of an ocean animal? a lava b igneous c metamorphic d sedimentary

  7. Question 6 The Earth’s surface is constantly changing. All of the following are examples of erosion except… a The wind in the desert blows sand. b A glacier picks up boulders as it moves. c A flood washes over a riverbank, and the water carries small soil particles downstream. d An icy winter causes the pavement in a road to crack.

  8. Question 7 Organisms have lived on Earth for more than a billion years. During that time plant and animal organisms and the environment have changed many times. The remains or imprints of those plants and animals can become a igneous rocks. b soil. c fossils. d rock cycle.

  9. Question 8 This rock was brought to school. The class found fossils of water plants and shells in the rock. What does this tell us about the rock? a The rock needs to be washed off. b The rock was once at the bottom of the sea. c The rock is heavier than most rocks. d The rock is gray and brown.

  10. Question 9 Rocks and minerals may be identified by their components and/or physical properties. Which set of properties describe a rock? a layers, visible grains, grains rub off easily b luster, hardness, color c hardness, streak, visible grains d color, streak

  11. Question 10 As part of the rock cycle, weathering breaks existing rock into tiny particles. Erosion moves rock particles to other places where it is a deposited. b transported. c changed. d reused.

  12. Question 11 The Earth’s surface can change rapidly or slowly. Which of these can happen when rocks and soil in the Earth move suddenly? a tornado b hurricane c landslide d blizzard

  13. Question 12 Which of these is a good way to slow down erosion on this hill? a Dig a hole in the hill. b Plant grass on the hill. c Build a fence on the top of the hill. d Cut down the trees on the hill.

  14. Question 13 The sun is the main source of energy that causes the changes in the water on Earth. What is the best example of one of these changes? a Water condensing on a bathroom mirror b Water evaporating from a puddle on the sidewalk c Water vapor rising from a tea kettle on a kitchen stove d Water from a lawn sprinkler

  15. Question 14 Which is the correct order of the water cycle? a evaporation condensation precipitation b water vapor precipitation condensation c precipitation condensation evaporation d condensation water vapor precipitation

  16. Question 15 Water can be found as a liquid or solid on the Earth’s surface. It can be found as a gas in the Earth’s atmosphere. This gas is called water vapor. Water is constantly changing from a gas to a liquid or a solid and back to a gas again. Which process is occurring at C? a condensation b evaporation c precipitation d water vapor

  17. Question 16 Water can be found as a liquid or solid on the Earth’s surface. It can be found as a gas in the Earth’s atmosphere. This gas is called water vapor. Water is constantly changing from a gas to a liquid or a solid and back to a gas again. Which process is occurring at A? a condensation b evaporation c precipitation d water vapor

  18. Question 17 Water can be found as a liquid, solid, or gas throughout the stages of the water cycle. Which of the following statements is correct? a Precipitation can be found only in the form of a liquid. b The Earth is slowly gaining more water. c If there is more snow on the Earth, there is also more water vapor. d The amount of water on the Earth continues to stay the same even though it may change form.

  19. Question 18 If you breathe on a mirror, and part of the mirror gets cloudy, what are you seeing? a Water droplets b Carbon dioxide c Oxygen d Ice crystals

  20. Question 19 One hot summer morning thunderstorms rolled in from the west. Puddles formed and creeks rose. By the afternoon, the clouds had left the area and the sun was shining brightly. The puddles began to disappear. By the evening all of the puddles were gone. Which of the following best explains what happened to the water in the puddles? a The sun’s energy changed the water into water vapor. b The water soaked into the concrete. c Children splashed all of the water out of the puddles. d Animals drank all of the water.

  21. Question 20 • Fossils are the evidence of organisms that lived long ago. Which of these animals would most likely form a fossil? • Fish c. Earthworm • b. Spider d. Sea Nettle

  22. Question 21 • You have found fossils of an ocean-dwelling organism in the middle part of the U.S. What evidence do these fossils provide about the nature of the environment at that time? • a. It was a dry environment. • It was once a mountainous area. • It was a Prairie. • It was once covered by oceans.

  23. Question 22 The coldest Continent on Earth is Antarctica. About 35 years ago scientists found fossils of plants and large animals in the Antarctic rock that date back about 250 million years ago. • What was the nature of the environment 250 millions years ago? • Antarctica was a warm climate. • Antartica was a very cold climate. • c. Antartica was a freezing climate. • d. Antartica was extremely cold climate.

  24. Question 23 The remains or imprints of dead plants or animals preserved in rock are called _________. a. humus c. clay b. loam d. fossils

  25. Question 24

  26. Question 25

  27. Question 26

  28. Get Ready for the Answers

  29. 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. C • B • D • D • A • D • D • C • B • A • A • C

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