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Military Tech n ology of the Middle Ages

Military Tech n ology of the Middle Ages. By : Lucas Ochoa 73. Table of contents. Introduction …………………………………..pg1 Mayor Accomplishments …………………....pg2 What made the famous ………………………pg3 What occur that made them important ……pg4 Mayor Difficulties …………………………….pg5

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Military Tech n ology of the Middle Ages

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  1. MilitaryTechnologyof theMiddleAges By: Lucas Ochoa 73

  2. Table of contents • Introduction…………………………………..pg1 • Mayor Accomplishments…………………....pg2 • Whatmadethefamous………………………pg3 • Whatoccurthatmadethemimportant……pg4 • Mayor Difficulties…………………………….pg5 • MilitaryTechnologyaccomplishedto……...pg6 • Do webenefitfromtheirLegacy....................pg7 • Knights and Soldiers…………………………pg8 • Timeline………………………………………pg9 • Bibliography………………………………....pg10 • Conclusion……………………………………pg11

  3. Introduction MilitaryTechnologymadefewcontributionstotheMiddleAgeswars, themostimportantisthatmanypeopledeveloped new tactics of war. Manypeoplecould use itforprotection and alsoforfighting. The MilitaryTechnologywasanimportantsourcefortheMiddleagesor Medieval times. Withthisyoucouldkilleasier and winthebattleseasier.

  4. Mayor Accomplishments People start seeing that in warfare the most important group of weapons were the Siege weapons. At the Western World new weapons came, and also new defensive technologies, the crossbow was an example. Also were advances in the prosecution of sieges, the medieval people were curious about this military advances. The Ballista was a Roman Artillery rediscover at the Middle Ages, important and powerful source to attack. They develop or manage other subjects like math and science.

  5. Whatmadethemfamous At the Medieval times the siege weapons were the most important weapons for the people of the Middle Ages. The Medieval knights think as if this group of weapons was the only type of weapons that exist. And also (encouraged)all Western Europe think that they were good weapons because this weapons help them during the wars, The Crusades won by the Roman Ballista and all the Siege Weapons that they were use. At this time this weapon, the Roman Ballista was invaluable, was similar as a giant crossbow, that was made by the Greeks. This weapon was introduced to England for the battle of Hastings.

  6. Whatoccuredthatmaythemimportant Lands invade eachothertogainorwinpower, thisperiodwascalledthe Norman Conquest and thatanimportantbattlecalledtheBattle Hastings thatoccur at England. The Siegeweaponswerestrategyforwinbattlessuch as thearchitecturewerethemostimportantthings. WarlordsturntheirattentiontotheHolyLand, medieval weaponswereusedbyreligiousknightswhofought at thecrusades, was a turbulent era.

  7. Mayor Difficulties Military Technology have also difficult times.During the Dark Ages a man called Christendom abandoned sophisticated techniques of classical times. This was argued because it was not mentioned at the bible. Scientific advances, but some military techniques had abandoned and anybody remember them, Also affect building. This cause many bad things, like the importance o the church lost, relations into each class lost. Although during the middle ages series of military expeditions called the Crusades get in contact with other cultures that have more knowledge. Some cultures had develop science, math, and architecture. This subjects the Crusades did not have it, and the Crusades start developing a lot of things(medieval weapons).

  8. MilitaryTechnologyaccomplishedto… Military Technology accomplished to do important weapons for the Middle Ages. The people that attack many countries or important places win those battles by using the Roman Ballista as an important source to attack. Military Technology advance to get a famous place at the medieval times. Help people also for protect and win power. The most important is that this was successful in each battle. for each war some people used different tactics. Also with this advances military weapons develop and became better

  9. How do webenefitfromtheirlegacy? Withthispowerfulweaponswe are goingto be protectedfromourenemies. Helpedor defended otherpeoplewiththispowerfulweapons. Althoughtheweaponshavedevelopeachyear, to be more sophisticated and more curiousforthepeopletosee. The gunpowderletmanyinventionsthatstillbenefitustoday.

  10. Knights and soldiers Knights were not the only that fight with enemies, but were the most important. The foot soldiers and the archers were often more numerous. Some were made of men of the peasants. Knights used the military technology more, they can used any weapon, because the archers only used the crossbow, and the foot soldiers that many of them carried a long spear called pike.

  11. Timeline Magna Ballista, a mechanical heavy artiller, invented 747 ad Gunpowder spreads totheJapaneseislands 880ad AftertheRise of theMiddleAgesGunPowderdicover 580 ad

  12. Photos • Someweapons of the • middleages.

  13. Bibliography "The Medieval TechnologyTimeline." Medieval TechnologyPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 February 27 "Medieval Warfare." Medieval Warfare. N.p., n.d. Web 04 February, 25 "Ballista." Ballista. N.p., n.d. Web March, 1

  14. Conclusion MilitaryTechnologywasveryhelpfulformanypeople at theMiddleAges. Advance in eachweapon. I reallylikethistopicbecause I knowthat I can takeout a lot of information. I reallylikethistopicbecausehaveconnectionsto real life and helpmanypeopletoknowaboutthis importante sourcetoattack.

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